Tuesday, June 30, 2009
[~Starting Anew, Again~] Guu Guu~ The new term was quite peaceful~ At least I started doing some Maths and stuff. Gotta keep it rolling. The two days were quite smooth, just that I had this terrible gastric pain yesterday morning in school. I had a packet of Milo in the morning but I was still starving. Sort of hurt for over an hour or so. Gaahh... And today too, I was starving at lunchtime even though I had a normal recess. My appetite must have increased during the holidays. Rawr. I'm not too sure if we are going to have Mdm Sue's lessons tomorrow after school. I'm fine with either. But she's intimidating alright. My A-Maths is bad. I can't integrate. XD I shall try hard. :D Alrighty, I shall go work hard now. Good Day. posted at 7:50 PM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
[~Day @ Grandma's~] Woke up at slightly past 11am this morning and found that it was early. Indeed, my Dad woke me up because he didn't know how to describe Mum's job as a canteen vendor. There you go. Got changed soon and got out to Grandma's place for lunch. Her house was almost empty because everything is in my home right now. Gehehe. The plan was to go take a look at their new home after Aunt got back from work, so I fooled around with my laptop and took a short nap from 1445 to 1525. Got to her new condominium, which was... I'm at a loss for words to describe it. Well, it was great looking and seemed awesome for one or two people, but the rooms are terribly small and I can't imagine having a family staying there. So there you go. Had dinner at Alexandra Village or something nearby their new home then went back to their current house. They continued with Mahjong while I fooled around more with my computer. Gehehe. Ended really late at almost 12 midnight. Got home to shower and I'm blogging right now because I'm waiting for my hair to dry. Spent half a day with Grandma. Wahaha. Still a bit shocked at Michael Jackson's sudden death. Just hours before he died, I was watching his Thriller video on YouTube after talking to Jane about the Indian Thriller. I believe he was still alive and kicking then. I read another article about him that said that he was very energetic and enthusiastic about his comeback concert, but unfortunately passed away before his comeback and before his fans could once again see the Michael of old. This of course reminded me of ZARD as well. Why do great musicians always have to leave us so early? They have lived for barely half a century. Indeed, life is fragile. While I am blogging right now, who knows what may happen tomorrow and in the near future? Thinking of that again reminds me of Mdm Goh's philosophy of life, 活在当下, to live in the current reality. Do not look too far forward, do not reminiscence on the past excessively, live now to the fullest to not leave any regrets in your life should anything unlucky happen. Once again, Michael Jackson and Sakai Izumi, may you rest in peace. Good Day. posted at 1:37 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009
[~Peixin Reunion~] Before I start elaborating on our outing today, let me first express my sorrow for the death of Michael Jackson, who has unfortunately passed away yesterday due to cardiac arrest. I only heard about it this morning when I was on my Dad's car to his school to help out at their stall with the pre-school reopen cleaning. That was when I was about to SMS Qunjie to ask him to check if what I heard was correct, when my phone rang. Marvin has SMSed me to inform me of the shocking news. Michael Jackson, although I was never really a huge fan of yours, but I do appreciate your music and you have definitely changed my life somehow. For that, I thank you and wish that you may rest in peace. So I was at my parents' school stall helping out with cleaning the dishes and stuff. Went home at 12+ after having lunch. Showered and left for Yishun Safra again for pool then karaoke. :D Pool was normal, was quite lucky and had some lucky shots. Then Ziyun said she was not going to join us for karaoke because she was broke. So we called Jane to get her there immediately. Went for karaoke at 1530, and sang for 4 hours. Started off with a tribute to Michael Jackson, Heal the World. Then things got heated up with Umbrella and things like that. Sang a lot today because Edsel and Jane were quite passive and did not choose many songs. Or maybe it was because I was too active in selecting songs. Really, sang loads of Pop and Enka, like ZARD and Mikawa Kenichi. I finally got to sing さそり座の女 today, though the MV was disgusting. Also sang other songs like 北国の春、北国夜曲、津軽海峡.冬景色、風に立つ、夫婦善哉、東京ホテル、泣かせ雨、心を開いて、世界はきっと未来の中、運命のルーレット廻して、Promised you, Get U're Dream, 新しいドア~冬のひまわり~、眠れない夜を抱いて、もう探さない、願い事ひとつだけ、Truth、深い森、真実の詩、and of course the most exciting performance, 天城越え。 They wanted to hear the 恨んでも part, or at least Jane wanted to. And it was so fun hanging out with them and screaming around. Ended off at 1930, took one photo and left for home. Photo! Peixin spirit, ROCK ON! Good Day! posted at 9:50 PM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
[日本語:家具運び] 晴れてから雨 うわぁ~長い一日だったな~ もう、久しぶりに6時起き。眠かったね...けど、朝の外は凄く気持ちよかったな。旅行しているように早起きして、外が真っ暗で、空気もさわやかだったし、なかなかこれから早起きしていきたいなと感じた。だけどね、そんなことは起こらないんだね。明日はまた昼まで寝るから。 まあ、いろんな家具を運んできたな。部屋にも新しい感じがする。前とはほとんど違う様で、新鮮感があるよね。そして結構広くなったし、綺麗な感じだ~ それでね、運んだあとで雨が降って、空も暗くなったから、もう夜7時になっちゃうと思ったら、まだ3時だったんだ。 けどね、今日指切ったんだ。左手の親指がペンナイフに切られて、血が出たんだ。今はばんそうこうが貼ってて、なかなか指が使えない。ケヘヘ。 さっき、ソファでうたた寝しようとしたら、寝坊しちゃって、ポケモンを見なかったんだ。悔しい... まあいいっか。クレヨンしんちゃんを見に行くんだから、Good Day! posted at 9:40 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
[Wahaha~!] Wahaha! I'm still high. Don't know why. Went back to school early morning for a bit of Chemistry. I could do Chemistry! Wahaha! Totally randomly crazy today. Don't know why too. Wahaha. Getting "new" furnitures tomorrow. Courtesy from Aunt because she's moving soon. Wahaha, my room gets a new look. And I'll have to wake up at 6am tomorrow. No wahaha. Tiring. But my whole house gets a new look. Yay. I keep speaking in short sentences today. I don't know why, but WAHAHA. Totally too random. I shall stop. Wahaha! Good Day! posted at 10:55 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
[~Day Out @ Karaoke~] Well~ back from the 4 hours karaoke spree~ Man, we love karaoke. 4 hours of non-stop crazy singing and screaming. I think we're qualified for the loudest group there just now. XD They have quite some great songs there. Quite a lot of ZARD's songs as well. I only sang 4 of them though. 運命のルーレット廻して、愛が見えない、痛いくらい君が溢れているよ、Good Day. Also got to sing some oldies like 東京ホテル and 泣かせ雨. Well, I selected さそり座の女, but the MV was too disgusting so they decided to skip it before I could sing even three lines. The MV started with a wig dropped on the ground, followed by two men. One was sitting before the mirror, fixing back his woman wig, the other was on the bed, half naked. So it was too frivolous and they skipped it. There was also some Cantonese songs lik 千千阙歌 and 曼珠沙华. Enjoyed a lot of singing. Decided that there was not enough time so they rushed through all the later songs which them spammed totally. Like 5 pages in an hour. We didn't complete them of course but it was fun. Also had some very high songs like Sweat (A La La La La Long) and Umbrella. Ended with 我难过 and we basically screamed the song. :D Heavy metal style. Karaoke is great for relaxing. And it's not so extravagant, so really, we should visit it more often. I should post some photos, but they are still with Marvin and he's too lazy to get the cable, so we shall wait. So much work waiting for me. *sighs* I shall watch more Crayon Shinchan for the time being. :D Oh yes, did I mention that there was supposed to be girls going out today? But they decided that they were busy yesterday so they backed out. Well, the same price with more singing time for us. Ain't that bad a thing. :D A La La La La Long~ Good Day~ posted at 11:07 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
作詞作曲:坂井泉水 歌:ZARD 星降る夜は いつも Lonely-night 溜め息で 霞んでる 冷たい ベッドは 少し 広すぎて 眠れない ※やさしすぎるから つらくなってゆく ”ひとりにしないでね”って 素直に 言えなくて 腕を組んで 歩いた Rainy-night 楽しかったけど つらくなってゆく ”ひとりにしないでね”って 素直に 言えなくて ※Repeat The nights when stars fall are always lonely nights Mist appears as I sigh The cold bed is a little Too wide, ahh, I can't sleep. *Because I was too nice, things started to become difficult At this rate, always, acting like I have not noticed I want to change it to a smile "Don't leave me alone," I could not say it straightforwardly. Holding hands as we walked, Rainy Night I got drunk in your warmth Because I want to dream I don't turn to look back It was fun, but things started to become difficult From now on, I will become strong I will not show you my tears "Don't leave me alone," I could not say it straightforwardly. *Repeat posted at 10:47 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Quite a few days since I last updated. Let's see, finally, ECP is over, but we were all left with some very memorable and lasting memories of it. We were given 20 pieces of work assignments. To be done in two weeks. :D Well, was seriously touched by Mr Lee's pep talk yesterday. That part about never walking alone. He's such a great teacher and someone just fails to appreciate him. Some people are just stupid. Well, moving on to happier topics, I GOT MY NEW ZARD CD. :D My aunt went to Hokkaido two weeks or so ago and I got her to buy me ZARD's newest single, Sunao ni Ienakute, the version with the DVD of Ano Hohoemi wo Wasurenaide performed during the What a Beautiful Memory Tour 2008. ![]() Alright, we've got so much work and so little time. *sighs* But we'll endure this hell and excel~ Yes, it rhymes. Gonna enjoy all of these two weeks. Gonna end this post with the edited music video of Sunao ni Ienakute. The video itself was from the 1991 version, but the song is the new one. "Don't leave me alone," I could not say it straightforwardly. posted at 6:00 PM
Monday, June 8, 2009
Not tagged, but just to kill time. 65 questions you've probably never been asked... You know the rules. Tag people in this note (including the person who tagged you) to learn more about people. Also, try to tag people whom you've tagged in other notes; sometimes you learn things in new notes that you didn't know before about them. 1. First thing you wash in the shower? Used to be body, but now I wet my body, then hair, then shampoo. 2. What colour is your favourite hoodie? Hoodie? 3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? No such person. :D 4. Do you plan outfits? How grand would the outing be? 5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Excited that school is ending. Stressed that I am lagging behind on work. Frustrated that my room sort of stinks. 6. What’s the closest thing to you that's red? A glass coaster. 7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having. What was it? Something about homework I guess. *sighs* XD 8. Did you meet anybody new today? No. 9. What are you craving right now? Sushi. 10. Do you floss daily? Nope. 11.What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Nice veggie. 12. Are you emotional? Sometimes. 13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? Who would? 14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick? Depends on what ice cream it is. Soft cream then I would lick it. If it's something like Cornetto with the hard chocolate then I would bite. 15. Do you like your hair? Not really. It's quite long now and quite untidy and hard to style. 16. Do you like yourself? No, no. 17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Eww, no. 18. What are you listening to right now? Doing All Right - Garnet Crow 19. Are your parents strict? Yes, Yes. 20. Would you go sky diving? Yes yes! 21. Do you like cottage cheese? Never tried. 22. Have you ever met a celebrity? I saw Pan Ling Ling borrowing the phone from Northpoint Giordano when I was young. LOL. 23. Do you rent movies often? No. 24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? The amethyst over there? 25. Have you pee-ed in ur pants before? Who hasn't? Your excretory system must have malfunction while you were born. 26. Have you made a prank phone call? Sort of. 27. Ever been on a train? MRT? Yes. 28. Brown or white egg? Brown eggs? Braised eggs? Tea Leaves Eggs? I like almost all eggs. 29.Do you have a cell/mobile phone? God, are you from Jurassic period? 30. Do you use chopsticks? Yes, everyday, every meal except porridge and western. 31. Do you own a gun? Yes, it's right there. BANG. 32. Can you use chopsticks? I started using since when I was six. 33. Who are you going to be with tonight? My Winnie the Pooh. X) 34. Are you too forgiving? Sometimes. 35. Ever been in love? No. Interestingly, I write lyrics to love songs. 36. What is/are your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? Study. 37. Ever had cream puffs? Yes. They are nice. 38. Last time you cried? Refer to the history textbook. 39. What was the last question you asked? Does the Elite Four become stronger the more you fight them? LOL. Obviously they shouldn't, but my Pokemons got stronger and yet they seem quite hard to kill still. 40. Favourite time of the year? My birthday, or maybe during long holidays with no homework. 41. Do you have any tattoos? No. 42. Are you sarcastic? You bet. 43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? What's that? Angles in the same segment? 44. Ever walked into a wall? Yes, and a glass door too. 45. Favourite color? Red, Black, White, Purple. 46. Have you ever slapped someone? Think so. 47. Is your hair curly? Not really. 48. What was the last CD you bought? I bought Avril Lavigne's Let Go 6 years ago. Then my aunt also got me ZARD's newest single, Sunao ni Ienakute, from Japan last week. But I haven't received it yet. 49. Do looks matter? Yes. That's why I hate myself. 50. Could you ever forgive a cheater? Well, if they cheated for a good cause. 51. Is your phone bill sky high? No. I never seem to exceed the free ones. 52. Do you like your life right now? Well... 30%? 53. Do you sleep with the TV on? My TV has gone outside. 54. Can you handle the truth? I get adapted quite quickly if I have to face it. 55. Do you have good vision? No. 56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? Hell yes. 57. How often do you talk on the phone? Rarely. 58. The last person you held hands with? I don't remember. Hurhur. 59. What are you wearing? Singlet and bermudas. 60. What is your favourite animal? Pooh Bear! 61. Where was your default picture taken at? The one on Facebook? In MOELC, on the Prize Presentation Ceremony, with Suzuki Misako-sensei. 62. Can you hula hoop? Yes, I'm quite good. 63. Do you have a job? No. 64. What was the most recent thing you bought? Food. :D 65. Have you ever crawled through a window? No, but I managed to dig out some keys from a window when I was trapped outside my own house. posted at 11:18 PM
4 more days left till the merciful two weeks holidays. Looking forward. But I'll have to persevere through this 4 days of random hell. Every teacher is spamming cartloads of homework on us, and it is really demoralizing to see our results for tests and assignments being so low. *sighs* Well, the holidays is sure a good motivation to work hard for. Two weeks to regroup and put our thoughts in order would be nice. Recently I have been quite interested in DAIGO, the special guest voice actor for Detective Conan Movie 13. Well, his band, BREAKERZ's, song, Everlasting Luv was made to be Detective Conan's opening theme for recent episodes, it was quite mesmerizing. Also, don't forget Garnet Crow's new single, Doing All Right. DAIGO is actually the grandson of a previous Japanese Prime Minister, so he's actually sort of a higher class person, but well, he sounds funny and all. And I have defeated the Elite Four in my Pokemon Emerald. :D Tried on Saturday night with my dream team of all level 47. Died at Drake because they were too weak. Trained somemore and challenged again on Sunday with all at level 53. Won with my Blaziken slashing Wallace's Milotic. It used surf on me and my Blaziken was left with 1HP, and I beat him. :D Video Time! Everlasting Luv by BREAKERZ. Okay, I'm feeling random again. I should sign off. Good Day. posted at 8:03 PM
Friday, June 5, 2009
Yesterday: Lessons were supposed to have ended at 1330, but it dragged on all the way until 1430 because we were told to stay back to have our bags checked. Apparently 4F got their stuff stolen and they were investigating to find the culprits. Gee... Okay, went home and my parents told me that we were going to John Little Mega EXPO sale. So we went and changed my brother's pants for a larger size because he was too fat. There, I also got a new pair of Levi's sneakers, a new pair of shorts, and a new slingbag. All together they were barely $80. The usual price of the bag was $79, I got it at $33. :D Have been playing so much of Pokemon Emerald recently. Restarted that game because the old thing wasn't working well. Now I'm still quite under level. My Blaziken is at level 40, the rest were all 39 or something. Which is bad, I need around level 60 to get through the Elite Four without a scratch. And today, school, followed by the English 'O' Level seminar. Two examiners from Cambridge came to give a lecture on what to do and what not to do during our English papers. Another 3 hours of Physics Lecture tomorrow morning, followed by SGSG in the afternoon. Well, life is hard. I don't know what to do now. I shall play a little bit more of Pokemon then go to sleep. Good Day. posted at 11:29 PM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
English Prelims Oral. XD Quite a breeze, the picture was understandable, the conversation topic was quite bizarre, but somehow I managed to think of something which sounded logical. The conversation prompt went like that: 1) There are various heritage centers in Singapore, have you ever visited any? So I talked about how MOE organizes trips to Chinatown, Kampong Glam and Little India, and how I've learned about the history of Singapore, how our forefathers worked hard to earn a living, how the coolies endured so much sufferings and how we should always remember these experiences of our forefathers and thank them for their grooming. Something like that. 2) It seems like you are quite interested in our heritage. So, which part of heritage do you think is the most important? (Yes, which PART of heritage.) I stunned for like 5 to 10 seconds, trying to understand what she meant. Then I said something about how the physical aspects like objects and monuments will spoil and be destroyed, but the thing that will live on are the thoughts and memories of the past. We should always pass on these tales to our younger generation, always reminding them that our success is not the be taken for granted, etc. Miss Trixie Lim thought it was good. :D Okay, then it was more of Pokemon for the rest of the day. Groove for Pokemon is back! Have been replaying Pokemon Emerald since yesterday, now I have 6 badges and my dream team starting to come into shape. Blaziken - Fire/Fighting Tropius - Grass/Flying Sableye - Dark/Ghost Whiscash - Water/Ground Solrock - Rock/Psychic Magneton - Steel/Electric I have 12 types in my team and they can counter any types that come. :D Just that they need more intense training to fulfill their potential. And I need more money. XD Anyways, something about school. No Mdm Sue's lessons today, that was what Sheryl said after she asked Miss Kaur. Went home early, skipped lunch, playing Emerald and slept. Nothing much to do. Slacking right now. Maybe I should sign off already. Good Day. posted at 10:52 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Today wasn't a good day. For the first time in my life, I was late for school! T_T Because today is Tuesday, and my alarm clock for every Tuesday is set later. But today starts at normal time because it's extended programme. It started at 7.40am and I woke up at 7.55am. God. Rushed to school and was still late. *sighs* 3 periods of A-Maths, followed by 2 periods of Physics. Draining and tiring. More to come. *sighs* Recess, lined up for so long and there wasn't food at last. Had to stick with 3 seaweed chicken and nothing else. Just finished writing a letter of apology to Mdm Sue for us not informing her of the Mock Exams schedule and having to make her waste her lessons plans. *sighs more* Well, at least, we had some funny times. We took some random videos in class today. We had a Primal Split done by Marvin, Chongwei and Xinglai, Finger of Death and Impale by Xinglai and Marvin, Wind Walk by Qunjie... XD Mum and Dad got me a pair of jeans from John Little Expo Sale. :D Wee~ Okay, I don't know what to say. I shall sign out for now. Good Day. posted at 10:54 PM
Monday, June 1, 2009
From a random Facebook note. Somehow I just like to do such stuff. LOL. 1. What color is your toothbrush? White and Hot Pink. It was the only new toothbrush left that day. 2. Name one person that made you smile today? I haven't smiled today. 3. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? ZzZz. You think I would have been awake at that time? 4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Dinner. 5. What is your favorite candy? Chocolate? 6. Have you ever been to a strip club? Lols. Do they really strip? 7. What is the last thing you said aloud? ORH! (To answer my mum's call for dinner) 8. What is the best ice cream flavor? Chocolate? Peppermint? Too many to choose. 9. What was the last thing you had to drink? Kickapoo. :D 10. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? More than 24 hours. 3H'08 Class Chalet. 11. Have you ever made a promise you'd die to keep? Not really. 12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? Yes. Jeans from Bossini. 13. The last sporting event you watched? Don't remember. 14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? I don't take popcorn that often. 15. Who is the last person you sent a message on facebook? ZARD's fan group I think. 16. Ever gone camping? Not the sleep-in-the-tent kind. 17. Do you take vitamins daily? Not daily. 18. Do you have a pet? Winnie the Pooh stuff toy. Hehe. 19. Do you have a tan? No. 20. Do you like Chinese food over pizza? Generally Chinese food. Pizza is okay once in a while. 21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? I like it that way. 22. What did your last text message say? Ya. 23. What are you doing tomorrow? School. Extended Programme. 24. Where is your dad? Outside watching TV. 25. Look to your left, what do you see? Room door with clothes hung behind it. 26. What color is your watch? Silver. 27. What do you think of when you hear Australia? Kangaroos, Koala, shape of the continent. 28. What is your birthstone? Ruby. 29. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? No available drive thrus nearby. 30. What is your favorite number? 5 and 27 I guess. 5 seems to be my lucky number, says the horoscope book. 31. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone? Mom. 32. Any plans today? Find some fun new games. 33. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? I will flood this post. 34. Last song listened to? Kimi to no Fureai (current) 35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? Never tried. 36. Do you have a maid service clean your house? No. My house is clattered. 37. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? Oh, I have one pair of white shoes for school, one pair of sports shoe for going out, and another pair of white sports shoe for anything. :D 38. Are you jealous of anyone? Yes, so many. XD 39. Is anyone jealous of you? Who would be? 40. Do you love anyone? My family. I have idols that I respect and admire though. 41. Do any of your friends have children? Hmm... 42. What do you usually do during the day? Study. 43. Do you hate anyone that you know right now? So many. Keke. 44. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? I tend to say Yo. 45. What color is your car? I like it dark red. 46. do u like cats? Quite, nyaa. 47. Have you ever been to Six Flags? What's that? 48. How did you get your worst scar? Pimples. XD 49. last cigarette? Never will touch those things. 50. last CD played? Teresa Teng's CD which my brother and I bought for my mother. 51. last BUBBLE bath? Never had those before. 52. last time you cried? I don't remember. 53. last meal? Dinner. 54. have you ever dated someone twice? Never even once. 55. have you ever kissed someone & regretted it? Never kissed anyone before. 56. have you ever fallen in love? I believe everybody has. 57. You ever lost someone? Not really. 58. have you ever slept until 1pm? Sure. 59. Have you ever been drunk and threw up? No. 60. list FIVE people you can tell pretty much anything to Currently: Qunjie, Edsel, Marvin 61. list THREE favorite colors/shades Black, White, Red 62. Laughed until you cried: No, but I had a headache. 63. Went behind your parents back: Huh? Hide behind them of something? 64. Your last kiss? Read question 55. 65. Gay Marriage? Should be approved if they really love each other. Love is blind. Keke. 66. Lowering the drinking age? I don't mind. 67. Who are the best huggers that you know? Winnie the Pooh... But I guess it's a huggee. 68. Do you believe in love at first sight? If it happens. Guess no. 69. Is there something you want to tell someone? So many things. Just hard to say. Like telling a teacher that he or she is annoying. 70. What brand of shirt are you wearing? Some random sleeveless tee bought some time back. 71. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends list? No. 72. How many kids do you want to have? Around 2. 73. Do you want to change your name? I think it's fine. 74. Last time you saw your father? During dinner. 75. What time did you wake up today? 10.50am 76. how old are you? 15 going 16 on July 27. Get me a present. 77. What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching Stupid Game Show Answers on YouTube. lol. 78. What is your favorite thing in your room? Bed, Winnie the Pooh. 79. Where is your best friend right now? I think he's at home playing Pokemon Platinum. 80. Anything else to say? This question is stupid. posted at 9:40 PM
今すぐ君に逢いたい... ~Kare no Koto~
About ~Samuel Poon~ ~16 going 17~ ~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~ ~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~ ~27 July 1993~ ~Singaporean~ ~Suki na Mono~
Likes Music -ZARD -GARNET CROW -NEWS -テゴマス -Breakerz Detective Conan Money Nature Sleeping ~Kirai na Mono~
Dislikes Backstabbers Selfish and inconsiderate people Homework Lack of sleep ~Negai~
Wishes Motivation Happiness Loads and loads of cash XD ~Tomodachi~
Friends Alpha Anna Diana Duncan Edmund Edsel Javier Marvin Qun Jie Team Zephyr CCHY 2H'07 CCHY 3H'08 CCHY 4H'09 ~Hanasou!~
Let's Chat! ~Omoidetachi~ Memories *November 2006 *December 2006 *January 2007 *February 2007 *March 2007 *April 2007 *May 2007 *June 2007 *July 2007 *September 2007 *October 2007 *November 2007 *December 2007 *January 2008 *February 2008 *March 2008 *April 2008 *May 2008 *June 2008 *July 2008 *August 2008 *September 2008 *October 2008 *November 2008 *December 2008 *January 2009 *February 2009 *March 2009 *April 2009 *May 2009 *June 2009 *July 2009 *August 2009 *September 2009 *October 2009 *November 2009 *December 2009 *January 2010 *February 2010 *March 2010 ~Kansha~
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