~Music Player~

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Saturday, November 29, 2008
Diary Entry - Japan Trip (21 - 27 November 2008)

HELLO EVERYONE. I'm back from Japan~

After experiencing a boring 6 hour flight, watching Wall.E, pausing it after 3 minutes each time, then falling asleep.

Reached there and met our tour guide, who was super nice. I'll elaborate later.

So we went out of the airport, and the air outside was much colder than inside. And so we went to take the bus and headed for Shuzenji in Shizuoka. The bus trip was... 4 hours long. Was suffering from motion sickness there. XD

Reached the foot of the hill Shuzenji Techinical High School located on. The wind was blowing like hell and Shuzenji students came down to fetch us. Went up the hill, freezing. Reached there, had this mini party with sandwiches, etc. Then after meeting our host family, we went home with them. Well, knowing that I could speak Japanese, they were like speaking to me in Japanese all the while. How fun. Their family consists of Hisamasa (Dad), Sumie (Mum), Marina (Eldest Daughter), Erina (Second Daughter) and Shion (Youngest Daughter). Went back to their home, or rather, a house borrowed from their friend, changed out of school uniform, and went out for dinner with them. Had a few sushi and drinks, didn't feel like eating much.

Went back home, they got our baths ready while we chatted with them. Iman went for the bath first, while I stayed to chat with them. Then later it went opposite. Went to sleep, the room was warm. Slept well.

Then the next morning, had croissant and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Then we were to the Shuzenji Station to meet the rest and headed off for a mountain to watch Mt. Fuji. Took many nice photos of Mt Fuji. :D

Then we went to Niji no Sato, Village of Rainbow. There were British Village, Izu no Kuni Village, Maple Forest, Works Village etc. And we fed carps in the pond. Had lunch at this restaurant, then went for hot springs at Hyaku Warai.

Went to the Axis Katsuragi, where we would perform the next day, to check out the place. Then we went home with the host family. They went to the supermart to get some stuff for a party that night. Their friends and Sumie's (Mum) father and sister came. Well, they all smoked, but the dinner was fun. After that, they gave us a whole bag of presents. How nice of them. And they called all their friends just to find if anyone knows where to get Toda Erika posters, for Chongwei. And because I said I wanted anime posters, they tried to find hard covers for the posters, and when they could not, they made one themselves with a hard PVC pipe.

Then it was the performance on 23 November 2008. Was quite nervous because I had to face the crowd and speak in their native language. But they said I did well. Shuzenji won the champion that day. That night, some of Marina's friends in Shuzenji who also performed, and I think one of them was the host for Phyllan and Tianfu, came over. Had fun because they were a bit crazy and this girl started dancing Hare Hare Yukai in front of everyone! Music was from my phone. XD

Then later we went for hot springs at the basement of the house before coming back up. They left early, so we stayed up to chat with the host for the last time in a while. Stayed up until around 2am until Hisa said he was tired, so we went to sleep. Woke up next morning and went to have breakfast at a convenience store, had egg sandwich. They sent us to Shuzenji Station, then we baid farewell and left for Tokyo.

Had a long bus trip, fell well asleep on the bus. Reached the hostel at who knows what time. Left our luggages at the hostel storage room and headed back on the bus for Disneyland!

Well, the place was quite crowded, since it was a public holiday there and such. My aunt's camera was a bit weird and it kept going out of battery, so I was quite disappointed. And later it began raining. =.= Oh well, I still had fun. Tried a few rides and also the roller coaster. XD Bought a whole lot of stuff there too.

Then we headed back to Iidabashi to have dinner then it was back to the hostel. Called home that night. Spent 1000yen for a 7 minutes and 36 seconds call. XD

Oh well. Then next morning, we had breakfast before heading for Akihabara, where I bought so many stuff at the Tokyo Anime Center and Animate. Well, first went to the Tokyo Anime Center and bought this Detective Conan 2009 calendar and some Bleach keychain for Bro. Saw this Evangelion figurine, but it wasn't the same as what he asked me to buy so I left it there. Went on later to shop at Animate, alone. Bought more stuff for other people, as well as a Conan poster and a D.Grayman poster, Evangelion calendar and found no Evangelion figurine. So I ran back to the Tokyo Anime Center to buy the other one.

After lunch, it was Asakusa. Shopped a lot before Sensouji, bought a whole bag of stuff like lucky charms and stuff. Had fun spending there. Then I went to get my fortune told at the Omikuji, and my fortune was bad. Went into the temple and prayed for a bit before coming back out to shop.

For the whole day, I spent 15000yen. :D

That night, we took a bus to Kisarazu Sougou High School in Chiba, and their Vice-Principal, who looked like he was in his 70s, waited there for us in the cold. We hopped on to their school bus and they took us to their school for dinner. We ate and later realised that they had put us in a hotel instead of their dormitory. How nice of them.

And next morning, their school bus took us to their school for breakfast before their second performance. Another same thing again. Then we went out for a visit at Nippon Steel Kimitsu Works, a steel factory. Holy, it was hot inside. The visit was brief, and we went back to their school for a school tour. After touring places like Kendo gym, Judo gym and basketball courts, badminton courts, table-tennis court, etc, we went up this tower in their school and captured a few pictures of sunset. We came down, the sky was already dark, and the time was... 5.15pm Japan time. XD

So we went to their canteen to have dinner before heading back to the hotel. Had card games and random games until late in the night. Enjoyed scenery of the night sky somemore before falling asleep at 2am. Woke up at 6.30am and got ready to head for the airport. The Kisarazu school bus came and picked us up for breakfast at their school before taking us to the airport with a bigger bus. They were so nice.

Checked in our luggages at the airport and deposited some in the lockers. Headed over to AEON, a shopping mall nearby by shuttle bus, and did a bit of shopping. Well, didn't buy much.

Went back to the airport and baid farewell to the tour conductor/guide, Uri-chan (Urita Taeko), before heading into the Departure.

She was really nice, it wasn't her work to research and explain everything about everywhere, but she did. And she checked out everything for us and did all the contact. Besides that, she bought umbrellas in Disneyland because it was raining, and gave it to us. Also, she bought many many warmers (warm packs) for us, with her own money.

Okay, and it was departure. Spent another 5500yen in the daparture because I didn't want to bring back so much money. Had a terrible flight. Was long and shitty.

Okay, finally, I reached Singapore at 1am GMT +8. Went home, gave out presents, bathed, etc. Fell asleep at nearing 4am. XD

Okay, pictures time. Gee, this will take long.

Our hosting parents. The mum is 34 and the dad is 36. Their oldest daughter is 17!

Mount Fuji from another mountain. I heard that someone took a picture of Mt. Fuji from this same place and it was sent for an exhibition in the US. That made Mt. Fuji famous.

Those red maple leaves in the Niji no Sato. How nice.

Another picture of nice maple leaves.

This is what I call 木漏れ日. I mentioned that term and the tour guide was shocked that I knew such a word.

Our host family. From the left: Hisamasa, Sumie, Shion, Erina, Marina, Iman, Me. Their family is Watanabe, anyway.

That's Cinderella's Castle in Disneyland. Sorry for someone's head there.

Kaminari-mon at Asakusa.

Sunset on the bus.

Almost sunset. Taken on the ground.

Almost sunset. Taken on the tower.

Mr Yip giving Uri-chan the presents from Singapore.

Okay. That's all I'm nice enough to upload. They take quite long, you know.

Have thoroughly enjoyed this trip. Haha. But still, feels great to be back in Singapore. The sunny sky and warm weather. XD

posted at 2:59 PM


Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Diary Entry - 18 November 2008

Went karaoke-ing today~ Okay, I was quite surprised. That place in OCC actually has 3 songs from ZARD, Makenaide, Sekai wa Kitto Mirai no Naka and Itai Kurai Kimi ga Afurete Iru yo. I sang the first two, I didn't know the last one. And there was also Amagi Goe, Ano Kane wo Narasu no wa Anata, Tsugaru Kaikyou Fuyugeshiki and Naniwa Bushi da yo Jinsei wa.

But most of the time, Dad and Mum were just singing their own songs at their leisure. So I didn't get to sing all those songs I named earlier. XD Or rather, I didn't complete them.

2 more days till Japan~

posted at 10:31 PM


Saturday, November 15, 2008
Diary Entry - 15 November 2008

WELL~ Spent almost my whole day at Sentosa today~

Met up at Yishun MRT at 0840 with Qunjie, Chongwei, Duncan, Samuel Cheong, Sheryl, Joping, Christine, Madeline Chan and Kailing. Chongwei came late though, =.=

So, we set off to HarbourFront to meet Mrs Choo and her Green Club members... We didn't see any though. While we went there for weeding, it seemed like the weeding area was closed due to some beehive, so we could not weed. But we still got the free admission to Sentosa. Mrs Choo had something on, some sort of presentation with her Green Club, so we went over with Ms Wong Kah Yan and Ms Trixie Lim instead. Walked to where our plot of land was, but we could not do anything besides looking. Then went sightseeing elsewhere before heading for the beach~

We were thinking of strolling along the beach, but Ms Wong got hungry and treated us to some expensive food instead, although we didn't do anything this time. She treated us each to a drink, which was like $8.50 each, and finger food. I think the meal was at least $100.

Then the teachers suggested that we head for the Underwater World. I haven't been there in my whole lifetime, and Ms Wong treated us again. Each person was $16, and there were 10 of us. XD THANKS MS WONG.

The underwater world was pretty~ Although not as big as that in Perth, but hey, wasn't that bad a place. There was this special anti-gravity tank where the water wouldn't overflow from this box joined to a hole in the middle of the tank. Remembering pressure, we got Ms Wong to explain. She couldn't, because it was special. We suspect some low pressure inside the tank, anyways.

Then we went around snapping photos of fishes and stuff. Then it was the conveyor belt tunnel thingy time! We went round for like 4 times. It was awfully short. And the movement made taking photos difficult. Then there were jellyfishes and stuff like that. XD

Then we went for the Dolphin Lagoon thingy somewhere far away. Took the shuttle bus over, and watched the dolphin performance. Was drizzling, so didn't have a nice time there.

After that, we went strolling along the beach back to the monorail station and rode back to VivoCity. Had Long John there before going home.

Then just now, while I was watching TV, aunt called to ask if Dad knows where Grandma was. Apparently, she called home and no one picked up the phone and Grandma's handphone was switched off. So she was worried for her and Dad rushed off to her place. Halfway there, she called and asked if we called.

Alright, she was cleaning the bathroom at 2100+ and didn't hear the phone. So Dad U-Turned back home. Funny.

Right, this post has been long enough. I don't think I have any nice pictures, so I shall skip it. Good day.

posted at 11:00 PM


Friday, November 7, 2008
Diary Entry - 7 November 2008

Almost tensed up. But maybe not so much. Oh well...

Last day of extended programme today~ Oh well, boring as usual.

Then we decided to go out one last time before Hsinlu flies back to Taiwan tomorrow. So we went to Causeway Point's Sakae Sushi for the Tea-Time buffet!

Met up at Khatib MRT at 1500. Was the first to reach and had to wait for like 7 minutes before Xinglai came next. Went to the toilet and came out, Hsinlu was there. Decided to meet the girls on the train itself, they were boarding at Yishun.

We were on the first cabin, they were at the last. So we had to walk all the way from one end to the other. Which is over a hundred metres?

So the five of us, Me, Hsinlu, Xinglai, Diana and Pauline went off to eat. Sushi buffets are always great. Ate so much, I almost puked as I laughed.

Then accompanied the girls to go walk around. They spent more than 10 minutes looking at necklaces which they didn't buy. O_o

Then umm... let's see... Then we went home. LOL.

Of course, I missed out on some details here and there. :D

Hsinlu, BON VOYAGE. Seeya online someday when you're there. :D

posted at 11:37 PM


Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Diary Entry - 5 November 2008

Today was a hard day... Stress, fun, tension and sadness back to back, coming in all directions.

First, it was the GCE 'O' Level Chinese Exams. Express Chinese. Which was rather easy. Not very tough, manageable.

Then after that was some Maths, then Chemistry. Ended at around 1400. Decided to go home, shower then change. Met up with Xinglai at 1435 at NTUC to buy stuff for cooking session later. Met up with Hsinlu at the bus stop some time later, and caught a bus to Jasmine's house.

We were early because Pauline didn't dare to go out because of the thunder and lightning. So we went loitering around the estate to kill some time. Reached Jasmine's house slightly before Diana and Pauline came over. Sat and watched a bit of TV before we started cooking.

The process was quite fun... But... That's the sadness part. I shan't elaborate.

While Xinglai and Pauline were doing stuff, we were standing in the kitchen and chatting, when Jasmine's dogs came into the kitchen and ran around, scaring the hell out of Diana. She kept screaming and running around because of the dogs. *laughs*

Then we had our baked rice. Was so full because I had to give Xinglai "face". Actually wanted to go walk around, but... *sighs*

Let's hope something good happens.

posted at 9:29 PM


Sunday, November 2, 2008
Diary Entry - 1 November 2008 (Night)

I'm feeling like shit. Not just tireness, but a lot of other factors.

So, went for Halloween at Escape Theme Park. Okay, it was a nice place, but I still felt like shit. First, fortune telling. I got this terrible fortune which had nothing to do with what I was asking for. The lady just went in shock at how bad my fortune was.

Then the Haunted House. I was pushed to be the first to walk. Which means, I will trigger all the sensors and see anything scary first. But the Haunted House was not scary at all. All the mechanism were old-schooled, expected. The ghosts didn't harass me.

Then the family coaster ride. We were to sit in pairs, and like expected, Diana and Jasmine, Pauline and Mary, Hsinlu and Xinglai, and me ALONE. F*cked up.

Then the Wet & Wild. Another pair ride. Initially, I was to go solo again. Then Xinglai said he was going to go out and let me sit with Hsinlu. Then later Hsinlu said I could continue queuing if I wanted to play. So with that, he left the queue and expected me to go solo. What the F*ck. Then I left the queue as well.

Feeling all like shit, I was already looking like one of the ghosts you find at the park, and no one gave a damn. No one cared why I was looking so shitty and they just went to play their own stuff. What is wrong with this world?

posted at 12:28 AM


Saturday, November 1, 2008
Diary Entry - 1 November 2008 (Day)

Woke up at 0900 this morning because I got nauseous from sleeping. =.= Quite unexpected from me, eh?

So I woke up and began sitting before the computer, chit-chatting on MSN with some early birds until rather late. Then I thought, "I should go for the Halloween at Escape Theme Park tonight.", and thus I managed to come to a compromise with my mum. She allowed me to go but I had to do some work before going and be back home by 11pm. I shall try my best to.

Then... it was just work. Listening to Teresa Teng's CD and doing Chinese Mock Papers... It was alright.

Am awaiting good news from some people out there. :D

I shall update again when I come back from the Halloween event. :D

posted at 2:35 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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*January 2008
*February 2008
*March 2008
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*October 2008
*November 2008
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Design and Image - Beastrife