~Music Player~

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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Diary Entry - 30 August 2009


Well, it was by a SMALL margin, but I'm happy enough.

Congratulations to Duncan too. He said after the paper that if he "passes this paper", his "grandma will be resurrected". And he should get back his grandma somehow. >_> BECAUSE HE PASSED TOO. XD

Gee, ate too much today. Having a bloated stomach and a bad hiccup. *hik*

Having my Japanese Prelims Oral tomorrow, nothing much to worry over, because there's nothing I can worry about. Then all the rest... PLUS, GCE 'O' Levels Japanese Language Oral Examinations on FRIDAY. That's like every school day to MOELC. *sadded*

Well, time for TV. I shall rest well today. Teachers' Day~

Good Day~

posted at 9:49 PM


Friday, August 28, 2009
Diary Entry - 28 August 2009
{~Half Down~}

Like, almost more than half my Prelims 2 are down and gone with the wind~

But my A-Maths still don't look good. Crap.

Next week will be tiring. Teachers Day Celebration, followed by Prelims Japanese Oral on Monday. Tuesday is an off-day for us. A-Maths Paper 2 + Physics Paper 2 + Japanese Usage & Composition on Wednesday. (I am so going to die). Chemistry Paper 1 and Japanese Reading and Listening Comprehension on Thursday. And there I thought that my Prelims were over when the last two papers are over and done with, this comes. Biology and Physics Paper 1, followed by actual 'O' Levels Japanese Oral on Friday.

Every school day next week is a visit to MOELC.

Talking about that, we just went for the talk about H1 and H2 Japanese yesterday. It was terribly scary. They were saying that H2 Japanese is like a General Paper in Japanese. And that unless we are really proficient in the language and have passion for the language and the Japanese culture, we are highly recommended NOT to take H2 Japanese. However, taking H2 Japanese allows me to not take Economics as a contrasting subject, which is good. Well, Junior College life will be totally no life for me I guess. Everything seems so packed with coursework and things like that. T_T

It was 七夕 on Wednesday, and you guessed it, another lonely year for me. But it's okay, I'm too busy for those things too. *Optimism +1* Talking of this, Tanabata Matsuri just begins playing on my shuffle playlist. :D

So boring. So lame. But, it's the weekends anyway. Still, there's Physics tomorrow. *sighs*

Never mind, I shall enjoy the night. Good Day~

posted at 9:59 PM


Monday, August 24, 2009
Diary Entry - 24 August 2009
{~Preliminary Catastrophe~}

Shit. Badly.

Kicked off the day with Chemistry Paper 2. It was manageable and was easier than that of Prelims 1. That was a good sign. I could do most of the questions, albeit some careless mistakes and things like that.

Totally killed during A-Maths because the whole cohort seemed to have died very very badly. Not just the normal exaggeration, but totally. This was one of the worst examinations nightmare of the cohort, the paper it was just terribly difficult and there was a certain extent of mental blockage. Everyone had around 30/80 marks deducted because of blank questions. Me too. *cries*

Then after the heart-wrenching A-Maths paper, it was time for English 'O' Levels Oral. It was scary. Waiting there was like waiting to be executed. The teachers looked amicable and friendly, which was a good thing. I think I did relatively well for my Reading Passage and Picture Discussion, but I think I lacked content in the Conversation part because my mind was so scrambled. Am glad that I managed to throw in some vocabulary here and there though. I hope I can get around 36/40 for Oral. Because the other parts are hard to score in. This is bad...

Well, so it was like that. Came home to sleep. Didn't revise any work today because it is going to be English Papers 1 and 2 tomorrow. Going to watch one more episode of Majo Saiban (The Witch Trial) before heading off to dreamland.

Hope tomorrow will be a great examination day. Good Day.

posted at 11:50 PM


Sunday, August 23, 2009
Diary Entry - 22 August 2009


Okay, I shan't post in Japanese.

But before I start describing how it went, I have to say, I'm never going to be so nice and I must fight for my own gains.

Like while queuing up for the tickets, which was very very long, this Japanese uncle came over to sell his tickets. 5 of them, just nice. And somehow, he came and he started speaking in Japanese, as if he knew I understood. Well, I knew that he was selling his tickets, and he stated his reason. I didn't catch/understand it completely, so I stopped to ask him what exactly was happening and he said something about "over", and I didn't know what was. At first he was using a vocabulary which I didn't understand. So while trying to figure out what exactly happened, I didn't know that there were such people like that auntie who cut into our conversation and bought the tickets away. I was too stunned for words because she came like the wind.

Well, I have to say, she knew her rules and guides in queuing long queues. Next time something like that happens, I am so just going to grab the tickets first. Being nice and civilised doesn't work in such situations I think.

Anyways, the festival was alright. But my brother said it was very different and less enjoyable compared to what he had the last time. Bought some food, got a Pokemon paper fan which was uber cute, and played the Yo-Yo Fishing thing. Well, I'm getting good at it, being able to fish up 4 Yo-Yos with one hook. But because I was rushing for time, I just let it die later. XD Bought some Pokemon Origami paper, Magic Dice, and a Natsu Matsuri T-Shirt. Well, it was the 2007 one, which was one of the nicest designs. Gonna wear it casually soon.

Well, then it was a long way home. Went to Tampines for dinner at Manpuku. Gee, it was expensive. And there was this woman sitting at the table beside us, and she was fat, eating her very heavy meal with her family. My brother said his stomach wasn't feeling very well, so he pointed at the food at that table and said "I can't take such heavy food like that now". And the woman thought that he was saying that she was heavy or fat, so she stared over like throughout the whole meal. What a nuisance, just admit that you're fat, and understand English please. Yes, and please, don't wear a lousy T-shirt and shorts and go into a restaurant to eat, those are for coffee shops.

And we went home from there. So tiring walking all over the place. Feeling quite great that I bought a lot of stuff, again. My wallet is crying...

Well, going to study tomorrow and work hard towards my dreams~ Muahaha. Good Day!

posted at 12:11 AM


Thursday, August 20, 2009
Diary Entry - 20 August 2009
{~Prologue of Prelims 2~}

Here we go again. Prelims 2 starts tomorrow and it kicks off with my worst subject, Social Studies. Crap. No choice, I just have to hope that something good happens.

Anyways, today was quite tiring too. Every Thursday is tiring. Had Japanese lessons today. Well, after chatting with Edmund, we have decided that we shall make a song.

Well, I can't read nor write music at all because I'm a music-retard when it comes to notes and things like that, but I sure can write lyrics. And he can compose, or so he claimed. So we agreed that he shall compose the song and I shall write the lyrics to it. So looking forward to making it a great song. Be sure to check out for it.

Social Studies tomorrow and my head is aching now. I must sleep. I shall sign off here. Good Day.

posted at 11:18 PM


Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Diary Entry - 18 August 2009
{~Falling Flat~}

Well, not really.

It was yesterday, a great day because it rained in quite a while, and heavy one on top of that. So it was so enjoyable walking in the corridors with the strong winds gushing past me while preparing to go home, even singing Liu Wen Zheng's song. But who would have thought that such cruel fate awaited me.

Crossing the road without an umbrella on a rainy day is not advisable for people of any ages. Well, because it was raining, we were supposed to run across as soon as the light turned green. We've all done this many times already so it was not a problem at all. Just that this time, there was someone, I don't remember whether was it Xueying or another lady holding an umbrella. Because she has an umbrella, she was slowly strolling on the road while I had to run. So I had to overtake her to reach there quickly, and I stepped to the side to try to overtake her. Who would have known that Marvin's leg from behind would trip me accidentally, making me fall on the slippery road. It was good that it was slippery, and that I'm a Secondary Four student wearing long pants, or my right knee would have rotten.

It still grazed for a bit against my pants and now it is injured, but not that badly. My left palm was also grazed when I fell. *sobs*

Well, I did manage to stand up immediately and rushed to the other side before anything worse like being run over by a car happened. No, that would not happen because I ran during green lights.

So there, that was my poor fate yesterday. XD

Today is another boring day, sitting around, doing almost nothing at all. Slept for 3 hours for my nap, this isn't helping much but hell, it was enjoyable.

My ulcer hasn't recovered and I just sustained another injury. What bad luck I have this year. Boo.

Okay, I shall watch some TV shows right now. See you again. Good Day~

posted at 11:11 PM


Sunday, August 16, 2009
Diary Entry - 15 August 2009
{~Happy 200th Post~}

Well, it's been quite some time since I actually started blogging. Nearing 3 years already, how time flies...

Woke up really early and feeling crappy today because of Physics supplementary early in the morning. Went there to do one Paper 2, which was so boring. Came home and slept some more.

In the afternoon, Mum told me that we should go visit my maternal grandma at the hospital with my paternal grandma before she gets discharged on Monday or so. Well, not that she has recovered, unfortunately. The doctors just do not have any cures for her illness, because it was due to old age. There's no way to save degenerating organs and things like that, so she should just be discharged and rest at home or something.

She seemed quite fine this afternoon when we reached, she could speak and even raise her legs to allow blood flow. But later she went into a daze, not knowing whether she wants to sleep or not. I left earlier with my paternal grandma because my aunt went to fetch us.

Came home and rested more. Today just seems so tiring for no good reasons. Still on Tactics Ogre. It's quite addictive to see characters level up over time. :D

Now, video time. GARNET CROW's new single, Hana wa Saite Tada Yurete. I have added it in the playlist already, so this is just a better version. And I love the video of the PV because it looks so nice with the flowers and such. And Yurippe is a beautiful lady.

Enjoy, Hana wa Saite Tada Yurete. (The flowers bloomed and just sways)

Great ya? Good Day~ Happy 200th post.

posted at 12:57 AM


Thursday, August 13, 2009
Diary Entry - 12 August 2009
{~Day of the Soup~}

At first I thought that she was just joking, but somehow, she really came with a brand new pot and a brand new induction heater to make soup for the class today. Well, I was the one who washed the chicken wings and threw in all the herbs, she just stood and instructed me though. No matter, it was her thoughts that counts. She bought those things anyways. Thanks Mrs Choo. XD

That was slightly before recess. There was Physics SPA Skill 3 before the soup making session, and it was rather disgusting. I hate SPAs. Really. Well, now that it's over, I can rest well and stretch.

Feeling quite accomplished right now because I completed 5 sets of homework in a day. That may not be a lot, but it is to me because I'm lazy. Somehow I managed to catch an hour or so of sleep before continuing with the rest of the work. Chemistry, Chemistry, English, Social Studies, Japanese~ So much work and I'm still stuck here wanting to watch Detective Conan~ XD

Anyways, been quite interested in Tegomass again recently because of their new single and album. Tanabata Matsuri is nice, and another great song is Kataomoi no Chiisana Koi. I love the lyrics, how they are simple and yet bring out the true emotions of a crush. A short, live version is embedded below, together with Tanabata Matsuri PV.

Enjoy the videos. Detective Conan time~ Good Day!

posted at 12:26 AM


Monday, August 10, 2009
Diary Entry - 10 August 2009

Things are not turning out exactly well.

Went to my maternal grandma's place today again to see her. Seems that her condition has deteriorated further since two weeks ago. Now she can barely stand, and she needs people to move her around by carrying her instead of just supporting her while she walked.

When we went in, she was lying on the bed, showing some signs of a stroke. Seems that her mental condition is still okay, except the fact that she hallucinates at night. When there are people around her, she can understand what people are saying and can still respond accordingly. She could also recognize Mum. Later while she was carried out to sit on the chair in the living room, I was by her side holding her hands to keep her company together with my Mum. Seems like she is afraid of loneliness and needs someone to be with her all the time.

While holding her hands, though through a towel because she was feeling cold at first, her hands were trembling. The doctor said it was a stroke on the small brain which controls the limbs, causing her not to be able to move freely. Later they called for a civic ambulance to send her to her designated Mount Alvernia Hospital. Yes, at first she rejected the idea of a hospital, but later showed no signs of rejection and even designated that "Christian hospital" because she used to visit there. No, we're all Buddhist.

Which brings me to my point of coincidence. It is my Brother's birthday today. And exactly 22 years ago, he was born at Mount Alvernia Hospital. Who would have thought that 22 years later, Mum would visit it again on the very same day with her own mother. Brother and I didn't visit the hospital because he didn't want to visit a hospital on his birthday, which is deemed to be unlucky. And so my parents decided that the young ones should go home first.

Grandma is still hospitalized for further observation, and I think she's scheduled for a brain scan to see what exactly is wrong with her before specialists can prescribe any medications. I pray that she's alright.

One more weekend has passed by and one step closer to the 'O' Levels. Time is passing so quickly and so many things are happening all at once. And here I am procrastinating on my work and revision. This does not bode well for me. I need to perk up. I need help...

Alright, I shall attempt a few A-Maths questions now. Good Day.

posted at 10:31 PM


Saturday, August 8, 2009
Diary Entry - 7 August 2009
{~Record Breaking "Absentism"~}

Or so the word was coined by Miss Isma herself.

National Day celebration, and guess how many people out of 45 came to school today? Yes, 24.

Miss Isma came personally to take our attendance and there were 26 people then. Later Junhao was forced to go home because he had a 7 day medical certificate and later Duncan did too, because he went up to 38 degrees. Miss Wong who came to take his temperature with her ear-thermometer had it malfunction. XD

Then we were banned from the Hall and from anyone else because we were badly infected by some unknown virus. Ended up not being able to watch the last National Day celebration in CCHY. *sighs*

But we got to paint our fishes... or something. My fish looked so disgusting I don't even want to mention about it. XD

Forced to leave at 10am because we weren't supposed to come into contact with anyone else. Depending on the situation, we might not need to attend school on Tuesday, or we might be quarantined.

Came home and slept. Parents came back at 12.30pm and woke me up to have lunch, and then I slept again until 2.30pm. Went out to register for my JLPT2 before going to shop at Bugis Junction. Planned to spend my $50 voucher at Kinokuniya, but didn't manage to because of the lack of variety of books there. Ended up getting myself a handphone pouch at BHG, or rather, Dad got it for me. Not very happy with it because there are pressed marks on the PVC leather as it was squeezed in the package with a metal hook thing. Sadded.

Came home feeling hungry like nothing. Had a huge serving of macaroni and slacked all the way until now. Going to Grandma's place for the third Saturday in a row to celebrate birthdays. I shall see what I can do tomorrow.

I shall slack somemore now. Good Day.

posted at 1:03 AM


Thursday, August 6, 2009
Diary Entry - 6 August 2009
{~Virus is all over the place~}

Guess what, of the 45 people in class, 11 were absent this morning and 4 more went home halfway through the day. So at the end of the day, we had like 2/3 of the class left because everyone else went down with fever. I have no idea why nothing like that had ever happened before this period of H1N1. I'm quite positive that the virus is somewhere in my body right now, just that probably my body killed it before it attacked or it is still sleeping. Well... Let's wait.

So we were supposed to see the Principal today during assembly, but he requested that we do not turn up lest 4F and 4G got infected by our deadly class. Now our classroom is an infected area, and Miss Isma says that she will get it disinfected tomorrow. Sounds so cool~

Besides that, Miss Kaur also went down with some illness today, so it's like the whole 4H'09 is attacked by a strong virus, and yet I'm doing all right. I tried to get myself to catch a fever so that I could leave school early or something, but my temperature could barely get to the 37 degrees mark. Interesting day. :D

I don't know why, but we are still required to attend the National Day celebration tomorrow despite us not being allowed into the AVA room today. Weird.

Never mind, but I'm too tired. Had P.E. early in the morning, then there was also Japanese class today. *sighs* Randomness...

Let's look forward to tomorrow and see if I come down with anything. XD

Well, I shall slack around more while I'm at it. Good Day~

posted at 10:54 PM


Monday, August 3, 2009
Diary Entry - 2 August 2009
[~One Week's Absence?~]

No, this week was just as normal. Which is why I didn't really feel like posting anything at all. Because there really was nothing much to post about.

Let's see, Chemistry Actual SPA tomorrow, but I'm too random to be bothered by it. I guess it's something really plain and such. Got back our Prelims 1 results slip last Wednesday or so. Did moderately I guess, but I think I could have done better. Shit, I need my motivation. This year is REALLY bad. I must buck up. Help me, allow me to help myself. Really. Stop all these nonsense. *prays*

Went for a haircut this afternoon after realizing that my hair is in quite a mess after a month and a half or so. Feeling quite refreshed with shorter hair right now. And it's back to normal assembly tomorrow morning, no more slacking around in the classroom and back to more boring and lame sitting-in-the-parade-square nonsense. With no chair and no tables, and sitting on the ground is super lame.

Back to having Mdm Sue's lessons every Wednesday too. Well, did oral this week and we'll be having Comprehension next week. Really, her lessons kind of scare me, but I think it is this intimidation that drives students to study.

More and more lame and boring things are awaiting me. Life in Secondary 4 is indeed draining and plain. Well, if only Heavens is kind enough to solve some of my troubles and add some spices to my life, I would be extremely grateful.

Then again, I think I really should sleep already. I hate Chemistry SPA. Totally. I hate life. *shakes head*

Good Day.

posted at 12:18 AM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife