~Music Player~

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Diary Entry - 31 March 2009

Yay~ I'm done with my CCA!

Right, went there today and completed my stuff and I no longer have to attend it any longer. Officially stepped down. :D

I might be going to watch the musical performance next week at MOELC. Heard that Sakai Namiko-san will be going there for the Taiko performance.

And darn, I'm tired. I have Mdm Sue's lessons tomorrow. And I haven't studied my Spelling List. Crap. Shall do that tomorrow morning.

And I have Show and Tell. Shall do about this photo frame thing which I got from Japan. :D

Oh yea, it's someone's birthday today and I completely forgot about it until Qunjie reminded me after school. XD

Let's see, it's April's Fool tomorrow. What can we use to trick teachers...?

I shall go think while I'm sleeping. I'm tired. Good night.

posted at 10:39 PM


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Diary Entry - 25 March 2009

Aha, it's been like more than a week since my last post. Had been quite busy recently over the randomest stuff.

So they came back from Nepal last Saturday, and ya, there was nothing too special.

And I forgot to post this yesterday because I was so tired. Happy Birthday Qunjie~ Lols.

And umm... oh yes. Seems like Mdm Sue wanted to start a value-adding lesson for the top few English students in the class, and got Manvinder Kaur to choose. Somehow, I was chosen. O_o.

And I went today. Quite some stress, but quite motivating. :D

And I should officially step down from CCA starting this week, but I'll be staying around for a few more weeks just to finish up one more seal before I 功成身退. :D

Then I'll have more time to complete my work and stuff like that. I'm starting to feel motivated. Please, motivation, stay with me.

Alright, life has been just like that. Haven't had much happening around me recently.

But yea, we all had great laughs these few days in class. Mainly because of AOI and Xinglai. Everyone sort of knows that AOI likes Xinglai, and lol...

Yesterday, after Higher Chinese lessons, Chongwei grabbed AOI's TIME Magazine and placed it on Xinglai's desk. He didn't notice it at all, thinking that it was a promotional booklet by Ngee Ann Polytechnic. So I told him that the girl on a random page is very pretty, and he picked it up, thinking that it was the same book. He flipped through and flipped back to the cover page.

"Heh? Why do I have a TIME Magazine?"

The whole class burst out laughing. XD

And today. Xinglai came back late after recess, and then AOI uttered "Why so late?" at him.

The whole class burst out laughing again. XD XD

Let's wait for more to come. :D

Okay, I still have some work to complete. Good Day~

posted at 10:39 PM


Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Diary Entry - 16 March 2009

Yay at my NEWer skin. I think I'm crazy, my third skin in like less than a month or so. I still like my older skins, but I just decided to experiment making a new one and succeeded. So I made this. The Final Fantasy VII one is still really cool. I was caught between choosing either. Chose my own in the end. :D

And take a look at the title. It says Stuck A Midst Unknowing, Endless Loneliness. The initials make up my name. :D

Caught a cold. Somehow. For no good reasons. Could have been the Fairprice Xtra yesterday.

Went there yesterday to help my parents stock up their stuff for their stall opening next Monday. We bought like $200 over worth of stuff. Hehe. Like, 30kg of rice which can like last for... 1 week?

There, I also somehow got my present for getting the second in Singapore for my Japanese Language. LOL. I saw this really cute and cuddly Winnie the Pooh and Mum said she would buy it for me, while Dad bought me an alarm clock.

The Pooh Bear is ULTRA cute. So nice to hug.

And so, why an alarm clock? Because if Dad leaves for work at 5am, I would still be dead asleep and be late for school right? There you go.

Went out today too to help them clean their stall and wait for the refrigerator to be delivered. Somehow, on our invoice, it was written 12 - 2pm, and in their computer, it was keyed in as 5-7pm. My Dad asked for the computer person to be sacked.

Okay, then it was lame for the rest of the day. I should really sleep early. I'm tired. I'm sick.

Good Day~ :D

posted at 1:12 AM


Saturday, March 14, 2009
Diary Entry - 13 March 2009

It's Friday the 13th! Okay, today was a bit shitty.

Was the last day for the Motivational Workshop. It was okay. Quite long though. And cold. The lecture theatre was always that warm during SS lectures and now it's so cold. =.=

And just because I left early for Japanese class yesterday and not knowing that I had to FILE my Biology stuff, that doesn't give that midget Choo Poh Poh to SLAP ME IN THE FACE. YOU WERE LUCKY I WAS SITTING DOWN OR YOU WOULDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO REACH MY CHIN. MIDGET.

Done the stupid filing and asked Manvinder Kaur to pass it to her. Why do we need her anyways. Miss Kaur alone is good enough. Her Biology lessons are indigestable anyway.

Going on the happier topics... I guess there are none. >_>

Oh by the way, now all 4FGH knows about the insanity of the Avatar of Insanity. We sort of sabotaged her into going up to present on her study methods for the different personalities. And she went up and began laughing, like what she always does. <_<

Oh then she also came today, but she came in BOOTS. Manvinder Kaur chased her home for that. And she was later spotted at Yishun Safra by her arch-nemesis, Mr Lee Kah Chin. LOLs.

My shoulder blade is aching for no good reasons. Hmm... I just slept for a bit. And DotA-ed with Marvin. 2 games and we won both. :D

First match: I randomed Magnataur and Marvin chose Stealth Assassin. Fighting Juggernaut and Mirana. Wasn't very good early game, but began owning in late game. Was a damn tanker and owned them.

Second match: Chose Akasha (Queen of Pain) [Woo, I just love her name], and Marvin chose Balanar. Well, Balanar is always that hard to use. Fought Ezalor and Bloodseeker. Crappy. They were strong. We could not win them head on, so we pushed heroless lanes and got gigantic creeps going on. Our World Tree had roughly half its life left and we managed to turn the tide. Thanks to Scream of Pain and Shiva's Guard. Eventually had Mega Creeps and owned them back. :D

I'm quite tired. Physically and mentally. It's just so excruciating.

通り過ぎた瞬間 言葉もなく

posted at 1:54 AM


Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Diary Entry - 10 March 2009

A few more days to the holidays but I'm totally not feeling very excited.

Okay, I get to sleep more, play more and frustrated less, but I feel stupid with all this work piling up. All sorts of holiday assignments and crap waiting to be completed. *sighs*

And they are leaving for Nepal tomorrow. Leaving a few lonely souls in the class who must attend stupid talks lasting until 6pm for 3 days. I feel screwed.

Well, had sort of a farewell "lunch" for Qunjie, Chongwei and Duncan today at McDonald's. Well, actually we just wanted to have lunch, but they said its their last lunch in Singapore for a while, so they wanted to have something better than usual. That's when we decided to have McDonald's instead of at a coffee shop. <_<

Okay, then everything else is sort of boring. No point mentioning it.

Bon voyage to all of you guys. Have a nice trip!

Good Day~

posted at 9:38 PM


Friday, March 6, 2009
Diary Entry - 6 March 2009

Had been a few days since my last update. Don't know why, just didn't have the feel to.

Alright, now I do.

Let's see... After Monday, I got back my English, Social Studies, Geography, Chemistry, Biology. I hope I didn't miss out on any.

English - 18.5/30
Social Studies - 7/13 (I PASSED)
Geography - 12/18

(See, my Combined Humanities suck. Those were my only two B4s. =.=)

Chemistry - 38/50
Biology - 42.5/50

I'm quite okay with my Sciences. And Maths. And Chinese. English and Combined Humanities suck. XD

Okay, moving on to my life. Let's see...

Stayed back on Wednesday to help Qunjie and the rest with their CCHY Cybergame Competition thing. Was sort of the photographer moving around. Was quite slack. The event was alright. Got delayed by a bit but no matters.

Then I also went to help today. The finals. Some dramatic stuff happened when a kid got someone to help him play. His teammate got pissed off or something, then she started arguing and ended up pointing around. What a fool, pointing around and seemingly pointing at Lin Xiao Ying is a death penalty. Well, LinXY got pissed off and started giving that face.

Then Connie Yeo came up as well. Then they said, "When an angry Miss Lin meets Mdm Yeo, all hell breaks loose."

Okay, it was okay. Mdm Yeo decided to keep cool and understood the situation. Seems like Miss Lin is super pissed. And she didn't even want to see Alpha and Qunjie, and asked Alpha to "go die". XD

Mdm Yeo actually wanted me to help them do some "appreciation" for Miss Lin because she remembered me doing the SCarnival08 Log last year for her birthday. Well... It's a bit crazy. I'm not even part of the CCHYCGC team. I was just helping out with the phototaking. Well, snapped a few randomest shots though. XD

Oh well, then we had a bit of Audition before deleting all of them from the Computer Lab, as a wrap-up for the CCHYCGC 2009.

Let's see, what else...

Okay, so the whole class now knows that the Avatar of Insanity is having a crush on Xinglai. >_> Good luck to him. XD

My plans for tomorrow is to watch Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, which I have never watched although I have had it since years ago. >_>

I think I'm stupid. Recently I feel that I'm stupid. And I have not had Hong Kong Mee for 3 days. Sold out all 3 days. How unlucky.

Oh yes, and today during P.E. Forgot my P.E. attire and ended up not doing anything. It was okay, I was so tired anyways. Laid on the benches and fell asleep for more than 1 period while everyone was sweating so much. I was so energized after that. :D

Chemistry SPA was a failure. I sucked totally. I should die. *sighs*

Alright, I have no idea what else to write about. I shall end here. It's so late after playing a few games of DotA.

Good Day~!

posted at 11:06 PM


Monday, March 2, 2009
Diary Entry - 2 March 2009

Today was a random day. Quite.

Monday, like always, is a killer for me. After one weekend of excessive DotA-ing and owning most of the time, school just seemed like such a chore. No matter.

So today was the day we got back our Common Tests scripts and results. And we did. Early morning, Mr Goh, who is now back after two weeks of absence due to reservist, gave us back our A-Maths paper. 33/35, it was alright, but the mistake was really stupid.

Then it was Higher Chinese. Had gotten 58/70. It was pretty good. Am quite satisfied.

Then Biology, no papers, we had to do some SPA instead. >_>

After recess was Maths again, E-Maths this time. A lot of careless mistakes. 27/30.

Physics, after some dramatic pep talk by Mr Lee and interference by the Avatar of Insanity, we got back our paper. Topped with 44/50 and got this Cadbury Chocolate Bar.

Then it was Chemistry. Mdm Yeo was on childcare leave, I think Manfred is sick or something. Slacked for the whole of the period.

Bought quite many files and went home to sleep.

Woke up, it was pouring outside. Haven't seen such a rain for a long time. It stopped after a while and I tried searching for the rainbow. I found it.

Not very clear because it was quite far away. But you can actually see a faint strip of seven colours across the cleared sky. Looking at it gave me a sudden thought. Nature is just so amazing. Let's work hard in conserving it!

Okay, I'm still buried in a whole load of work now. Have so much filing to do. So little time. So much stress and so random things occurring. I'm losing my marbles.

Good Day. :D

posted at 10:15 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife