~Music Player~

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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Diary Entry - 31 December 2009








Good Day~!

posted at 6:00 PM

Diary Entry - 30 December 2009









Good Day!

posted at 2:21 AM


Sunday, December 27, 2009
Diary Entry - 26 December 2009
{~Metal Bands~}

They have successfully set into my mouth already. Now I have hands and legs which cannot move very conveniently, and a mouth that feels stuck. Metal wires don't taste that well.

And they are scratching my lips. I hope I get used soon, but brushing is a chore. Brushing teeth takes me about 15 minutes to brush, interdental brush, and rinse. That's a lot of work.

My next appointment is in January, after receiving my results. My results are coming so soon, I can't believe it. I hope I get awesome results.

Then there's also the 4H'09 chalet next Sunday. Full of things to do, I'm resting at home nicely for the next few days. :D

Nothing much to write, because I'm sleepy, and I want to sleep to forget my wounds and metal bands.

I shall sign off now. Good Day.

posted at 3:34 AM


Saturday, December 26, 2009
Diary Entry - 25 December 2009
{~Merry Christmas!~}

Merry Merry Christmas! Okay, it's already over.

Went out yesterday on the Eve with Qunjie and Chongwei to visit Duncan's family chalet in the morning. Supposed to meet at 10am at Northpoint, beside Starbucks. But I received an SMS at 10:02am from Qunjie who told me that he just woke up. So I ended up waiting at Northpoint with Chongwei while peeking at someone who was watching the latest episode of Bleach in Starbucks. XD

Took a bus to Duncan's chalet. Decided to go for lunch at McDonald's, then go cycling after the rain stops. We did, and rented an hour of bike. But that was not a very good idea. Just as we were heading back to the shop, there was a rather steep turn, and the ground was wet from the rain. I steered, lost balance, tried to break and stand firm, but the bike skidded off along the puddle and caught me. I fell, splashed into the puddle and grazed my elbow and knees. That was bad.

Went back to the chalet and played some card games with the guys and Duncan's sister and cousin. Then Chongwei had to go so we sent him off to some traffic light. Went back, rested for a while and decided to get ready for the barbecue. Duncan started the fire and we ate a lot of stuff. Duncan's family were all very friendly, it was a fun Christmas Eve... if I didn't fall. XD Thanks Duncan anyways.

Then we worried over the last train and bus, so we left at around 11:30PM. We walked to the bus stop, but the last bus just ran away. So we headed back to the MRT Station, and there, we sort of cheered for Christmas because we passed 12AM there. Then we started sending and receiving Christmas greetings from everyone. Took a long train trip back to Yishun. Qunjie then told me that the last bus is gone, so I had to walk home with my injury. But it turns out that the bus that takes me home was still in service when I reached home. >_>

I opened my letterbox to find a whole stack of advertisement booklets from the various polytechnics and random letters. I also received a Christmas card from Sumie (my host family's mother) who is in Perth right now.

So I took a painful shower and went to bed at around 4am after watching Soukon.

Today was boring, so I slept until 1:45PM to wake up for lunch. Today's my last day with bare teeth in two years or so, so I ate a lot of stuff. Getting my metal bands on tomorrow morning, so I've got to sleep earlier tonight. To do so, I shall sign off right now.

Good Day~ And have a nice New Year!

posted at 12:32 AM


Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Diary Entry - 16 December 2009
{~The Week Before Christmas~}

Happening~ Today was the first appointment for the metal bands at ToofDoctor at Tanjong Pagar. Recommended by my aunt, that place was good. Had a simple check today, had 2 X-rays and was made to make the mold for the study model by biting into some blue plasticine-like material. Don't ask me what they are, I have no idea.

Next appointment is this Saturday, 19 December 2009. I'll be seeing Dr. Anna Tang, the orthodontist to determine how many teeth to extract, before seeing the dentist, Dr. Choy again to do filling, extraction and cleaning on the same day. Then one week later on 26 December, the day right after Christmas, metal bands would come into play. Then one and a half to two years later, say goodbye to messiness and metal bands, and say hello to a new smile. :D

This is the shocking thing I heard today though, I don't know if that's normal, but the dentist, after looking at my X-ray, told me that I have 4 wisdom teeth. At all 4 corners. I don't know why people have wisdom teeth, but I would be happy to find out that the wiser someone is, the more wisdom teeth they have. Because that means I'm wise, but it's okay. There's no telling when they will grow out of my gum, but for now I'll just proceed with the metal bands. They may come out nicely after my teeth are fixed. If not I'll just have to extract them and waste a bit of money.

Going to Sentosa next week, or so they told me. I hope I don't look bad with two lost teeth. I'm really hoping that I do not need to extract any on the upper jaw because Dr. Choy told me that the spacings on my upper jaw are large, so I might not need to extract any. I'm hoping Dr. Anna says the same thing. Then I can save $120 and the pain. :D

Well, extracting 2 teeth are better than extracting all of them, like what my Mum did just a few weeks ago to make her dentures. She's currently left with 1 tooth.

Anyways, I really have to thank my Grandma for sponsoring me with $3K as an advanced 21st birthday present. I know it sounds weird, but she was preparing to find me a platinum necklace for my 21st birthday 5 years ahead. Since she gave my brother a necklace worth $2750, she said she would sponsor $3K. Dad will be made to pay the rest of the involved costs.

Instead of getting a necklace for my 21st birthday, I'm getting a proper set of teeth. How cool is that? XD And I was telling everyone, that I chose 2 years of physical discomfort over a lifetime of psychological one. I will stand by this view. :D

Anyways, I'll go entertain myself now. Waiting for people to come online.

Good Day~

posted at 10:13 PM


Saturday, December 12, 2009
Diary Entry - 11 December 2009
{~4H'09 Class Outing~}

Went out yesterday to find Qunjie after his work at a hellish restaurant. Seems like the restaurant really sucked. Never mind.

We ate at Pizza Hut, where we had Students' Special, $5.90++ for a pizza, soup and so-called free flow of Pepsi. Well, we only had two glasses. It was amazing though, that we sat in there for like 2 and a half hours just chatting about all sorts of things under the sun, and laughed like hell. I think the Pizza Hut staff must be very pissed off. XD

And today, I woke up early to go out for a class outing. Anna took much effort organizing it, so we went. Agreed to meet at Yishun MRT at 1015, but Duncan reached at... slightly later than 1030? XD And we were supposed to reach Ang Mo Kio MRT by 1030. Well, we were late by 20 minutes or so, but no one cared. Bought tickets to A Perfect Getaway and went for brunch at Pepper Lunch. First time having it, it was okay. :D

The movie was painful. The scenes were shot well, because the injuries looked really painful in the show. Ouch. The plot was full of twist and turns, but it was quite confusing at the end because of the excessive twists. Well, understood it though.

Then we came out, went to Safra Yishun to have karaoke session. The same 5 guys, roughly the same few songs, just a few new (???) songs for me. I don't know if they were there the last time I went though, but it was super cool. That I was looking for songs in the "Other Group Artists" section in the Japanese song section, and there were Doing All Right by Garnet Crow, Miso Soup by Tegomass, and under the Male Artists section was Yamapi, with Daite Senorita. And they were from the original PVs, instead of some made up PVs of people standing around in busy streets or looking at the sea. So it was fun singing them~!!!

And of course, 2 ZARD songs, Kimi ni Aitaku Nattara and Mou Sagasanai. Well, I sang Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku too, but the song was supposed to be Field of View's. Duncan apparently knew the song too because it was from Dragonball GT. :D Should have tried Don't You See! too.

Oh well, spent quite a bit of money here and there, but it was interesting. Wouldn't be spending too much this holidays again I think.

But I did a good thing yesterday. I was at the MRT station waiting for Marvin, who was late. Rather, we agreed to meet at 1330, but the bus was slow so I reached at 1345 or something. He was even later, he reached at like 1400. And just like a minute or so before he reached, this promoter came to me and told me that she was asking for donations to some disabled society. And it was $10. That's a lot, and being the kind self I am, I gave it to her and got this ticket thing for nothing. Well, there was a serial number, so I'm going to ask Mum to buy 4D. LOL. So, if Marvin were to have come 2 minutes or so earlier, I would have saved $10. But who knows, it's good to do good deeds. >_>

Going to Grandma's house tomorrow. Another random day out~ I'll sit around and sleep or play with my computer tomorrow. I shall sign off now.

Good Day~

posted at 1:58 AM


Thursday, December 10, 2009
Diary Entry - 9 December 2009

Dear blog, sorry to have neglected you for almost a month now. I did sign in after Graduation Night to try to post about it, but the photo uploader failed to appease me so I just closed the whole damn thing out of irritation. And my life, like usual, was awfully plain despite the freedom I'm supposed to be having right now. So well, I'm here to post.

I'll try to upload the Graduation Night photos in the next entry if the damn photo uploader does work. In the mean time, I'll just talk about what happened since my last post. When was it anyways? *checks blog*

Okay, I stopped right after 'O' Levels, I see. What happened after that? I went out with the guys to shop for Graduation Night equipments clothes. Well, I had the things I needed, I just bought a pair of man-made leather shoes and a pair of trousers to fit the requirements. >_>

Well, the shopping was draggy and the results didn't turn out very well. We kept going into extravagant shops where there are things we can't afford. So there.

Graduation Night was fun, all the random events. Getting a super lame Colours Award for what I do not know. Then apparently one of the awardees was confirmed to be down with H1N1 on that very day, so everyone had to wash hands. Well, who cares.

(Oh, by the way, I stopped typing for like 30 seconds just now because I heard some knocking sounds around the place. I stopped my music to listen, and realised that it was a stupid motor bike downstairs which failed terribly in starting its engine. LOL)

Next. Graduation Night was fun, yes. Danced and jumped around like crazy. Well I always was, so it was okay. Took photos with many people. Rather, I took photos mainly with the few that I don't talk so much with frequently, and none with the guys if I remembered. I don't have any photos with them.

Then at the end, there was a strong feeling of loneliness and sadness towards the school and everyone in it. 4 years just passed by in a flash, everyone grew up so much from who they used to be. Life just goes on.

Went out to watch 2012 on a Sunday I think. I started having a cough on the Saturday night, so I was quite suffering while watching. It was a nice movie nonetheless. But I coughed throughout just like how I did for Bolt last year. Then I came home to have a shower. As expected, I went down with a fever of around 38.5 degrees Celsius. The next day, it sort of went up to 39.1 at one point, so it was quite bad. Managed to survive the fever though. I went to see the doctor on a Tuesday I think, and he barely spoke to me for 3 minutes. Then I went out to take my medicine and paid him. $28. Then I went for lunch then went home.

Miracle was, my fever went down totally after just paying him. I haven't even taken the damn medicine. My doctor has reached a newer level of medicine. Wow.

Then I've been at home until now. I haven't seen any of the guys at all, I've only been going out with my parents to Northpoint or EXPO sales. Playing a lot of computer, etc.

Took some DVDs from my brother to watch. Nostalgic degree 120%, Yu Yu Hakusho. I only watched the Dark Tournament section, and I couldn't remember some parts, but remember some more dramatic parts. It was like 6 and a half years since I watched it on TV! How nostalgic. Actually, Yu Yu Hakusho was probably the main reason why I started taking up Japanese Language because I loved the songs so much. "Homework ga Owaranai", "Sayonara Bye Bye", "Unbalance na Kiss wo Shite", and of course, "Hohoemi no Bakudan". The me at that time couldn't read a single word of Japanese but now I'm around JLPT2. Isn't time just amazing?

Talking about that, yes, I've taken my JLPT2 last Sunday at Singapore Management University. It was in a seminar room. I didn't study. I skipped the practice sessions in MOELC because of Graduation Night preparation, and I couldn't print the materials. I read a bit online, but the vocabulary list was so darn long. I read from A to KA, and from there, I made use of 2 words in the exams itself. The rest are mysteries, but I made various correct guesses. The paper was fine!

And I've joined this K-chan NEWS Subbing Team as a translator in training. Somehow I began listening to K-chan NEWS too because it's a whole lot of fun. There are reasons why certain radio shows can continue on for 4 years or so, right? Master Hits, K-chan NEWS, both are great. I'll try to do subtitles for videos as well, but right now I'll start with simpler stuff. I can get really pissed keep doing subs.

Anyways, after cooping up at home for over 2 weeks, I'm finally going out to catch a breather tomorrow! That is, I'm going to find Qunjie at where he works to accompany him during his break. Apparently he hates his waiter job at Velocity, and he has a 4 hour break between lunchtime and dinnertime. And no one's working with him tomorrow, so I'll go with Marvin to accompany him through 4 hours of boredom. We're great friends, eh? Thank me if you see this. XD

And Friday's 4H'09 class outing. Going to watch some movies, then some other stuff afterwards. I have no idea what.

I'm starting to speak like I'm hosting a radio show. K-chan NEWS overdose. I listened too much.

I'll try to sleep now. It's not early already. Good Day~

posted at 2:23 AM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife