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Monday, September 29, 2008
Diary Entry - 29 September 2008

Well, the Japanese Written Exams was generally alright. The listening was easy, the paper was rather simple, considering I studied so hard, and the only concern I have is my Sakubun. I hope I do well.

I'm sick, so sick. Not just a runny nose, but also flu and a little bit of coughing. I'm gonna take some Panadols later and sleep early. Let's see if I can get to school tomorrow. :D

I hope I do well this time round. Heavens, bless me.

Izumi-san, thank you.

posted at 8:36 PM


Sunday, September 28, 2008
Diary Entry - 28 September 2008

Yet another stressful and lethargic day in the life of the InfernaBeast. Woke up quite late today because I didn't see the need to wake up early. Didn't have breakfast and went out with Dad and Mum to Northpoint. Dad needed to purchase some printer ink cartridge, and we thought we could just go around shopping.

It seems like John Little is having a storewide sales, so we went and took a look. Dad got me a long sleeve polo-tee and some school ankle socks. Yes, we aren't suppose to wear them, but who cares?

Before that we actually saw this nice shirt at Giordano, but the salesgirl who talked about the World Without Strangers thing sorta scared us a little. And Dad didn't buy anything.

Oh, then we had lunch at the nearby coffeeshop and went home. I took a nap because I wasn't in the mood to study. Then I woke up, ate some stuff and began mugging for my Japanese Written Paper tomorrow. Did quite a lot of studying, hope I can get a good grade tomorrow.


But hey, I caught a cold. Runny nose is running now.

posted at 10:38 PM


Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Diary Entry - 24 September 2008

Happy Birthday Gerra! Gee, quite a lot of birthdays lately.

Anyways, I feel the pressure... My Japanese Oral is done with, I think I scored pretty alright, no full marks though. I hope I'm wrong about it and Fujimoto-sensei is kind enough to close one eye at my mistakes.

And because I don't know how the other classes fared for their tests, I don't know how I'm placed. I shall work hard and try to get a high overall result for all I care. Top is my goal.

Paper 1 is this Friday, I'm stressed out... I shall go study now. Good-bye.

posted at 7:56 PM


Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Diary Entry - 23 September 2008

It's coming... Tomorrow is my Japanese Oral. I hope no hard vocabulary comes out. I have no idea what I can speak about during conversation... *troubled*

Today's A-Maths test began as a killer, later it became easy when Mr Goh gave hints here and there. And he just sort of said out the answer to one question.

Alright, so what's over is over. I must work really hard to get that first position. If I fail to get it this year, I will still work hard next year, but I really hope to get it this year as well.

*stressed* It's so warm here. I've gotta go study now. Good-bye.

Oh right, Happy Birthday Hsinlu.

I shall update tomorrow on how my Japanese Oral was.

EDIT: Holy I'm feeling so giddy now... My head is spinning... I hope I'll be alright.

posted at 9:40 PM


Monday, September 22, 2008
Diary Entry - 22 September 2008

*sighs and see spirit leaving my mouth*

I'm so tensed up. The weather has been terribly hot these days (okay, except that downpour last night), and the heat is catching up with me. Adrenalin is seriously raging and this heat is doing nothing to help.

My Japanese Oral is two days away, I don't know what to prepare for, and I don't know if I can score well. I don't know what I can answer for questions about my future. I have no idea as of yet. I haven't thorough thought about it.

I think I'm expecting too much from myself, but I can't help it. I got second in level last year, I'm aiming for top. Top in the level there means top in the country. It's a great achievement, but I don't know if I can score well. I hope I can, but I'm afraid of the disappointment that I might suffer if I fail to get what I want. All the tests are over, I didn't score exactly very well for them, so I'm quite afraid that the tests results might affect my overall. *sighs* Let's hope that others aren't doing very well either.

And I have my English and Chinese Paper 1 this Friday, which means, I need inspiration. I can't force them out, so I need divine intervention. Next Monday is my Japanese Paper, which includes Kanji, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension and Essay. All to be done in 2 hours. Tension is rising...

Then the school examinations start next Friday, with Physics. After the exams, I still have to do up SCarnival08, and do a whole lot of other stuff... *faints*

I hope I do well this semester, I hope my Japanese results are good, I hope I can top the level this year. I shall work hard now. See ya.

posted at 8:48 PM


Thursday, September 18, 2008
Diary Entry - 18 September 2008

It has been quite a short day today, but yesterday was tiring enough to be mentioned.

Interestingly, I was called down for dental check-up at the mobile dental clinic in school. There, the dentist told me that I still had 2 milk teeth, and that he was going to extract them despite them being still rather firmly stuck to the gums.

And I wasted my whole recess time laying there, waiting for him to remove my teeth. He gave 4 needles of anaesthetic for 2 teeth, which wasted quite some time. And I'll be going for braces consultation some time this year end.

Anyway, I've collected my new spectacles yesterday before I went for my last Japanese lesson before the examinations. *feels a surge of adrenalin* Stressed.

Today was quite a fun day for me, I don't know abou others. Let's start off with P.E. lessons this morning. We had a game of soccer in the field, and like always, I'm not in the attacking ranks because I suck at sports. Anyways, I started off as a defender, and later became a goalkeeper when Qi Guang said he wanted to run a bit.

There weren't many goal attempts by the enemy team, but I did intercept a few balls. We won in the end by 1:0 because Duncan scored a goal.

Talking about Duncan, today must have been a sad day for him. Well, he got her birthday present and gave it to her, but she did not accept it because she didn't want any misunderstandings for others. He had spent 3 hours combing the shopping centre for that and she doesn't want it. Poor Duncan.

For this weekend, I have 4 A-Maths EOY exams papers from other schools, to be discussed on Monday. I suppose we have to complete them. *goes crazy*

Alright, it's almost 12am now, I gotta go watch part of the DVD and then sleep. I have my English Oral tomorrow. *faints*

posted at 11:46 PM


Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Diary Entry - 16 September 2008

Well, my trip to Japan is confirmed! It seems that I'll be going there as a translator/mouth to help them with communicating. The school will pay for 80% of the $2400, so I'll be eased. Shall be looking to the trip.

That aside, exams are coming in like no time. I need to study, and study somemore. Everything seems so impossible to study for. English Oral is this Friday, I'm going to die.

But hey, am so glad that Higher Chinese students do not need to take the Chinese Oral exams next Monday. If I had to, my examiner would be Chiam Siew Yim! I'll scold her like hell and get a 0 for oral. XD

I gotta go study now, good day.

posted at 9:17 PM


Monday, September 15, 2008
Diary Entry - 15 September 2008

*yawns* Has been a tiring day. Didn't sleep until 1+am yesterday night, so I had to go this far with just barely 5 hours of sleep.

By the way, the good news today is that I think I would be able to go on a Japan trip this November 20-27 under an exchange programme in the school. Nope, I have no idea who would actually join and survive the homestay there, but I was asked if I was interested because apparently the MT department knew about my Japanese results.

I was so sure my parents would agree to it, but the price was something incredible. It was written as $2400/-, and I was told that the school would subsidize a portion of it, how much, I have no idea. And I could use my Edusave to pay for some other parts of it. I'll be looking forward to it anxiously. A homestay, I can't wait.

Anyways, it would be my Japanese Oral next Wednesday, I have to prepare. And the EOY paper the following Monday. I'm aiming for Top this year, hopefully my CAs weren't too bad compared to the others.

I'm so tired, I gotta rest for a while now. Good day.

posted at 9:34 PM


Friday, September 12, 2008
Diary Entry - 12 September 2008

Well, after a few days of deliberation and thinking for what to present to Connie Yeo for her being so awesomely nice, today is the day of the presentation. Well, in class, she called Qunjie out and told him that she would not be free at the end of the day because she has to mark our SPA practice scripts. So, she got Catherine Chan to help us with the thin ice experiment, which involves Physics, her forte.

Then the experiment was done in a flash, and we began to get ready to get Connie into our trap. While Qunjie and Chongwei went to ask her over, I was getting ready to make the tank with potassium permanganate and Calista stayed in the preparation room to scare her with the mooncake.

She came in, and I said "This is our new Oxy-Colours~ design, try it." and I handed her a beaker of super diluted NaOH solution. She didn't see the semi-visible THANK YOU MDM YEO! board, and proceeded on pouring in the NaOH. Because Chongwei diluted it, it didn't work like we expected to. So we blended more NaOH and poured into the tank, Connie was squatting there staring at it all this while, saying "Hey the colours are so nice" or something. Then when it turned a little yellow, I said "Eh, I think there's something in there." and when it turned a little clearer, she was reading out "Thank You Mdm Yeo..." and smiled. Then while we cheered, Calista came out with the card and the mooncake with a candle. Connie was overjoyed. :D

Oh yea, then before we went there we also met Mr Ang to celebrate his birthday tomorrow. Gave him a panel with 2H's thoughts, a Doraemon cushion and this small cake with one of those candles I brought for Connie.

After the Connie thing, we loitered around while Connie went to fetch Manfred from her house. Then we brought him around the school until 6pm when the Mid Autumn concert starts. Quite a boring one. :P

Alright, that's like everything today, had a great day! :D

posted at 10:25 PM


Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Diary Entry - 2/3 September 2008

Okay, yesterday, I met up with Xinglai at Khatib MRT at 1115 to go to Causeway Point to see Fanny. (Pun intended.) Gee, I overslept and woke up at 1045. So I rushed to the MRT station in the heavy rain, with an umbrella.

We reached at 1130, 15 minutes before the agreed time, so we went over to Causeway Point to take a look. Fanny, who agreed to come at 1200, was late by 30 minutes. We met up in Mos Burger and had lunch and chatted until 1350, when we went to catch Money No Enough 2, which tickets we bought during the 30 minutes when Fanny was late.

The movie was funny and touching towards the end. I applaud Jack Neo and Cathay Cinemas, only $6 for a movie.

Then it was today. Woke up at 1000 to go to the polyclinic for some medication for my face, and Mum needed to seek treatment for her leg. We registered at 1035, and left the clinic at 1230. A long wait huh? Sure it was.

Well, the fees were so damn cheap. $22.70 for 2 persons! That's like cheaper than 1 person's fees at the private clinic. XD And I had 112 capsules of antibiotic to take.

Then Mum went to buy 4D, and we went for KFC lunch! How nice it was. Ahh.

Alright, that was like everything clear and consized, brought to you by me.

Good Day!

posted at 5:59 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife