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Saturday, October 31, 2009
Diary Entry - 31 October 2009
{~Happy Halloween~}

Well, it's Halloween. Somehow, I never celebrated it anyways.

Mugging very badly for Social Studies now, and I'm falling asleep without even completing any one chapter! Holy bull crap. I'm going to die. I hope I somehow can remember some facts here and there and link all my points correctly. Venice is so long. I can spend my whole life just remembering the RISE of Venice. What about the FALL? And there's globalization. I'm still short of the strategies. Going to study them tomorrow, together with some Iraq & Kuwait things, as well as Deterrence and Diplomacy. Time is so tight

But one great and awesome thing happened today! Or rather, yesterday, but I only got to know about it today.

That was, Massu read my mail on Master Hits! It was one I sent in quite long ago, I didn't send any this week. That mail was at least 3 to 4 weeks ago. Well~ He read it. And I did ask him to come over to Singapore when he's free to play. He said he wanted to see the Merlion and the Night Safari.

Well, because my question to him was to ask him what he would do if he won 10 million yen in a lucky draw. He said to buy loads of clothes, eat high-class sushi and come to Singapore (because I asked him to).

That made my day. :D Anyways, I shall embed the videos here. They were recordings posted as videos on YouTube. Thanks to ozbeef2008 for uploading every week.

Decided to make it small because the image is still. That was the whole show this week. My mail was at the end of the first part, continuing into the start of the second part.

Enjoy the whole show this week! Quite a lot of random noises because it was a radio show. Enjoy nonetheless. :D :D :D

I shall go read some more Venice. Good Day!

posted at 9:43 PM


Thursday, October 29, 2009
Diary Entry - 29 October 2009
{~4 Days Over~}

Left with 11 papers I think. Around two weeks more till we conquer the papers.

Next week sounds really tolling, with the 3 heavy content subjects being tested on each day. Fortunately, on different days. Social Studies and Chemistry on Monday, Physics and Geography on Wednesday and Biology on Friday. Well, this weekend's reserved for Social Studies, next Tuesday's for Geography and next Thursday Biology. I hope I manage to remember the facts and know how to write them nicely.

I'm really aiming for 10 A1s. No joke. Well, Miss Kaur did say that even if you suck at Humanities, there are cases of people managing to clinch an A1 for it. So I shall try hard.

English was over. I'm not very easy about it. Well, the comprehension was alright, my composition didn't seem really good because the inspirations just did not come like during my two Prelims. I wrote a very lame story and I didn't really have enough time to plan. I hope I can get an A1 for English. Really hope.

E-Maths was simple, I'm quite confident of getting an A1 for it. A-Maths Paper 1 was today. I made a very very very stupid mistake because I didn't have enough blood in my brain or something. Apparently I wrote 0 x X^2 = X^2. Shit. That's like 3 marks gone. And the other one about the radioactive material looks like another 2 marks gone. I'm left with 75/80 at most for my Paper 1. I hope I still get an A1 and for that, I'm going to do better for Paper 2.

But I'm still not studying. I don't know where to study. I understand the topics, so it's up to application of the skills. I hope I have 120% form tomorrow to score an A1.

Next week sounds really bad. The last week is alright, with only the Higher Chinese Papers being a bit threatening, I hope I can do well for Higher Chinese too. *prays hard*

I can't imagine what to do starting from 9:00am, 13 November 2009. The last battle, Chemistry Paper 1, multiple choice questions. And I don't know what I can do until I get my results next year. I hope for something good to happen. Apparently my life is kind of shitty, and I think it will remain shitty.

Let me get the A1s, please. XD I'm quite paranoid. Very paranoid, and I'm going nuts typing nonsense right now.

To end this post, let's watch a video. Sunadokei by Tegomass. Xueying asked me to translate the lyrics, and I did. And I found that this song is great too, so enjoy.

Alright, I shall go read a bit on A-Maths. Good Day.

posted at 10:28 PM


Friday, October 16, 2009
Diary Entry - 16 October 2009
{~'O' Levels Chapter 1 Closed~}

Japanese is officially over. No more Japanese 'O' Levels papers. :D JC Japanese sounds hard, I'll try hard too then. >_>

The papers were quite fine. Manageable, I could do most, if not all, of the questions, and the compositions were okay too. Just that it was great trouble waking up at 5.30am and 6am to rush to the examination venues.

And guess what, I ran into Jane this morning on the MRT train. Haha. What a coincidence. She was taking it to school and me, to Bishan. And we just happened to be standing at the same door. LOL.

More papers are coming and it's quite sad because I still am not studying. My life is quite stupid. When thinking of what to do in the future, I really didn't know. What do I like? Nothing. Big problem here. No motivation, no work, no results. Shit.

English Papers are next on the 26th. 10 days from now and it's kinda shitty. I think I will flunk English because I can never score well for English anyhow I try. It's disgusting.

Never mind. I'm thinking of doing Physics today. But I get tired easily over Physics papers. Damn. I'm going to die.

Moving on to lighter topics. Waiting for Master Hits again to be uploaded tomorrow. And ItteQ coming Monday or something. In the meantime, I'm quite stuck on this very dramatic song again by Garnet Crow, from their newest album, Stay ~夜明けのSoul~. It's called Hello Sadness, apparently with reference to this book of the same name by a French author Sagan. The PV is beautiful and the one I found has awesome quality. Dramatic like usual. Enjoy, Hello Sadness.

Alright, I shall sign off now. Good Day.

posted at 7:44 PM


Sunday, October 4, 2009
Diary Entry - 3 October 2009
{~Mid-Autumn Festival~}

Or so it was called. Not exactly though. Well...

Woke up late this morning for Physics remedial... It started at 8am and I woke up and checked my phone, 08:03am. =.= Rushed out and reached there like 10 to 15 minutes later. Well, it wasn't going to start anytime soon anyways.

Did pretty well for the second Physics Mock paper. Quite satisfied. Then came home and slept for a while before going out to Northpoint to buy something for Aunt's house warming cum birthday party.

Reached there and it was something like Chinese New Year, except that there was a lack of red packets going round.

The catering service was scheduled to come at around 6pm. Yes, it was, 6pm of 4 October. Aunt forgot to check her receipt or something, so when something went wrong, the fastest they could get there food there was like 7+ or 8pm. I had to leave early to go for the 2H'07 Mid-Autumn gathering.

Wasn't much anyways. Just lit a few candles and sparked off some fireworks. Was really short and had to go home really soon. Well, it was raining until rather late, so lighting candles in the open was a no-no. The winds were killing all the candles in no time. Qunjie didn't manage to complete his project, that was quite sad. I just sat around and looked rather blank I guess.

Then came home and played two rounds of very disappointing DotA games. Never mind about that.

きっと明日はsunny day!

Or so goes Tegomass's song.

Well, one more week of school before the 2 weeks self study session and then the big O. Not very easy, but not very hyped up as well. I pray that I can do well and that's all my mind allows me to do.

Anyways, it's late and I'm going to watch Detective Conan. Good Day.

posted at 1:58 AM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife