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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Continuing with the topic about marriage discussed during Mdm Sue's lesson like mentioned in my previous post today, I suddenly felt like posting something about marriage.

Well, she mentioned something about marriage being no longer everlasting, which I think is quite true. Marriages get annulled so easily and so childishly. Tying the knot no longer means that the couple are stuck to each other for the rest of their lives. It just means that they are now legally together, but this knot can be untied as and when both parties agree to it. Why do people then get married so hastily before even finding someone they truly understand and love?

And what I responded to her question was this. Marriage is entwined with many other aspects of life. After marriage, one has to share his finances with the other half, they have to share the burden, change their lifestyles to complement each other and put in consistent effort to nurture their marriage such that it does not end. Like what I have thought of the other day, marriage is like a conversation. It takes both parties' active participation to ensure that it will last and be lively. If only one party is doing all the talking, or worse, nobody is talking, then the marriage will eventually die like a conversation.

For a marriage to be everlasting, both parties must love each other. However, this is easier said than done. Love may die off. It is not easy to keep love up for eternity, it might even be impossible to do so.

Though saying so, I believe that love is a very special feeling that does not come easily, much less true love. If one is really in love, then that special feeling should be cherished and not wasted. If two cannot be together, it is always alright to stay as friends.

Well, this post had been random. Wishing all loving couples eternal happiness and togetherness. :D

posted at 11:17 PM

Diary Entry - 29 April 2009

It's Chinese Mid-Year tomorrow? I haven't even noticed it. Not in the mood to study. I still have my Japanese homework to do and my head feels awfully out of place. Hmm...

Just had my Root Beer Float and now I'm totally not in the mood to do work. Shit, back to my old self again. STOP IT!!!

Had Mdm Sue's lessons again today. It was less heavy today, we were discussing livelier topics like marriage and such. But I was really tired, so tired I felt like sleeping during Mdm Sue's lessons. Of course I would not.

Oh yes, and we also had health checkup today. Wasted around 1 hour of our time. Did some work there and slacked around, playing True or Dare and something stupid like that. Had a great laugh over dancing before the checkup room. XD

My vision without glasses: R 6/36, L 6/60. XD

My vision with glasses: R 6/09, L 6/09.

Hey, I hadn't even finish reading those stuff when she cut me off. How does she know that much?

And so we joined in Geography lessons halfway through.

Life is not improving. Just deteriorating.

Never mind, off I go to do my work now. Good Day~

posted at 8:52 PM


Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Diary Entry - 28 April 2009

Finally! It rained! And poured for the majority of the day. That's nice. Please continue. Thanks.

Slept in this morning since school started at 9am. I love Tuesdays.

Well, the morning was quite unbearable. The heat was killing everyone. I hope this no longer comes again.

Oh yes, and I was told that I should not shake my legs because it makes me look like a retard in my class. But if I don't shake my legs, my blood cannot flow. =.= LOL

It's health check up tomorrow. Well, we get to skip some lessons, and it will be really boring. Eye check, and I think that's all. Nothing else. It's boring. Gah.

It's HMT Mid-Year examinations this Thursday. Gotta get pass it and enjoy the Sakura Buffet on Friday. Labour Day. Yay.

Oh yes, we had this stupid National Education Quiz in the computer lab today and we sort of missed CLVS2 for it. The quiz was quite retarded. Really. And, what's Mee Pok Man? Was there ever such a movie?

We're getting a lot of new furniture in near August because my aunt is moving and she will be getting newer ones. We'll take hers and change the layout of the house. :D That will be in August anyways. Probably around my birthday.

My birthday is still far away. XD

Recently I'm quite hooked on the dance for Koi wa Thrill, Shock, Suspense of Detective Conan. Conan is so cute. XD

Also watching quite a lot of Tegomass's videos on YouTube. They're really funny. Haha.

Well, I'm trying to stretch this post but I can't think of anything. So I shall sign off now.

Good Day.

posted at 10:49 PM


Monday, April 27, 2009
Diary Entry - 27 April 2009

The stifling heat is killing me. Man, I'm already losing the will to do work and you have to deter me further with this heatwave? This is getting crappy. I'm melting.

Seriously, sitting in class is like sitting in an oven. The surroundings feel even warmer than my body temperature. I should go for a swim this weekend or something. Such that it would actually rain. XD

School days are TERRIBLE when you get roasted in class with lame classes and boring topics to study. Really. The workload never seems to lighten and yet we are dying of heat. *sighs*

The plant is dying. Really. People, save the earth, when it dies, you won't live either.

Okay. I have nothing much to say. The heat is making me lose my marbles. To prevent saying anything wrong, I shall sign off. :D

Good Day. Snow, please fall.

posted at 9:13 PM


Saturday, April 25, 2009
Diary Entry - 24 April 2009

I passed my 2.4~ Okay, it's not anything to be so proud about, but for me who really really suck at sports because I'm really really lazy, I'm quite glad that I've passed. :D

I'm hungry. It's like 0154 hours and I didn't have dinner. Well I did, at like 5+pm? And I slept, and woke up, had ice-cream and starved until now.

Oh, and the night before, the wind was so strong. Like, 83km/h and that was like the strongest wind recorded in Singapore for the past 9 years? Yes, all the stuff from the kitchen sink came flying down. And that night, the clouds stained the sky red with fury as lightning bolts flashed through the thick layer of clouds. How artistic. Well, it just made me feel emotional somehow. XD

But today was stifling. I can't cope with the heat very well, I get agitated when it's hot.

One random story of life. It just occurred to me that it was funny.

The Oily Analogy. When you integrate a differentiated equation, you get back the original equation before differentiation. So there. Mr Goh explained it this way. "It like your margarine. You melt it, it becomes liquid, and when you put it back into the fridge, it becomes solid again. You get back same thing." How oily. XD

I'm trying to make this post long. But it's late in the night and I can't think of stuff. Seriously, I need some excitement in life.

Good Day.

posted at 1:47 AM


Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Diary Entry - 22 April 2009

Happy Earth Day! How have you contributed to saving the Earth today? XD

Not trying to become like Qunjie, whose blog is really full of philosophical stuff, but I think that we really should put a bit of effort into conserving the Earth. After all, it's the only place we can live in and this is not your home, not my home, this is OUR home. Why do we fight for personal fame and defend our properties but not fight for Earth?

Okay, it's Earth Day, and this semi-tree-like being is throwing its weight about. Like I'll believe what a lifelong faker has to say.

Forgetting things like that, let's move on to more human-life topic. Yes, life. Okay, it's Biology SPA tomorrow. I hate these stuff. Burns my brain.

Mr Goh is absent again today. Had a few free periods these two days and yea, we just wasted them like all the other periods. XD

And seriously, recently, I've been watching The Oprah Winfrey Show recommended by Marvin. It's really interesting, every episode is of a new topic and they affect our lives in one way or another. :D

I don't know what else to talk about. I shall sign off here. Good Day~

Today, I saw ZARD online on MSN! OMG!!!

posted at 9:11 PM


Friday, April 17, 2009
Diary Entry - 17 April 2009

Frustrated. It's warm and stuffy and I'm bored.

And there's this prick in class who thinks that just because he was rejected by a girl he can annoy everyone around him and thinks that he has all the reasons in the world to go crazy at people around him. It's disgusting. A guy who thinks that he has won the race but ended up slipping on a banana peel and having others overtake him. Pathetic. A guy who laughs at others without considering himself being way worse than others. Shameless. A guy who thinks that he can force his mindset into others just because others' mindsets differ from his. Selfish. A guy who cannot pull himself up after a fall. Cowardly.

Think about it. There's no one else around with the same qualities. Annoying and irritating.

That's what we've come out with today.

Anyways, today the Vice President of the United Nations Association of Singapore came to our school to give a talk about the United Nations. Sounds powerful eh? Sort of.

But well, today was long. Class, Higher Chinese, UN Talk, English. So boring.

And I can't find a decent game to play. Screw it. I'm like roasted. So warm...

posted at 10:54 PM


Thursday, April 16, 2009
Diary Entry - 16 April 2009

Gaah... Aching all over.

NAPFA 5 items today. Quite glad that I managed to pass all of them. Didn't do that well for Standing Board Jump though, I forgot to take off my shoes, and when I did it later without my shoes, my back was already aching from the other stations, and then I couldn't jump. *sighs*

No idea why, but my back is aching for no reasons. The spine, feels like I sprained it or something. Never mind, it will heal.

Well, at least I managed to do ONE pull up just now. Took all my energy and forced one out of myself. The teacher-in-charge there was Mr Lee anyways. XD

Okay, then the rest of the day was just lamely boring.

Skipped Japanese class today because of NAPFA.

Oh yes, I haven't updated this for quite some time because my home internet modem adapter when berserk and screwed my whole modem up. So I was out of internet since Saturday. Only got it back today when Dad got the new adapter, with the warranty.

So tired, Chemistry test tomorrow. And, 2.4km run next week. My greatest nightmare. I really need to train. *sighs*

Alright, I shall sign off here. Good Day~

posted at 9:00 PM


Sunday, April 12, 2009
Diary Entry - 12 April 2009

*sighs* Terrible weekend. Okay, it was long, with a Sports Day and Good Friday, but seriously, so boring and not constructive.

Didn't manage to do any work up till now. I feel like a failure. Why can't I just find my motivation to do my work? My mind wanders elsewhere all the time, procrastinating over and over again, while homework just piles up endlessly. There is so much work in my bag I don't even feel like digging them up and finding what I need to do! Terrible crap.

And, my internet has got some problems again. *sighs* My home is cursed.

Some people are just so carefree, being able to push themselves to complete their work and yet still find the time to enjoy life to its fullest, going out with people they enjoy being together with, while I'm just stuck here in hell, faced with tonnes of homework that never seems to be finished. Seriously.

I try to complete part of their work, but they give twice of what I can complete everyday. How do I complete them? I feel shitty.

Everyday is like a new beginning of the lamest chapter in the lamest book. What is there to look forward to? Homework? Stress? This life is just so lame. So wanting to die.

I see why students murder their teachers and commit suicide. I feel like doing the same thing as well.

*sighs* I want to see meaning in life. There is none.

*sighs* This is lame. *sighs*

Whatever. *sighs*

posted at 7:28 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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