~Music Player~

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Saturday, May 30, 2009
Diary Entry - 30 May 2009


Prize Presentation Ceremony at MOELC~ Left school at around 1215 to go MOELC for my Second in Level for Japanese for Secondary 3 2008 prize. Reached there at 1330, sat around and waited until 1500. Started the thingy, listened to some long talks. Went up finally to get my trophy which weighed a lot. Held it for so long during the reception that my left arm hurts now. XD


Woke up at 1200 and went out at 1300+ for SGSG at Yishun Library. Did Chemistry and A-Maths there. Then decided to walk around Northpoint with Qunjie and Duncan for a while and saw this Bossini up to 60% off sale. SMSed Dad and told him to come. He came later with Mum, shopped for a bit before going home.

Actual plan was to DotA. Gave it up because of lack of feel. Decided to go crazy about How Well Do You Know Me quizzes on Facebook. XD

I have nothing much to say. It's the holidays, not. Two more weeks of extended programme. *sighs*

Good Day.

posted at 11:26 PM


Thursday, May 28, 2009
Diary Entry - 28 May 2009


Didn't have Japanese class today, but had to go to the centre to collect my CA2 results and get the remaining stuff from Suzuki-sensei. Well, scored 69/73 for CA2. :D

Could have reached home earlier, hopped on Dad's car at Khatib MRT and that was a wrong decision. They took me to the supermarket and started to walk around, stopping to look at everything. Spent like more than 30 minutes there.

Mock exams are over! Chemistry was okay, and we had 2 situational writing for English. So boring. Miss Kaur then decided to use the assembly period to teach Oral skills. And our Prelims Oral is on 3 June. *faints*

Having Prize Giving Day @ MOELC tomorrow for my Second in Level for Japanese. :D

Oh, and my reflections was chosen for the school newsletter. The one on the Japan trip last year. I didn't realize that I wrote THAT long. It filled one whole page. XD

Alright, I think I should take a nap on the chair. Meanwhile, enjoy a video from GARNET CROW. No, not their new single, I'll post them when I'm not tired. Now, please enjoy a slow and sort of sad song, titled Kimi wo Kazaru Hana wo Sakasou, meaning, Let's Make the Flower Which Decorate You Bloom.

Good Day. :D

posted at 7:32 PM


Wednesday, May 27, 2009
ZARD 坂井泉水 三回忌






posted at 7:46 PM


Sunday, May 24, 2009
Diary Entry - 24 May 2009

Hurrays! My computer is back functioning. Seems like a problem with my battery. Overused it I guess. I haven't unplugged it since we got this computer 3 years ago. So it died. Now that it's back, I shall try to treasure it. :D

This weekend had been quite mundane. Went for Physics lecture yesterday and then SGSG later in the afternoon. Did quite a bit of work, and now I'm back on the computer again. I don't know what to do.

Prize Presentation is next Friday, going back on Thursday to get my results from Suzuki-sensei. Having mock exams on Monday to Wednesday. Crap.

Alright, I'll go slacking.

Good Day.

posted at 7:50 PM


Friday, May 22, 2009
Diary Entry - 22 May 2009

Sports Carnival 2009. Did nothing much. Sat around, watched some games. Sort of participated in the crocodile thingy and didn't win any shit. Lost like crap. Too sad to elaborate.

I'm down on luck. My computer just died. I don't know if it was overworked or it contracted some terminal illness because I downloaded too many random stuff. It shuts itself down for no reason. Or rather, it goes POOF and the screen goes off, together with everything else. GOD.

Well, shall take this time off computer to do some work. I need to catch up on my Mathematics and things like that. And we're going for Physics Supplementary tomorrow morning, followed by SGSG in the afternoon.

I shall go rest now and do some work.

Good Day.

posted at 10:31 PM


Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Diary Entry - 20 May 2009

I still have my Social Studies homework to do. And I'm blogging. Why? Because I feel a strong urge to vent my feelings right now.

Today was a bad day. Very bad. Besides the fact that I was tired like throughout the day, like always, we had a lot of work. Miss Kaur was absent. That seemed like good news for the first half of the day, until Mdm Yeo came into our class while Miss Kaur was being relieved by Junhong. And she threw some Chemistry SPA Skill 3 worksheets at us, and they were due TOMORROW.

Then later during Social Studies, Mdm Sue came into class. And she gave us a lecture on how we must read up and how 4H = Hopeless. She said she doesn't see effort in our work. I can't even bring myself to put in effort into my life, not to mention my work. She said we should put in all our hearts when doing work. If I were to have done that, I would have died of a heart failure long ago. I don't have that strong a heart to put into my work, really.

I'm still having my Japanese CA2 tomorrow. And all those crap and what not. I feel screwed.

Well, a piece of not so good nor bad news. Got back our Higher Chinese composition today. Well, my situational writing was average, my composition scored 41/70. Sounds bad? I was like the second in class. The highest was 43. Mdm Goh really kills people with her composition marking.

Anyways, I shall go complete my Social Studies. I left my SBQ paper in school. And Marvin was nice enough to scan it in for me so I can at least complete it and hand it in by tomorrow.

Good Day. And it's damn warm outside.

posted at 10:34 PM


Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Diary Entry - 19 May 2009

Holy, today was quite infernal. Had mock exams for Physics and E-Maths. E-Maths was okay, but we didn't really have enough time to complete the paper. I managed to, somehow, but one question was left blank because really, what did the gradient show?

Physics was the killer. Seriously. Like everybody taking the paper didn't know how to do it. I only did like half a question of section C, where I should have done 3 questions. Section B was totally killer with questions totally out of the blue and I've forgotten about most of the Secondary 3 stuff. Lenses, tension, pulley, I need to dig them out and I need Mr Lee's help. XD I really gotta buck up and stop being complacent about my Physics. Hehe.

Alright, moving on to happier topics. Wait, there doesn't seem to be any. Oh yes, I entered the Semi-Finals for my Japanese Speech Contest. My speech was about "Love". Yes, the big word which I don't understand. But I chose this topic because it was easy to expand on.

More mock exams next week. Going crazy. I still haven't touched my Fall of Venice template. *sighs*

I shall go work on it now.

Before I sign off, today is the 16th anniversary of Yureru Omoi by ZARD.

Enjoy the nice song.

Good Day.

posted at 8:42 PM

Diary Entry - 18 May 2009

I haven't updated in a week. No, I wasn't really that busy. Just that nothing special happened. Whatever. XD

Had mock exams today. The Express Chinese students were taking their Express Chinese mock exams to prepare for their 'O' Levels in June, while we just took other subjects. Had Social Studies and English today. Was crappy. Social Studies was manageable. English was crap. We had 2 hours to do what we thought was just a comprehension with vocabulary, without summary. Then I was about to fall asleep after completing, and then and there Mdm Samboo had to announce the question for the summary. With 30 minutes left and a totally unknown passage, I crapped through. XD

I also spent the past two days looking for a quote by ZARD which I found a month ago. Somehow I saw a picture of her with that quote, but I forgot where I saw it. I remembered roughly what it meant. I even put it as my MSN personal message that time. So I checked my personal message history and found it. It was from her poetry book. And it read:

さよならは決して「別れ」というネガティブな意味じゃなく 明日への「はじまり」

Meaning, "Goodbye definitely does not imply something negative such as 'separation', but it means the 'start' to tomorrow." ZARD is indeed amazing.

Went for my maternal grandmother's birthday dinner on Saturday night at Yan Palace Restaurant. The food was nice, but I was quite full for some reasons and could not eat much. No idea why. I don't usually get full so easily. Hmm...

This past week was also quite Kouhaku Fancy Dress for me. Had been watching quite a bit of Mikawa Kenichi and Kobayashi Sachiko on YouTube. Here's a nice one. The song sounds catchy and the set up was cool. So is Mikawa Kenichi. XD


I guess that's all for my post today. Good Day. :D

posted at 12:55 AM


Sunday, May 10, 2009
Diary Entry - 10 May 2009

Gosh, gosh, gosh, gosh, gosh.

Slept terribly yesterday night. Felt like crap. Feeling like crap too.

I don't know why, I didn't take my temperature yesterday. I just took it. Guess what? 38.5 degrees Celsius. I'm officially down with a fever. With Physics SPA in just two days. DAMN. What sin have I committed, seriously?

Lady Luck hasn't been very nice to me recently... Argh. Might have to go see a doctor later.


Good Day.

posted at 10:49 AM

Diary Entry - 9 May 2009

Quite a confusing day. Decided last night that I should wake up early to go join the study group at Long John this morning. Well, it was because Mr Goh was there. But, I didn't have any Maths question to ask, so I decided to go later. Woke up at 10.15am when the session started at 8am. XD

Caught a bus there, did some Chemistry. Mdm Yeo really gives too much work. XD Then we had lunch at KFC, then more studies again. Then we went to play 1 hour of DotA before leaving for home.

Walked back, and somehow my whole body began to hurt on the way. Damn it, felt terrible after showering. Took a nap, and when I thought that I've slept for long, it seemed that I haven't slept for even 80 minutes. Weird.

Woke up still feeling quite terrible. Took a Panadol and sat before the computer again. The medicine took effect shortly after and now I'm feeling less painful. Still painful. XD

I wonder why things are so weird nowadays. Everything is messed up. >_<

Oh yes, and Mr Oh had his wedding today. LOL.

Gonna continue doing my work tomorrow. I don't know. Qunjie and Marvin are playing DotA now, I'm left alone again. *sighs*

Shall sign off here. Good Day.

posted at 12:38 AM


Saturday, May 9, 2009
Diary Entry - 8 May 2009

It's the 14th Death Anniversary of Teresa Teng. Although I didn't know her when she died, I know that she had played a very important role in my life. It was partially because of her that my parents dated. I would like to express my utmost gratitude to her and thank her for the awesome songs she has sung.

Today was a dry day. So tired this morning. Slept so soundly yesterday night because I was so tired. Chemistry, Mdm Yeo gave us a pep talk about how we should balance our other lives and our studies, about how we should exercise and enjoy life to its fullest and not just focus on studying, although we have a lot of carry this year. I agree with her. I hope that this weekend can be constructive.

Played badminton during P.E. Didn't really do much, it was quite light.

Then had E-Maths Probability Test after recess. It was okay, but I think I have made some careless mistakes. Was really tired and unable to think well just now.

Miss Kaur began scolding people again today. I don't know. Life hasn't really been that smooth this year. I don't want to care. Crap.

Then we had Higher Chinese. Mdm Goh had to go for Oral Examinations, so Mr Oh came to relieve us. Wrote compo. So boring...

Then it was Geography supplementary. Seriously, I'm not catching up on Geography. I feel that my Geography is deproving. Can't concentrate in class. Somehow.

Miss Kaur again, had to finish her speech-writing assignment before I can leave. Added in some stuff and then went home. Slept for almost 4 hours and woke up to slack again. *sighs*

Going for study group tomorrow morning. Shall use this chance to do homework and catch up on things which I do not know.

Alright, I should sign off here.

Good Day.

posted at 12:20 AM


Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Quiz Tagged by Ed-chan. XD

are you single?
Yes. Unavailable.

what is your favourite number?

what song is stuck in your head?
Koizakura... It's playing now. I have many other songs stuck in my head though. XD

are you happy with your life right now ?
Not really. I could make do with some improvements and excitement.

are you involved with anyone?
No. Huh?

what is your favourite subject in school?
CLVS2! Yay!

what should you be doing right now?
Writing my sakubun.

why are you single?
Because I'm not attractive? Or the time hasn't come? Or fate is cruel? How do I know? Huh?

what are you doing tomorrow?
School, Japanese class...

what's the last thing you ate?
Fried Rice.

what were you doing at ten last night?
On the net, I think.

what were you doing at midnight last night?
Washing my face?

what was the last song you listened to?

can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone?
Yes. You didn't ask who right? XD

are you afraid of falling in love?
I wish I wouldn't at the wrong time.

how many windows are open on your computer?
7 right now.

what will you be doing after this?
Writing my sakubun...

do you enjoy late night phone conversations?
If they are free.

do you like to cuddle?
Yesh. I like my Pooh Bear.

what do you think of starbucks coffee?

when was the last time you met someone you really liked?
Hmm... I wonder?

do you have a camera?
I have a camera phone.

what CD did you last buy?
Don't be shocked. Avril Lavigne - Let Go. *laughs*

honestly, is someone on your mind?
How many times are you repeating this? Yes of course. You think my mind is blank?

can you play any instruments?
No. I think.

have you ever wished that you can go back and change something?
Yes. There always are.

whats something you really want right now?
Good 'O' Levels results.

last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Eww, don't freak me out.

who was the last person you had deep conversations with?
I don't remember...

could you ever be friends with someone that broke your heart?

do you think age matters in love?

The CANs:

can you do a cartwheel?

can you touch your toes?
Not standing straight up right?

can your tongue touch your nose?
Eww. I can stick out my tongue and touch my nose though.

The DIDs:

did you ever want to be a doctor?
Once. XD

did you ever want to be a fire fighter?
I'm going to fight some bright stuff. Cool.

did you ever want to be a teacher?
Yesh, that I have thought of.

did you ever break the law?
Playing mahjong?

The DOs:

do you like rollercoasters?
Yes. They make you unable to scream.

do you own a bike?
No. My brother does.

do you like footballs?

The LASTs:

last person you hung out with?
Qunjie during Mdm Sue's class.

last car ride?
Last Friday. On my dad's.


what was the last thing you had to drink?
Honeysuckle tea.

what was the last movie you watched?
Bolt. During 3H'08 Chalet. In a cinema that is. If it's at home, Detective Conan Movie 5: Countdown to Heaven.

what is the last thing you read?
My Japanese workbook?


who last talked to you on the phone?
My brother who called me to ask my Dad to call him. Crap.

who do you miss right now?
Seriously, how many times are you repeating this?


failed a subject?
First time was the English thematic test by Fanny See. She gave us a terrible scolding for it.

accomplished a life goal?
Never had any.

thought you were pregnant?
Oh yes, I think I am now. Should I see a gynaecologist? I'm flustered! =.=

Tag 8 People to do this quiz:
1. Whoever is reading this. XD

posted at 10:25 PM


Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Diary Entry - 4 May 2009

Happy Birthday Programme Poon Chong Wei! LOL. Okay, it's like already 5 May now. And Happy Birthday, Kudou Shinichi. :D

Today was fresh. I first thought that we went back to our classrooms for morning assembly because of the imminent rain. But later it appeared that it was because of the Influenza A H1N1 that we had to cancel all assemblies for the morning pledge-taking and for after recess. Nice. :D

Heard some dramatic stuff this past weekend during the Zephyr Saturday Night Talk. Well, some were true and some were made up. All sounded interesting though. XD Especially Marvin's absolutely cool impromptu love story by the sea. I should ask him for permission to post it. XD

Weekends are getting nonconstructive nowadays. I don't know. Well...

Got my Herbalife products today. Finally, say goodbye to bad cleansers.

Some people are so lucky. Not that I'm being envious or jealous, but just passing a casual remark. Dont' you think so? Well, if that light rekindles, I would applaud the involved. :D No, not sarcasm. Really, I mean it.

My eyes are itching and closing. For one reason or another. I should sleep. Waking up early tomorrow to complete my Chemistry in school. *sighs* I hate homework.

Good Day~

posted at 12:24 AM


Sunday, May 3, 2009
Random Quiz (which I wasn't tagged, but it looks fun)

1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Like hell. My cold hasn't gone away yet.

3. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Ho, I don't remember. Was it at Mr Ang's house?

4. Would you consider to be spoiled?
Quite. :D

5. Would you ever donate blood?
If need be.

6. Do you have a good friend of the opposite sex?
I hope so. I used to. =.=

7. Do you want someone dead?
Well, not really dead.

8. What does your last text message say?
my last text message says
"I nw at downtown east. U guess i wif who?" from Qunjie.

9. What are you thinking of right now?
How long would they take to get home from Downtown East so that they can chat with me.

10. Did you wish someone was with you now?
Yes. Someone nice.

11. When did you go to sleep last night?
Shit, why must you ask it today. Psst... 3.43am.

12. Where did you buy that t-shirt you're wearing now?
My cousin gave it to me. He outgrew it or something.

13. Is someone in your mind now?

14. Who was the last person that texted you?
Qunjie, duh.

15. Name 10 people.
1} Qunjie
2} Marvin
3} Chongwei
4} Edsel
5} Diana
6} Jasmine
8} Xinglai
10} Duncan

16. Who is 2 having a relationship with?
Nobody. He said so.

17. Is 3 a female or male?
Male. LOL.

18. If 7 and 10 gets together, would it be a good thing?
No, I think they both are attached. Somehow.

19. What does 1 study about?
Everything. Top student in the school eh.

20. Is 4 single?
Nope, he's attached to his Joei.

21. Say something about 5.
A nice person to talk to.

22. What do you think about 3 and 6 together?
Not a chance.

23. Describe 9.
You want me to say it? LOL.
He's like totally indifferent about life. I think.

24. What will you do if 6 & 7 fight?
Wow. Scary. So scary.

25. Do you like 8?
No please. No.

posted at 12:02 AM


Friday, May 1, 2009
Diary Entry - 30 April 2009

Higher Chinese paper was manageable. Most of it at least.

Well it could have been better if only I didn't catch a cold WHEN the paper started. Am I like unlucky or what? I was fine all the way until when I received the paper. Gosh, swine flu... >_<

Was so tired and sick I decided to sleep for a bit just now, and like always, I overslept. Woke up at 12+am instead. Which explains why I'm still around at wee hours. With my nose still running.

Having a buffet tomorrow. Well, I hope I can eat. I hope I have my appetite tomorrow. Like, quite a large portion of the class fell ill today. What's wrong anyway. Coincidence?

Yes, and I had my Japanese class today as well. So tired. Had this sort of detective game where you had to use logical thinking to deduce the criminal and explain why you think that guy was the criminal, in Japanese. Well, it was quite fun. Too much Detective Conan makes you really good at deduction. :D

But it would be nice if we had more clues. Just statements from people don't help much.

Well, it's just a game, so there goes.

I don't know what I should do now. I can't sleep. *sighs* Maybe I'll watch some Conan.

Good Day~ And Happy Labour Day!

posted at 12:53 AM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife