~Music Player~

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Sunday, July 27, 2008
Diary Entry - 27 July 2008

Happy Birthday to... Hanabishi Recca!

Just kidding, Happy Birthday to myself. And it's the one-year anniversary since I defeated Ruby WEAPON for the first time. 366 days have passed.

Oh, so yesterday, Xinglai, Pauline, Diana and Jasmine accompanied me out to celebrate my birthday! Thanks to all these peeps for making it such an enjoyable day out.

So we met up at Northpoint at 1330 hours, when they've already reached there early enough to grab me a cute Winnie the Pooh stuff toy. Photo below.

Then we took an MRT train to Somerset to get to Cineleisure, where we would watch a 1430 movie, the Dark Knight. But when we got there, the tickets for the 1430 slot and the 1510 slots were both sold out. So we decided on the 1630 slot instead. Since it was only barely 1400 when we got the tickets, we decided to have lunch at Pastamania instead. Xinglai and I shared a 12 inch Chicken and Mushroom pizza, which costs like $16.10. Then we also had Minestrone soup and a drink each.

The pizza was nice. Haven't had pizza in a long long time. So we ended early, and they demanded that I removed the Winnie the Pooh from the plastic wrapping paper so that I could get it to take some Neoprints in the Neoprint shop around the place. Neoprints scan below.

Then we had a walk to Heerens, where we shopped around in HMV, looking for cool CDs and stuff. Spent some time there, looking at ZARD's CDs and Garnet Crow's CDs. Then since it was about time for the movie, we went off for the movie!

It was quite interesting, but the violence is a bit too gory. I'm not really a liker of violence and extremely loud sound effects, so there. But overall it was quite a good movie, though there were some gross scenes.

The movie ended slightly after 1900, so we decided to get to Plaza Singapura to have dinner at some food court and Xinglai wanted to buy some cloth for the class' Family Day Bazaar banner. The cloth costs like $10, so we bought it and went to have dinner. Then we went home via MRT, when something cool but not suitable for elaboration occurred. XD

So today! Woke up really late since I've got nothing important to do today, besides slacking away my time. But mum said that I should go choose a cake for my birthday. So I went and bought a cake, with my name written. Photo below.

Then we also went to Northpoint to shop a little, Dad got me a new pair of long jeans at John Little. That's quite very good. Almost awesome.

Then grandma came later and we played a bit of mahjong. My luck wasn't really good just now, so I had terrible looking hands till the late game, when I got to win back almost $50 in the last few rounds. Still lost around $3.60 to mum in the end, but she said I don't have to pay her. She, miraculously, won all three players today. *clap clap*

Then we had cake! It was chocolatey, and almost a bit too sweet. Maybe that's because Dad gave me an awesomely huge piece. Alright, picture time!


The neoprints. I look super fake in them with those overly black eyes. But it's cool.

The girls at the stuffed toys corner. Photo taken by me.

Fried Mars Bar we had after the movie. Tasted awesome!

Saying "Jasmine look here!" (Her favourite pose, LOLs)

Group photo taken at Marina Bay MRT Station. Looking quite blur.


The cake without candles, with candles and with lighted candles.

Me and Grandma.

Making my wish.

Finally blowing out my candles!

Had an awesomest birthday this year. Hope that it will be a great 15 year old!Thanks to everyone who had wished me Happy Birthday through SMS and MSN! Especially the 4 peeps who accompanied me out yesterday!

posted at 11:23 PM


Sunday, July 20, 2008
Diary Entry - 19 July 2008

Today was a busy day for me. Had the COE room opening in the morning, and so I had to reach school at 0745 to get ready and stuff, but the guests will only arrive at our stations ar around 1100. So we had a lot of free time to wander around and stuff.

And while we were in he Library, we overheard some little conflict between Mdm Goh Bee Hong and Chiam Siew Yim. Chiam was in charge of the food for the guests, and so she should be in charge of the people needed as well. But she was complaining that the prefects downstairs are messy and stuff, and Mdm Goh wanted to go check it out, but that Chiam said "你看你每次都这样的,我要跟你说话你就跑。", to which Mdm Goh replied, "那是你说下面很乱,我现在就跑去查看,你还想怎样?"

I really felt like punching Chiam, she's ugly and disgusting and she sells stupid products.

Then the GOH, Ms Grace Fu, came finally and she asked a few questions, like "Have you ever cut your own fingers before?" and "I just did yesterday", showing her the plaster on my finger.

And I was assigned to present the Token of Appreciation to her after the Primary School Play Competition in the hall. I had to take the scroll back from her and roll it up before running all the way down before she reaches her car. We ran the back staircase and presented it to her in time. That was great.

Then we had Pauline's birthday celebration later. Met at 1600 at Northpoint OCBC then went off to take an MRT to Bishan, then bus to East Coast Terminal, then another bus to find a restaurant.

It was nice food. Grill Chicken + Baked Potato + Tasty Rice at only $6.50! We ordered another 3 Cream of Mushroom soups and 1 garlic bread to share. In the end, after treating Pauline to her meal, I only spent $12.

Then we found a bus and rode off to Tampines Bus Interchange where we bought two small cakes and had it in Swensen's, while Pauline treated as to an Earthquake ice-cream. We had loads of fun talking and chatting in the buses and restaurants, the girls almost puked their food out, laughing.

Then we had to leave for home because it was late. Took another bus home and reached home at around 2315. Am really tired now. Gonna sleep soon.


posted at 12:14 AM


Saturday, July 12, 2008
Diary Entry - 11 July 2008

Today was a terribly fun and tiring day. Besides having to study throughout the morning, we had to do some Scarnival stuff which ended as late as 1745 hours.

It was quite fun, making the people from my class do all sorts of crazy science stuff. The Non-Newtonian Fluids was the coolest of them all.

I thought that I didn't have a ticket to the Metamorphosis @ Peixin, the 23rd Anniversary dinner. Then at 1745, my mum called me to say that there was an absentee and I could make it. So I rushed home, and the teacher in charge of Chinese dance said that she dumped my mum's tickets together with the "thought-empty" envelope. So my mum had to take that extra ticket. Later, when mum was there, she called back to say that another auntie didn't had her ticket stamped, so I could make it again. I rushed there, on Dad's car since he was just right downstairs.

I would have regretted it so much if I hadn't went there. It was the last school anniversary of Peixin before it changes to Yishun Primary School. That's the worst decision ever to be made. We are going to protest against it.

Everyone in Green Nova except Jane was present, and we got to meet many teachers, Mrs Sachi, Ms Chin, Ms Blender Wong, etc. How cool. The camera crew took a few photos of us, we'll be getting them via April Sachi. Some crazy teachers were even dancing, like that Gay Chia.

Peixin will always live on, NEVER WILL WE LET IT BE GONE.

posted at 3:18 PM


Friday, July 4, 2008
Diary Entry - 4 July 2008

*yawns* Such a boring day. School ended at 1240, but we stayed all the way till 1800 for stupid activities which we didn't have much to help with.

Anyway, today is an awesome day for the Japanese music industry. Today happens to be the birthdays of:

1) Akanishi Jin
2) Gackt
3) Masuda of Tegomass
4) Nakamura Yuri of Garnet Crow

Isn't that a LOT of people? All from the music industry.


I need to skip off to watch TV now, gonna finish watching Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge later, then Gokusen 3 Ep10 if possible. Good bye!

posted at 6:53 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife