~Music Player~

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
ZARD Death Anniversary - 27 May 2008

It has been one long year since the passing of our beautiful Izumi-san. It had been a sad year for all of ZARD's fans. Izumi-san, we will never forget your beautiful voice and the motivating songs you have sung. They will continued to be passed down, the spirit of ZARD shall never die.



ZARD 坂井泉水さんへ


posted at 11:18 AM


Friday, May 23, 2008
Diary Entry - 23 May 2008

Ah, cool. It's the last day of school for this semester and I can finally take a break from school... or maybe not.

I still have loads of things to do in school and at home for the holidays, but let's just be content that we get a break once in a while. The graffiti workshop ended yesterday and I took a snapshot of our masterpiece before moving it to the music room. The theme was Racial Harmony so we chose the word "Trust".

But Hsinlu was absent for the two days when we tried spraying and started spraying, so he didn't manage to help. He still looked sickly today morning so I guess I wouldn't blame him for not coming to school.

Anyways, the snapshot of our masterpiece is here. This is what I took with my handphone, Vanessa took another photo with the three of us and an empty space reserved for photoshopping Hsinlu in. xD

As vaguely visible in the picture, it says "Eternal TRUST". There are three tags at the bottom right corner of the work, which belongs to me, Qunjie and Dingyang. Hsinlu is absent, so yea.

And today is the last day of school, which happens to be the Prize Presentation Ceremony of the MOE Language Centre. I happen to be the Japanese Secondary 2 2nd Position 2007, so I get something.

I left school at 1240 after telling Fanny See about it and I rushed home to grab a bite before rushing down to MOELC by Dad's van. The letter said I should report to some Ms Zeti Anwar, but the person taking the attendance was Pauline Chia-sensei, who recognized me at a glance and directed me to my seat. XD I got the prize under her guidance anyways.

Then it was the prize presentation ceremony, followed by the photo-taking session of the prize winners. Some photos taken by Dad are down here.
Some photos taken by Dad are down here.

That was all the Japanese Department Prize winners present today.

The following are some pictures of me and the three senseis who has taught me these three years in MOELC, Seetow-sensei had taught me but she was too distinguished to be invited (I didn't even attempt to), Asai-sensei is no longer around so we couldn't get her.

First is Elaine Ang-sensei who had taught me for half a year in Secondary One, one of the most interesting and friendly teachers I've met so far.

Then she recommended that I pay a visit to the staff room to get my photos taken with the two Chia-senseis who had taught me the next two years. The photo-taking was initiated by my Dad and Mum though, I just played along.

Next is Pauline Chia-sensei who has taught me for a year in Secondary 2, also the year which earned me my trophy today.

Next is Chia Guan Sey-sensei who is teaching me currently in J3.15. I still have half a year with her but here's a photo with her in the staff room.

The last photo is a snapshot of my trophy, closed up, at home. I love the design. I think it looks better than the first one. xD

Next would be my school results which was included in my report book. I wouldn't say I'm great, but I'm not bad. I got 4/45 in class, and there weren't any level positions printed.

Here are my grades:

English Language - B4 (I totally flunked this, Fanny See's fault.)
Higher Chinese - B3
Additional Mathematics - A1
Elementary Mathematics - A1 (Top in class and level)
Pure Biology - A1 (Second in class, of course in level as well.)
Pure Chemistry - A1
Pure Physics - A2 (Third in class)
Combined Humanities - B3

Total Score: 589/800
Percentage: 73.6%

I've improved in both my Maths, my Higher Chinese and my Combined Humanities, like what Fanny See told me to during term 1. Instead, I flunked her English. xD She didn't scold me, she sounded rather jovial today, so there.

I must thank Izumi-san again. Because of me writing about her in my Chinese composition, I was able to achieve a B3 for Higher Chinese. I calculated, I have gotten about 69/90 for Higher Chinese Paper 1, which was extremely high compared to what Mdm Goh would give. Thanks to ZARD that I could get such high grades for the composition.

I have loads of homework to do this holidays, and I shall go watch TV now. Tomorrow is Grandma's birthday dinner, so I shall be venturing out. Shall upload some photos tomorrow if possible. Good Day.

posted at 9:44 PM


Friday, May 16, 2008
Diary Entry - 16 May 2008

Aha, today was the Annual Sports Carnival.

Somehow I was drafted for the Foosball and Relaball interclass competition, but I ended up not having to do the Relaball because there were enough people. Great.

We lost the Foosball though, to 3G who was the champion for the Secondary 3. They won the Tug of War too, with the help of some high-inertia students. :D

Oh yes, then after going to the hall for the Relaball, the remaining miserable lot of the class returned to the field for the soccer, but I didn't follow and ended up in the canteen with the Foosball Secondary 2 competition instead. *laughs*

Then after everything finished, I had to help move the damn table because I would be named a noob if I just stood and stare. We had to move it to the P.E Room which was just a little distance away, but that table was uber heavy. We left it outside the P.E Room and left, it was later moved into the P.E Room by some random people.

Then they said the MPH needed the whiteboard which the Etrepreneur club used for the scoreboard. So we're supposed to move it up to the MPH, which was on the 4th floor. *laughs*

Actually it wasn't very heavy, just that it was hard to carry because it was large and hard to balance if held straight. So we had to tilt it and move it up the stairs, minding that we don't bang into the walls and stuff. Then my fingers were like RED after the movement?

Then for helping, I got to like sit with the rest of the helpers and organizing committee for the rest of the day, watching the Teachers' Telematch on the stage which gave the best view. It was Captain's Ball, and Sabrina Tan fell off the chair while trying to catch a ball. *laughs*

Gee, the first rounds were all tie, then the Science department got owned in the second roundby the Mother Tongue department, led by Oh Kian Tee?! What the fackt is that.

Then the organizing committee had to play with some chosen teachers, and Ong Kock Hua was the goalie for the teachers, and they WON! *laughs* Hell.

Then hell, I had to stay for CCA until like 1715. Damn. We had to make the thing for Ong Ah Heng who would be the guest of honour for the School Anniversary this year.

Oh, that pretty much ends the day. Monday is Vesak Day, so we get to rest at home. *cheers*

Good Day.

posted at 11:18 PM


Thursday, May 15, 2008
Diary Entry - 15 May 2008

*sighs* The results are all out, and I'm not quite satisfied with quite a few subjects. Let's first talk about the happy stuff.

Elementary Mathematics - 89/100 before moderation, 91/100 after moderation due to the amount of time given for the number of questions. I topped the level.

Additional Mathematics - 75/100

Biology - 80.5/100

Chemistry - 77/100

Physics - 70/100 (I suck)

English Language Paper 2 - 2?.5/50 (I don't know how many marks the retarded teacher added for my summary.)

Chinese Language Paper 2 - 69/110 (Sucked too)

Geography - 37/50

Social Studies - 21/50 (PHAILED)

(Combined Humanities - 58/100)

At least I did pretty well for the Sciences and Maths. My languages sucked this time. Social Studies was a goner from the day of the paper.

Oh well, who cares about it. I'm just gonna enjoy my holidays and ignore all these stuff.

posted at 8:51 PM


Friday, May 9, 2008
Diary Entry - 9 May 2008


Let's review the different papers.

Higher Chinese was actually quite okay, since I wrote formal letter for the Situational Writing, it was short and sweet. :D And for the composition, I chose to write about someone who had influenced me greatly. That person is none other than Sakai Izumi of ZARD. I easily wrote around 1000 words. :D Thank you, Izumi-san.

The Paper 2 was actually quite okay, compared to that for Common Test. Though the passage was qutie confusing, I think that I've made the correct guesses for the comprehensions. The cloze passage was quite okay, unlike what many of them claimed. It was easy to eliminate to other answers.

Then it was English last last Wednesday, which was actually quite alright. I could get most of the answers, but I don't know if they're correct. See Fanny set it though, and I bet she's marking it as well. I'm like deadmeat. English composition was like crazy. I wrote a load of crap about my excitement and the disaster was so short. Guess I was just not feeling authoristic that day.

Then Social Studies and Additional Mathematics for Monday was a DISASTER. It kicked off the examinations week with a BANG. I'm like so dead for Social Studies. Now that I recall it, I don't even remember what I had written. AMaths was a disaster because I got around 20 odd marks deducted for blanks and stuff. Had no idea how to do those things, but I should be able to get at least a B if I don't have careless mistakes.

Elective Geography on Tuesday was actually okay, considering I had studied so hard for it. The questions were out of context and we need to analyze them. The 8 marks essay questions were terrible. I couldn't think of other factors. Mrs Ang will kill me for that I guess.

Pure Chemistry on Wednesday was another slight killer, I had a few careless mistakes and had at least 10 marks deducted already. Hope I got the rest correct.

Elementary Mathematics and Pure Biology was on Thursday. Unlike how the rest of the class had claimed, I thought that EMaths was WAY easier than AMaths. I could think of the solutions easily. I should be able to get a 90 marks for EMaths if I don't have careless mistakes. Biology was a killer. All the things which I've barely studied came out. Okay, actually no. I studied everything. Just that I focused on the heart, which did not appear except for 1 multiple choice quesion. Mrs Choo cheated me of my feelings. *cries*

Pure Physics was today, the last paper for this semester. Also like EMaths, contrary to popular belief, I thought that the Physics paper was easy.

So, I've conquered the examinations. What is left for me to accomplish this semester? PLAY OF COURSE. However, today was blank. Everyone was out one way or the other, and I was left alone at home like a retard and I napped twice, totally up to 3 hours. How amusing.

I shall do something constructive now. Like listening to ZARD's music.

posted at 11:13 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife