~Music Player~

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Saturday, February 28, 2009
Diary Entry - 27 February 2009

Today was boring. Had this very boring talk about What's Next After 'O' Levels. Seriously, there was like nothing I found out. >_>

But the good thing was, after the talk, when going home, I opened the letterbox and found that I've received a mail.

From the Japanese Cultural Society of Singapore. My JLPT3 results. :D

Scored 92/100 for Writing and Vocabulary, 100/100 for Listening, and 197/200 for Reading and Grammar. So I scored 389/400 for JLPT3, which I had not studied for. Yays~

Life had been quite monotonous these past weeks. Study study study more. I need something to spice up my life. Like in 君がいない、“ときめきが安らぎに変われば 刺激というスパイスだって必要かもね”.

Maybe I should not be yearning after all.


posted at 1:28 PM


Thursday, February 26, 2009
Diary Entry - 25 February 2009

Am tired.

Okay, don't get misled. This will probably not be an emo post (majorly).

So, today was the LAST DAY of the Common Test. Really, no one was seriously happy that Common Tests are over because they just seem so insignificant. >_> At least to me.

So it was Chemistry and A-Maths. Chemistry was fine, I had a careless mistake for A-Maths. Damn those matrices. T_T

After recess was Physics, Mr Lee made me go to his staff room table to get the notes, and I met Mr Thong on the way there. He seemed really anti-social for some reasons. >_>

Chinese was actually quite fun. Because we could not find the keys to the C105 Classroom, we sort of had more than half the lessons outside, sitting in the gentle breeze and talking about tracking devices. <_<

Then it was sort of school end because we had to go for our Learning Journey at Singapore Discovery Centre. Like expected, it was pretty lame.

Like, seriously, we lost the Total Defence Quiz thing because Manvinder Kaur was not there, and then there was this break when I ate some Ovalteenies?

And then this little exhibition thing which was like, Social Studies Globalization-based. Oh, there was this Investment Monopoly game thingy. Like, we buy shares and wait for them to rise. Crap, one went BOOM at one point.

Okay, then we went home. The trip home was so long because of traffic jam. I sort of fell asleep on the bus.

Reached home, had dinner and then napped for a while. Had a game of DotA just now and seriously, I think I'm getting lousier.

Okay, I've just completed my homework and should sleep now. Having Japanese lessons tomorrow. It's gonna be a long day...

So near, yet so far. A distance that even globalization cannot shrink. The distance from you.

posted at 12:24 AM


Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Diary Entry - 24 February 2009

Today was a funny day. Okay, I was quite unlucky today, urgh, ya right, whatever.

The Higher Chinese Common Test was manageable. Just had to read it slowly and understand the meaning. Finished with 10 minutes left. :D

Biology Paper was crap. I didn't know how to do it. Like 30% of it or something. Screwed.

Okay, then I was blocked off balance by Chongwei's ginormous butt when going up the stairs. Then my elbow grazed against the wall with the rough surface. It bled.

Oh well, but CLOVES2 was interesting. Mainly because of this student in the class who could not stop asking Manvinder Kaur questions about the randomest thing. Okay, 2 periods of CLOVES2 went by and we barely finished 2 pages of our work. XD

It's Chemistry and A-Maths tomorrow, and we have a trip to Singapore Discovery Centre as well. So boring. Isn't there anything to spice up my life?

I feel so complex. I don't understand the distance with you.

Never mind. I'll go off to studying Chemistry now. Good Day.

posted at 8:59 PM


Monday, February 23, 2009
Diary Entry - 23 February 2009

Finally~ I'm done with the migration.

Blogger says I can only import 50 posts per 24 hours, so I had to wait that long. Well, my LiveJournal had JUST 150 posts. Lucky or what?

I'm so happy with my skin. As in, not MY skin, my blog skin. It looks so KEWL.

And the music player, somehow I managed to get it to work there. Thanks to HTML.

Oh yes, after rejoicing over my new blog, I should post another happy thing.

Just the other day when I logged onto my MOELC Learning Portal, I saw this Private Message. It read:

Congratulations on your excellent performance in the Japanese Language at the Ministry of Education Language Centre for year 2008. You have been identified as the Second Prize-Winner. We would like to celebrate your outstanding performance at this year’s Prize Presentation Ceremony on Friday, 29th May 2009 at 3 p.m. in the MOELC (Bishan) Auditorium.

As we will be sending an invitation to you and your parents to attend the Prize Presentation Ceremony, we would like you to send us the below listed personal particulars for verification purposes:

1) Your full name
2) MOELC class
3) School name
4) School class
5) Your Father’s full name
6) Home address and postal code
7) Home telephone number
8) Your Handphone no.

Please ensure the accuracy of the information given and send it ASAP to Lim Hae Eun Nicole (Japanese Teacher) via the private message box in the MOELC learning portal.

Best regards,
The Prize Committee

Which means, I got second again~ Okay, I didn't get top, that was quite sad, but I'm quite content. :D

The Prize Presentation Ceremony is still long away. But I'll be looking forward!

Moving on to less happy topics, Common Test is just occurring right now and I'm so lazy to study. I slack.

Well, the past subjects were quite fine. English and Combined Humanities sucked like usual... >_>

Physics and E-Maths was manageable. :D Let's hope I get some good results.

It's Higher Chinese and Biology tomorrow. I haven't studied a bit. I'm still slacking. >_>

I don't know what else to say. I'm just feeling quite easy and happy right now. :D

Alright, see you again soon. Good Day~

posted at 11:49 PM


Saturday, February 21, 2009
Diary Entry - 20 February 2009

First day of Common Test. Physics and Combined Humanities.

Physics was alright, I hope. Geography was quite a killer. Should have studied more on the indicators crap instead of Human Development Index and factors. Screwed up quite a bit.

Social Studies was never my forte. The sources were sort of crappy, I skipped to the purpose right in the beginning. Hope I got them right. >_>

Oh yea, the provenance of Source D read something like "An extract of a CNN interview..... on 20 February 2009."

This tells us that the sources are fake. >_>

Whiled away the rest of the day. Manvinder Kaur was absent, so English was slack. For Maths, Miss Ong came and gave some worksheets, then she sat down. Slacked somemore.

Higher Chinese was 私函 again. Okay, wrote a bit.

Then went for lunch at McDonald's. Student Value Meal. Ate, then went back to school to sit around in the Prefects' Room to slack and chat. Was quite funny. Hahas.

Went home at around 1715. Slept for a while, Renegaded and chatted. Feeling meaningless now so I shall sign off.


posted at 12:34 AM


Thursday, February 19, 2009
Diary Entry - 19 February 2009

I'm so tired.

It's Common Test tomorrow and I'm feeling so grossed out for no reasons. My stomach feels jammed and my eyes feel irritated. I'm so not in the mood to study... Crap.

I shall rest for a while.

posted at 9:10 PM


Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Diary Entry - 17 February 2009

A rather interesting day, lols.

Maybe not in school. School was monotonous like usual. CCA was crappy, we just slacked it off in the prefects' room.

Reached home, and before I bathed, Bro called Dad.

He burned his arm~ Second degree burn. Somehow he fell from somewhere, injured his leg and his forearm hit the exhaust pipe of a just-landed helicopter.

Seriously, how unlucky can he get? His computer just crashed for like 4 or 5 times. He got a new CPU which was faulty and he had to get it fixed. Just done that yesterday and today he gets something stupid like that.

And he has to injure himself whenever he gets a job and has to be admitted to Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He hit his head on the corner of an ajar cabinet door when standing up when he was working as a waiter, fell from 3 metres high while climbing a ladder to the rooftop while working as a telecom technician, and now this.

He must have done something wrong. He should repent. >_>

Alright, it's late. I shall sleep. Good night.

posted at 12:25 AM


Saturday, February 14, 2009
Diary Entry - 14 February 2009

More than a week since my last entry.

Most of the week went quite smoothly and monotonously. Like usual, school, homework, game, school. Until I went down with a sore throat sometime on Wednesday or Thursday.

I still have my voice, luckily.

Oh yes, and we had IPP yesterday in school. Quite an interesting thing, took away a day of lessons in class. IPP started early in the day, like the first period. The siren sounded and Clarence Chang blew his smoke bomb. Ms Kaur ran into the classroom with a bottle of chocolate milk. >_>

People started sticking garbage bags and making a fake toilet. No one used it anyway.

Trapped in there for a while, was quite free until some SCDF peeps came to blow smoke into the class. We totally failed.

Went out after someone needed to go to the toilet. That was when we noticed that IPP was over.

Wasted the rest of the day away. Stood around at the Valentine's stall during recess with a sore throat. Gee.

Went to the hall for some Total Defence Day stuff before going off. Went to have lunch with Marvin because everyone else had some Nepal Trip briefing.

Went back for SS lecture before leaving school. Went home, fell asleep until 8. Played a bit of computer, went back to Renegading for a bit.

Then... yup, something happened. Something. >_>

Then later I went to sleep. Woke up with morning by an SMS from Anna, saying Happy Valentine's Day or something. LOL. Couldn't sleep anymore, so woke up and DotA-ed with brother.

Went to grandma's place to visit my aunt who just went for an operation to remove THREE tumours in her uterus. >_>

Did some work there and came back. I'm thinking of what to do later. I might DotA, I'll see how.

That's all for now. Good day.

posted at 9:36 PM


Friday, February 6, 2009






posted at 9:02 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife