~Music Player~

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Monday, October 27, 2008
Diary Entry - 27 October 2008

Alrighty, had been a long weekend. Last Friday was alright, did pretty much nothing besides staying at home and staring at the computer screen. Hsinlu asked me to DotA on Garena so I did, and we got owned by the AI+ people. XD Ended early because he wanted to sleep, so I went to watch TV and then more of MAR before sleeping.

Saturday, quite a fun one. Woke up early to SMS the guys about the outing at night. Jiajun and Jiansheng were at camp so they didn't reply anything. In the meantime, we (Hsinlu + Me) continued more DotA and eventually owned 2 AI+ on Normal Experience and Normal Gold. =.=

And I left a little early because he went to Battle.net. Had a shower and got changed to meet at Khatib MRT at 1700. Strolled slowly to Khatib MRT because Hsinlu said he would be late by a bit. In the end, he was early by 5 minutes and I was still at the traffic light. That goes to him not styling his hair and putting on a cap. Later, Xinglai came and finally Qunjie then Chongwei.

Went to AMKhub for dinner at slightly past 1800 while deciding what to do afterwards. Had this super oily New York Fish and Chips which kinda irked all 3 (Chongwei, Hsinlu, Me) eating it. Decided during meal that we shall go to Singapore River to stroll and digest food. So we went~

They went to Marina Square to play some stuff toy catching machine which totally scams money, then to the arcade to watch some profound strategy game. In the end, we finally went over to Singapore River and strolled, looking for this certain bridge where Duncan ever shouted something there. So we went and decided that we shall scream out loud the word which we like. Old stuff for everyone except Hsinlu probably, and Chongwei said, me too. I didn't even know what to shout. But, no matter, it was interesting.

Then we walked for a while before getting on the bounced train and going back. Chatted a lot on the MRT in front of many other people. How funny. There was this uncle who kept staring at us for no good reasons, maybe he was listening to our conversation.

Alighted at Khatib and went home after that.

Sunday~ was boring. Stayed at home. Woke up at 0715 by Hsinlu's SMS which said "Play Dota" or something. And he said to play it after lunch, he SMSed me at 0715. Haha. Continued sleeping until 1100 or somewhere there. Played a little of The Black Road then DotA while waiting for Qunjie. Kinda got owned because of lagginess and went to find Qunjie, who can't connect to us no matter what. Sadded, we began chatting and Hsinlu went for his beloved Battle.net. Later Qunjie also went to play some stuff and I was left alone again... So I watched MAR and... more MAR. Ended at around 0230 so I went to sleep. :D

I'll be going over to Grandma's place later. Might do some work there, probably not.

posted at 10:55 AM


Thursday, October 23, 2008
Diary Entry - 23 October 2008

*sighs of relief* Feeling good~

Anyways, today was... the last day of school? Well, we still have 2 weeks of extended programme anyways, but hey, it's the official last day of school. And we got back our report books.

To my greatest horror... I GOT SECOND IN CLASS AND LEVEL~ I didn't know why, but hey, I did it! SMSed See Fanny and she said I did a great job. When she was around, I could only get up to 4.

Anyways, thanks to my Japanese results that pulled my overall average up. I could have been the fifth instead.

Anyways, yesterday was the Social Etiquette course. It started in the morning, and lasted for a day. I left the room at 1015 to entertain the Japanese guests coming over, I gave the welcome speech and introduced the Festival Drums and Chinese Orchestra. Then the programme overran and I had to rush to Safra at 12+ to join the Social Etiquette course, where there were already finishing the meal. So I didn't have the time to care about etiquette, and ate just normally. XD

Well, nothing big happened this two days, besides the funny part when Hsinlu was 暗爽ing during recess. XD

Alright, I shall sign off here. Good day.

posted at 8:44 PM


Monday, October 20, 2008
Diary Entry - 20 October 2008

This will be an awfully long post. Got my results and the bungalow trip to talk about. XD

First, my results. Not too happy with a few subjects, namely, Combined Humanities, Biology and Additional Mathematics.

English Language: 30/50 for Paper 2. I have no idea about Paper 1.
Higher Chinese: 148/200 (74%, DAMN)
Japanese Language: 92.78%
Elementary Mathematics: 87/100
Additional Mathematics: 58/80 (Damn.)
Biology: 71/100 (Damn.)
Chemistry: 83/100 (3rd Position)
Physics: 86/100 (Top, with Chongwei.)
Combined Humanities: 63/100 (SS: 25/50, E.Geog: 38/50)

So there you go. I sucked a bit. I'm aiming for top 3, or rather, my mother is aiming for it for me. XD

Alright, then it was Scarnival08 for the Secondary Ones on 17 October. Gee, what a tiring one. Was practically walking around for the whole day inspecting the different stations. My legs were screaming. But it was a success, my prize presentation ceremony went great. :D

Then right after that, I went home and out again to meet the rest for the BUNGALOW TRIP~ Met up at Northpoint OCBC at 1800 with Chongwei, Leesun, Qunjie, Hsinlu and Xinglai (in order of appearance, QJ and HL came together). Then we took a bus there... and we got lost while trying to find the place. Had dinner at White Sands before going on a hunt for the place.

The first night was quite boring, we reached there late and were all tired. Hsinlu was sick so he slept early, and the rest just went to lie down as well and began talking about some funny stuff, bursting out laughing like hell. XD

The second morning, we woke up quite early and were awaiting the arrival of Kailong, Diana, Pauline and Jasmine. Eileen and Evangeline came as well later. We were catching Pokemon and some Kids Central show for the last time before the channel closes. So there.

Jasmine then said that the barbecue wholesale guy called her to say that her cheque bounced, and then I had to ride the bike there all the way to Elias Mall to withdraw some $80 for the barbecue food. Of course I got it back later. Then we went out in the afternoon for bike rides and lunch. Played LAN and owned the enemy team in both games. BBQ was at night, spent some time starting the fire but hell, it was fun. We were laughing like hell over some hotdogs or something. LOLs.

Then they all went to the entertainment room for watching some VCDs. I fell asleep straight away and didn't catch anything. *laughs* Then while I fell asleep without any blankets and beside Qunjie, I woke up to find myself tucked in a blanket shared with Hsinlu, and Qunjie vanished somewhere. Woke up at 1000 and found Qunjie and the others in the next room. They went to catch some sunrise at 0430 and saw nothing. XD

Then the girls said they had to leave at around 1700 so we stayed in the room to play some cards and ordered Canadian Pizza for lunch + breakfast. Then we went to the nearby Pasir Ris Park for some playground and sea. Photos below.

Then... IT BEGAN POURING. Strolled back to the bungalow in the rain, still listening to music. XD So everyone was wet and changed before sitting down for UNO or something. Then the girls had to go, so we sent them to White Sands before leaving for Elias Mall for LAN gaming for 2 hours. Lost because of random heroes and gay enemies. XD Alright, then me, Qunjie, Hsinlu and Jiajun went to purchase some food for the second BBQ because of excess charcoal, while Kailong, Chongwei and Xinglai went back to set up the fire. We almost got lost in the foggy night. How fun~

Then after the barbecue, we actually wanted to go to e-Zone to walk around, but it was already 0000, and the place closes at 0100. So we decided not to go and went ahead for some guys talk in the room instead. Shared a whole lot of secrets and had lots of fun, seeing the true colours of certain people. XD Kailong just sat there and acted innocent while we pressed him for a name. XD
Then after the talk, we sort of fell asleep. Kailong was so fast to sleep he was snoring so loudly. We almost wanted to kick him out of the room. XD

Right, then while I was supposed to share a blanket with Jiajun and Qunjie, Chongwei needed that one as well so he pulled it over and I got nothing left while Hsinlu owned one to himself. I made him surrender half of it and share the blanket instead though. XD Then the night was scary...

Because he was sick, Hsinlu was tugging at the blanket everytime he turned, and my portion became smaller and smaller. I had to snug over and try to keep a safe distance away from him, and yet try to get myself covered. Just then, while I was "closing in" on Hsinlu, Jiajun turned over to my side and mumbled something super loudly. He was sleeptalking. And his voice sounded violent. Then he mentioned something about two bananas. This made me fear him so I turned away from him. Then he behaved like air particles. He occupied whatever space he could find sub-consciously and my mattress gradually became his. And I was stuck with my butt on the cold hard ground between a literally sick person and a mentally sick person. XD

Oh yes, then Xinglai also screamed something in his sleep, something which sounded like "EH BOTH OF YOU!", then it became silent again. Funny, uh?

We woke up and got ready to check out. Packed out stuff and moved off to White Sands to have breakfast. I had McDonald's Hotcakes and Iced Milo, and because I was so thirsty, I finished the Sprite which Hsinlu could not finish. And I suppose Milo and Sprite aren't good friends. Well, I could hold it until I reached home. Took a bus back to Yishun and alighted at Khatib. A few of them went back to school while Hsinlu went back to sleep. Qunjie went back home then to school. Me too.

Then we had to do more work. Scarnival08 for the Secondary Twos is tomorrow, and I've got a whole lot to do. I needa rush now.

Photos Time:

During the barbecue, photo courtesy of... the girls. Xinglai's face is gone with the smoke. XD

This is the fun and cool "Roulette of Destiny" at Pasir Ris Park. We were playing it on Saturday when they played with a puddle of muddy water and splashed them all around. Gee. The girls played them on Sunday though.

At the breakwater by the sea. Note: Hsinlu isn't in the picture because he was emo-ing at the other side for some unknown reasons. The scenery here fits Yureru Omoi ("きらめく波が砂浜潤して") and Natsu wo Matsu Seiru no You ni very well.

Group Photo taken by a stranger.

The guys crowding at the stairs of the McDonald's while the girls ate. Hey.


posted at 11:38 PM


Monday, October 13, 2008
Diary Entry - 11 October 2008

Am tired like hell... I slept at 2+am yesternight and woke up at like... 8.30am this morning. Got ready, went to school for Scarnival again. We still have one more week before everything becomes done. So, we had to help help help and meet meet meet all day long my bones are crying.

Finalized and printed all the necessary stuff except the Feedback and Evaluation forms today. It was a lot of work, hell. Then we went to have lunch and began shopping for Scarnival items like 80 packets of corn flour and 80 packets of rice flour, some 30 bottles of ketchup and 30 bottles of soft drink (1.5 or 2 litres ones). Well, I had to go early because I had to take my Japanese results...

And the results are here.

Listening: 14/15
Oral: 9/10
Essay: 13.7
Paper: 58.5
EOY Total: 95.2

Overall: 92.78

I hope that was good, I hope I can top the level. *prays hard*

My eyelids are closing. And I've just spent more than 2 hours completing some Wei story mode on Musou Orochi. Tired... I shall sign off here. Tomorrow's school, and we'll be getting back results. I think I sucked totally. *depressed*

posted at 10:02 PM


Saturday, October 11, 2008
Diary Entry - 10 October 2008

*stretches* Holy, my whole body aches.

Went back school today for Scarnival stuff again. Let's see, I was the first to reach, so Mrs Chan spotted me and told me that my Physics paper had room for improvements because I could not deliver the concepts well, or something. She said "I can tell that you understand the concept, but you didn't express it well.". Sadded early in the morning. Saw Mrs Choo tutoring some people and saw our Biology results beside her. 71/100, more sadded.

Then Mdm Yeo came and told Mrs Chan to brief me about their discussion yesterday, and thus she told me some very very long instructions. Spent the whole day in the computer lab correcting the formats, writing purchase list and doing up questions and answers.

Oh, then the rest were also in the computer lab doing up on things like Prom Night and Combined Sports Camp or something. That's when Xinglai said he needed to go early because he has promised to have lunch with some friends, namely, Jasmine and the girls + Hsinlu. Okay, I was invited as well, but I can't make it because of why I was in school today. Xinglai, who requested to be let off, got scolded by Mdm Yeo for not setting his priorities. XD

So I stayed there for the whole day. Went for lunch at Buddy Hoagies, student special. Then went to the nearby coffeeshop to takeaway lunch for Mdm Yeo, Mrs Jessie Tan and 2 peeps. Reached rather late, got complained by the teachers for starving Mrs Tan's unborn baby. Tired...

And because of the Graduation Ceremony, the computer lab was to be vacated at 1515. Needed to find a new place to do our work, which was at Yishun Safra. Sat down and discussed about tomorrow's agenda and did some stuff like venues, etc. Yes, we're going back tomorrow as well. Need to tidy up more stuff.

Alright, I shall sign off for now and go to sleep. Good night.

posted at 12:53 AM


Thursday, October 9, 2008
Diary Entry - 9 October 2008

Whew~ The exams are officially OVER!

Let's see...

The English Paper 2 was okay, Passage A was a killer, Passage B was better, I could answer, just didn't know if they were correct.

Physics was a piece of cake. Finished it quite easily, might have made a few careless mistakes though.

Social Studies was a killer, like usual. The source-based were stupid and the essays were stupider. When I knew one part, I didn't know the other. So it was hard to choose questions.

E-Maths was alright, the paper was easy, but I've made a few careless mistakes here and there.

E.Geography was alright, I did study and they came out. So I think I knew what I was writing, at least.

Higher Chinese was quite manageable, although I didn't know what I was writing about.

Biology was alright as well, I studied, but there were some stupid mistakes I made. Like I said the ciliary body relaxes when looking at distant objects. It's stupid.

Today was A-Maths, I could do most of the questions and get most answers. I don't know who's correct and who's wrong, though.

Alright, I don't want to think about those stuff anymore. It's playing time.

Bro just got Warriors Orochi, the original one, and I've just started playing. It was fun, but a bit tiring because it's too long. XD

And I have animes to watch and games to play. Also, Scarnival preparations and class outings. I'm so busy~

Good day, I shall go catch a nap now. Just finished a few hours of Orochi.

posted at 1:25 PM


Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Diary Entry - 30 September 2008

Err... Happy Birthday Anna?

Look, tons of birthdays recently.

Anyways, today was.. monotonous. Woke up at 0400 this damn morning by an SMS from my Bro. Damn him to SMS me in the midnight. He was at Brunei, and was coming back this evening after spending the whole September there. I was so sick yesterday night I slept at 2100+, and I thought I could have a nice long sleep as school starts late today. But he had to wake me up...

That SMS kept me awake until 0600. Damnation.

Anyways, woke up at 0730 with a slight headache and sore throat. Was telling what Bro said in the SMS and felt like dying. Climbed out of bed to get ready for school...

But after I reached school, I guess the laughter made me feel better. Was pretty much laughing throughout the day, and that caused a headache later in the day. I thought I didn't need the A-Maths retest because I scored 35/40 for the original test, but Mr Goh insisted that I take it. So I went to look for him in the library after school. Gee, the paper wasn't really hard, but my headache was blocking my thoughts.

Then Mr Goh was there playing with his iPhone. Rich guy. And he had difficulties using the touch-screen function because he has amazingly long nails.

I finished the test, and was sitting around helping him with his Hangman game. Then later helped Diana and gang with their E-Maths for a bit. They were doing the test we had. Then later I went home at around 1700.

Took a shower, talked to Mum for a bit before napping away until 2000. Woke up to see Bro already in his room watching anime. The present he got for me at Brunei? A notebook cool pad which costs like... $6. How "nice" of him.

Then watched a lot of Recca (again) on the VCDs because Mikagami Tokiya rocks so much. Neon too! So sad that Fukyo Waon has to be destroyed.

Alright, my left nostril is now blocked. The right one was yesterday. Damn.

I'm downloading Digimon Rumble Arena ROM file now. 99% :D

I'm missing them, Renamon, Terriermon.

Alright, I shall sign off now. My nose is irritating me again. Good day.

posted at 12:28 AM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife