~Music Player~

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Friday, August 29, 2008
Diary Entry - 29 August 2008 日本語

八月二十九日 曇り時々雨

時は、チュー.ポー.ポー先生が一緒にホールへ行かなくて、教室のワイトボードに"You (all) abandoned me! Boo Hoo!"の文字を書いた。そして、学校にちょっと探したけど、見つけられなかった。帰った時、凄く笑った。でもコンタクトタイムだったから、何のやることもなかった。だから、3Fの教室へ行って、そこの友達と話した。




posted at 11:55 PM


Saturday, August 23, 2008
Diary Entry - 23 August 2008

It's a Saturday, I'm still doing work, but I shall post something about my results.

I'm quite satisfied with all my results except E-Maths, and probably Chemistry.

Alright, see results below.

English Language - ??/40 (Manvinder Kaur marked it, and she said that the average for our class is around 15-16 marks? XD)
Higher Chinese - 52/60 (Topped the Level) [A1]
E-Maths - 38/45 (Sucked a bit, it was an easy paper.) [A1]
A-Maths - 35/35 (Full Marks with many other people in the cohort.) [A1]
Chemistry - 41.5/50 (Second) [A1]
Physics - 47/50 (Topped) [A1]
Biology - ??/?? (Yet to return, I think I sucked.)
Social Studies - 6/13 (Failed, but not too badly.)
Geography - 12/15
(Combined Humanities - 18/28 [B4])

My Japanese presentation earned me a full marks. 30/30 :D

I'm so happy for my Higher Chinese and Physics. Physics Olympiad is next Wednesday, I think we will all die. :D

Scarnival Badge has been ordered on www.giftamax.com, with Connie Yeo's credit card. It will be sent to the school, in about two week's time according to See Fanny who gave the URL. The badge is uber cool, even the pregnant Jessie Tan agrees.

We have a rainbow background, a lightning background and a whirlpool background. All made by yours truly.

No Japanese classes next week due to Prelims at MOELC. Rest week for me.

I shall sign off here. Good-bye!

posted at 10:18 PM


Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Diary Entry - 12 August 2008

Today was the first day of the Common Test 2, we had Chemistry and Higher Chinese papers. Chinese was relatively easy, Chemistry was really easy. The whole class said that Chemistry was a killer, but hey, it's really much easier than those given by Connie Yeo as class tests.

Alright, then we had this 2H'07 Thank-You Party for Fanny See, who is having her last day at CCHY today. We watched a video, I recited my poem, we popped sparkling juice and... went home.

Then the funny part came. Dad didn't cook anything for lunch, so I went with 6 other guys, namely, Xinglai, Yewyi, Hsinlu, Jiajun, Qunjie and Chongwei, to the coffee shop for Nasi Lemak. Then we were eating there and talking about how Philip Ng asked another teacher how come everyone does the girly action to him, or how Lim Choon Hai asks everyone for Detention Classes for the slightest reason.

Then it began pouring. We had to get back to the other side, and there were no shelters. So the 7 guys had to share 3 umbrellas, one of which was broken, owned by Qunjie.

Then somehow I was set to share an umbrella with Chongwei and Qunjie. Their umbrella sucked, and I was drenched when I was under it, so I just ran all the way through the rain and reached there instead. Cheers for myself.

And so, I came back home, showered and slept. Tomorrow will be Pure Physics and E-Maths papers, I think they ought to be easy. :D Good luck, myself.

Oh, and I wrote some lyrics, see my LiveJournal.

posted at 11:14 PM


Friday, August 8, 2008
Diary Entry - 8 August 2008

Today is the beginning of the 2008 Beijing Olympic, but oh well, I'm not going to cheer for Team Singapore here.

080808 marks a very special day. Today was long, but awesomely fun and touching.

First was the Family Day Bazaar 2008, the last one See Fanny is going to organize before she leaves us. Well, we had our blowjob game which attracted quite some attention, and apparently it scams a lot a money. No grand prizes were given out at all, easy game. I don't know how much we've made, we'll know it on 12 August, the last day of Fanny.

Bazaar aside, we had this farewell party for See Fanny after the bazaar. Apparently, we lied to her that the foosball table had broken down and got her to come and check. She came and all she got was a huge surprise farewell party from 3H'2008. She was so touched. Loads of photos below, including super unglam shots of her.

Nearing the end of the party, we were still demanding that she tells us her Chinese name. In the end, we had a great idea. Both her parents were there, so we politely went over to ask them for their daughter's Chinese name. After a bit of talking, we finally got it from her mother.


What a cool name. Quite uncommon words, isn't it?

Then while we greeted her goodbye, we called her Mdm See instead. Then she told us, "Next time, you can call me Mrs Goh."

So that day when I asked her "Mrs what?" in the staff room, she actually was half chasing me away and half telling me the answer. She went "Go, Go."

And I was replying, "Oh, Mrs Goh? Alright."

So that was true~

Okay, then shortly after she left, Xinglai received a phone call from Hsinlu and Xinglai said that the girls were at Jasmine's house, doing up things for See Fanny. So we decided to go as well. We went home to change and take a shower before heading out to Jasmine's awesomely huge house by bus. Me, Xinglai and Hsinlu.

Then, actually we did nothing there. We just went up, and we played mahjong for a while, then they went to slack and Jasmine's little brother Alan was reading out Xinglai's SMSes out loud, those from Shimin. *laughs* Alan was so cute.

And then... nothing much happened and we went home? Reached home at around 8pm, when the Olympics just started. That was quite everything. :D

Photos time.

3H 2008 Games Stall Heading

Fanny cutting the cake.

Fanny owned by cream.

Duncan and Qi Guang's Skit

3H 2008 Class Phot

2H'07 >> 3H'08 Group Photo

Happy Fanny with loads of prezzies!

Another party is scheduled for next Tuesday after Common Test. Let's hope that we can have fun!

posted at 11:21 PM


Thursday, August 7, 2008
Diary Entry - 7 August 2008

Today was a long and tiring day for everyone. One of the saddest days this year I would say, I almost felt like crying.

Anyways, today is the 7th of the 7th Lunar Month, which is the day when the Weaving Girl and Cowherd will meet once every year. Wish them the best.

So we had a normal morning, PE, Amaths and such, until our last lesson with Fanny See came. She came in and taught Oral like all the other times, no one felt a thing until... She asked us to stay back for 5 minutes during recess to play a video for us.

We couldn't get Manvinder Kaur's laptop to work. Nothing showed on the screen at all. So she went back to get a laptop from Mr Goh and showed us the video after recess and she began saying some very sad things. When the video ended, she said something that almost made me cry. "Samuel, can you please help me keep this laptop for the last time?"

That sounded so heart-wrenching. I almost cried, but I couldn't just cry like that. I decided to hold it back.

Then Xinglai asked for her Chinese name for the last time and she still refused to tell us.

Then after school, while the bunch of crazy people were taking photos, Choo Poh Poh walked past us and talked to me.

Choo: Eh, you heard of the good news?

Me: What good news? I hear loads of news everyday.

Choo: About Miss See?

Me: She's leaving? That's no good news.

Choo: Then you know who's your new teacher?

Me: You?

Choo: Ya. Happy?

Me: O_o?

And so, our new form teacher is Mrs Choo Poh Poh, who had been the form teacher for class 3F all this while. Chan Li Ying, the co-form teacher of that class will rise up to become the form teacher. I wonder who will teach us Biology anyway.

And then it was the set-up for the bazaar. So many advertisements were set up in our territory, we took them all down and pasted them elsewhere. Then we owned 8 pillars below the linkway. Setting up was easy, and we managed to get Mr Goh to help so much by printing all the stuff for us, using the staff room printer of course. Thanks man!

Then nothing much happened, I went home, and slept. That's the end of the sad day for me, good night.

posted at 10:49 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife