~Music Player~

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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Diary Entry - 28 June 2008

How fun it was today~ Went out for dinner with the 2H'07 peeps at Novena. Met up at Khatib MRT at 5pm. 10 of us were going, Kailong was a spoiler and Hsinlu was at home, we almost wanted to go knock his door. Anyways, we had 5 guys and 5 girls, Me, Qunjie, Chongwei, Heikern, Xinglai, Diana, Jasmine, Pauline, Joyce and Mary. It was a steamboat + BBQ restaurant, which means, ALL YOU CAN EAT. The drinks cost a bomb though.

We had BBQed chicken and loads of steamboat prawns and crab. The prawns were still alive when we got them from the tank. Everyone was hiding from the splattering. Then we also had loads of brownies and eclairs, free flow as well. :D

That was the prawns, they were still jumping when I took that picture.

Then we went on to shop a bit at Velocity and United Square. While walking around, the girls seemed to be interested in every shop they see. While I said "Hey, don't stop at every shop you see alright?", they replied, pointing to a cartoon of a woman in bikini, "Yar, you like to look at this right?"

To which I replied, "C'mon, this woman has no figure... JUST LIKE MS SEE." I was then rewarded with a chain of laughter.

Then later we passed by this shop with some mannequins of woman wearing their dresses, I said, "Hey look, these models have better figures than Ms See."

Xinglai then replied, "Yea, look, they have the cloc.... hourglass figure."

Pauline then said, "What clock? It's round!"

Me: "Yea, clock is Mrs Sim."

After a little bit of laughter, I said again. "Thong Naikee is grandfather's clock, he has something dangling there."

Then the whole crew, especially the guys, started laughing like mad.

Then we went around for a while before they said that they needed to head home, so we got on the train. Took a few group pictures on the platform and the train though. Photos courtesy of Me, Diana and Jasmine.

The girls on the train, taken by me, since the other guys were taking photos too.We were doing the WTF hand sign in that picture, I was making that terribly ugly looking face at the same time. XD

A photo of the guys.

Clickie for Image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjNlX1nhbOxvt9CH9r53tFan8J9u2xbqrIZgIyOfIW0DF_UiZPSClmHmNu6tM2Qofnuxk9dYnBu8UxRUQ40QNbA9-lzE8R6LshhnF9yOsJNrRQ-jckFKY2pe4NqZGTjXVRg4BcOmBZfDH9d/s1600-h/DSCF2762.JPG

The group picture taken by self-timer at the MRT platform. As you might see, the MRT train is already entering the platform so we had to rush away after that.

Took a bounce-train back to Khatib before walking home. :D It was sure fun! Looking forward to Halloween @ Escape in October! Heard that with nEbO, it's free admission.

:D Good day!

posted at 12:12 AM


Saturday, June 21, 2008
Diary Entry - 20 June 2008

*sighs* The great merciful holidays are coming to an end. One and a half more days till hell unleashes on me. *screams in terror*

Anyways, went back school during Wednesday and Thursday to help out with the Science Carnival 2008, which we have conveniently named it as SCarnival08. Note, the S is bigger than the capital C.

We have presented the idea to the Science Department during their department meeting, and it has been accepted. In fact, it has been accepted since the very beginning or we wouldn't have been doing all of those things.

On Wednesday, after having McDelivered lunch, the Organizing Committee (a.k.a the Scarnival Team), led by Connie Yeo, decided that we can't think after a meal and thus went to Safra to begin bowling before returning to work. I owned them all. :D

We still have loads to do about the SCarnival08, we'll be doing those after school reopens.

Went for a haircut yesterday and GAAH, I look weirdass now.

Anyways, Connie said that she had attended Fanny See's wedding during the June holidays. We're gonna lose a Miss See and get a Mdm See when school reopens in 2 days. XD I think she's going to get worse after marriage.

Gee, I'll be enjoying the last of my holidays before going back to working conditions. Good day.

posted at 5:30 PM


Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Diary Entry - 17 June 2008

So, we went back to school today to do trial experiments. We did all the try-able ones, and a few were cancelled because they were too boring and some did not work at all. I can't figure out why, but that just happens.

Since our outing on Thursday was cancelled, we now have to go back to school on both tomorrow and Thursday to do up on the procedures and prepare for the presentations. Have no idea how I should go about doing it yet.

And Connie treated us to Buddy Hoagies today for lunch. Gee, it was expensive but absolutely delicious. It's my fourth time having a meal there. Love their flame grilled chicken. I wonder how we should settle our lunch tomorrow and on Thursday.

Anyways, we plan to go bowling after the activities tomorrow. We'll be doing it at Safra Yishun since OCC is fully booked this whole week. We'll try to finish up early so we don't pay like hell. Or maybe we could go on Thursday after the presentation. We'll see about that.

We'll try to finish the powerpoint slides and the other stuff tomorrow so we have ample time to prepare on Thursday.

I think that's about all today? Good Day!

posted at 10:53 PM


Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Diary Entry - 10 June 2008

Well, woke up like so early today just to go back to school because Connie Yeo SMSed me yesterday night and asked me to go back, she needed to ask some questions about the activities. And the worst mistake I've made today was that I had breakfast cereal for breakfast. And the milk made me suffer terribly in school. All the male toilets were locked, and hell, I used the staff toilet in the end. XD

Anyways, Connie Yeo cancelled the Gummy Bear Torture Chamber because it was too complicated and dangerous. We also needed to review the groupings for the programmes because it has to be engaging. On 17 June, we will be trying out 10 of the 12 experiments to make sure they work well. It will be absolutely fun. XD

If there are no violent objections, I think the 2H'07 outing will be on 19 June at East Coast Park. Kewl.

Alright, I think that's all. Good Day.

posted at 10:31 PM


Thursday, June 5, 2008
Diary Entry - 5 June 2008

Spent like my whole day in school today. I thought it was just something fast because Qunjie told me that Connie Yeo wanted to see us, which we all could assume was regarding the SCIesta which we've participated in on Monday. It turned out that she wanted us to organize a similar event in the school as the Post-Exams activity for the Secondary Ones and Twos.

And so we had to think of some really cool games and activities that these little kids could play with. We ended up with 12 activities, four from each component of Science. I can't really remember what exactly are the things we have, I might post it after possibly receiving all the procedures from Anna.

And we spent such a long time on the procedures which are so hard to complete. We had to type out a complete one with 20m worth of content each, which was a tiring job because we had to determine if the Secondary Ones know what we've prepared for them.

Either way, in no way have we completed our task, so we'll be returning to school on 17 June to do more work. I doubt we can complete anything then, but we have to do something.

I think we went to school at 9am and left at slightly after 7pm. Kewl day it was today. Good-bye.

posted at 11:30 PM


Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Diary Entry - 2 June 2008

SCIesta at Nanyang Junior College

So well, today, under the request of Mdm Connie Yeo Sai Lin (Yes, I typed out her full name intentionally.), we visited Nanyang Junior College for SCIesta 2008. As the name suggests, it revolves around SCIENCE, one of my fortes in studies. :P Okay, I'm not really that good at it anyways.

So what happens was, we met up at 0730 at OCBC Northpoint to catch a bus there. Our team was supposed to have 5 members, Chongwei, Qunjie, Me, Heikern and Calista. But Heikern had a diarrhoea today and cannot attend, so the four of us got to enjoy the fun. Anyways, we ran into Mrs Priya at OCBC Northpoint in the morning, she was going to NIE. XD

So, we reached at about time, but it seemed that 0830 was the registration, and it was opened all the way until 0900. So we took a walk around the campus to kill time. The first few parts of the programme was terribly boring, presentations by the students and Principal about their crazy passion for Science, yes. Then it was Tea-Break at 1000, and it ended at 1030. Then we proceeded to make some milk plastic from expired milk and vinegar. That was where the fun began.

We strongly believe that Poon Chong Wei has offended the fire element today. We were supposed to heat the expired milk until around 60 degrees Celsius before adding in the vinegar. So we added it in and it started to blob. Chongwei was stirring it with a stirrer there and it continued to blob. Later, it went "BLOB!!" and some content spilt out of the beaker. We switched off the hot plate and left the thing to cool by itself, but it continued to blob. Each blob sent the beaker nearer to the edge of the hot plate.

So that was something after one blob or two. It continued blobbing as we stood behind the yellow line for our own safety, staring at it. And finally it came! The next four photos explains an idiom well...

... Don't cry over spilt milk.

Then we've got nothing to do because it was shattered, so we helped to clean it up after a while to save our school's image. XD

Anyways, then it was lunch. I just happen to see the photocopying station there and got reminded of that book I've seen in Kinokuniya. The notice should go in terrible English and with some potential for puns. I saw that notice and here it is.

What melts again? The machine?

After lunch was a bit of free time before the Station Games. I didn't take many photos for the Station Games, only one for the pretty rainbows. We were to mix water with sugar/honey to make different densities of dyed solution and then making them look like a rainbow. Here goes.

The left was the sugar one, the right one the honey. Kewl eh? The sugar one kinda sucked.

Then the second station was named "Non-Newtonian Fluid". Kewl name. We were given a packet of rice flour, corn flour and salt each, and two ziploc bags, two eggs and some vinegar and tomato ketchup. We were given two tries to drop the egg place in a ziploc bag with some medium from the second floor, and try to make the egg survive the fall. Vinegar could soften the egg shell so we tried that. I wanted to use the rice flour but Chongwei said we should just use corn flour because it makes sticky liquid. Rice flour was STICKIER anyways. We went later to see that the only egg which did not break was the one in thick rice flour solution. Salt would make the egg float so we tried. Ketchup was useless. Ours broke ultimately, by a bit.

The third station was the rocket boost, a crappy crazy game. We were given an unknown white substance which was assumably a metal, since we were also given sulphuric acid to mix with it. Then a reaction would occur and the gas would cause the bottle stuck to a straw with a string going past it zip all the way from one table to another. We tried, but the gas and solution bursted out of the thing without the bottle moving a bit. XD

Then we were asked what substance was the white one and to write the chemical equation. We thought it was calcium, but it was not. I have no idea what it was. We SMSed Connie Yeo to ask but she said it was either Ca or Ba. So it should be Ba. Qunjie still has a white sulphate salt stain on his pants, so we might try to test for cations on his pants to find out. XD

Then was the Green Car thing. We got full marks for the car and 8/10 for timing. We only attached one end of the elastic thread to the car, and taped the other on the other side of the table. We pulled it to the far end and released it, and it travelled like hell. We didn't even need to measure, we got full marks. XD

The last station was some staple game about surface tension of water. A beaker was filled to the brim with tap water and staple bullets (bars) were added in one by one by one member of the group at once. (Kewl sentence) We suspect that Qunjie has Parkinson's so he was trembling all the way while putting the staples. I dropped it in straight to reduce water resistance that might cause ripples and cause water to overflow from the beaker. We got only 7/15 points for the dropping staples part.

Then they said dishsoap would reduce water surface tension and they demonstrated with the paper clip that would float on the water surface when put via a sift. A drop of soap was squirted in and the thing sank at once. Then pepper was sprinkled over the water and i was asked to dip my finger in. Nothing happened to the pepper layer. Another finger of mine with soap dipped in and the pepper rushed to the side and began sinking. Kewl stuff.

Then we had a break before going for some Science quizzes by the top 3 teams in the Station Games. Kewl questions and kewl game overall. Had fun.

The certificates are with Qunjie, he will hand them to Connie Yeo who would probably give them back to us. XD

So that ends the dramatic day. Good-bye. Its almost 0200. XD

posted at 1:31 AM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife