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Sunday, April 27, 2008
Final Fantasy VII - Emerald WEAPON Guide

Emerald WEAPON Guide
By: ~Beastrife-sama~ InfernaBeast

Well, it has been a long time since I defeated the Ruby WEAPON, and I have tried using that same method to kill the Emerald WEAPON, but the latter's Aire Tam Storm is way too powerful for my level 73 Cloud. I had been into the Crater and defeated Safer Sephiroth sometime ago, and hadn't been playing since the start of this year. I saved in the bottom of the Crater and came all the way up after mastering some materias. (See below)

The fire was relit just today and the Earth Harp is mine. Wanna know how? Read on.

Emerald WEAPON?

The Emerald WEAPON lurks underwater, and can only be confronted via a submarine. It is one of the two American monsters which Squaresoft included for Final Fantasy VII. No, this guide doesn't require you to master 7 Command Counter materias and 7 Mimes and get some Hero Drinks for Barret. This guide does not require you to use Vincent's Death Penalty and own hundreds of thousands of monsters. This guide only requires you to train your characters and materias well.

How strong is he?

I said that Ruby WEAPON was VERY strong, and now I'm stuck with an adjective to describe the Emerald WEAPON. It's EXTREMELY STRONG, way stronger than the Ruby WEAPON. When you first encounter it, it will attack your party with its Emerald Shoot, which causes a good 6000+ points of damage to a level 85 character. It also tends to stomp on your whole party, with the potential to game over you in a turn. After some time, it will open its 4 shoulder lasers, two of which will burn your MP and the other two burn your HP. When any one of its lasers are destroyed, it uses its Revenge Stamp attack and steps on your whole party, before unleashing its ultimate skill, the Aire Tam Storm. Reverse the alphabets and you'll notice, Aire Tam is Materia spelled the other way round. Of course, this means that it has something to do with your materias. For every materia you attach to a character, that character receives 1111 damage. And because it uses this skill only after the Revenge Stamp, you'll need to survive both attack with as little materias as possible. Besides that, because you are facing him underwater, you only have 20 minutes to kill him before you drown yourself. How should you go about killing it then? Read on, my friend.

What do I need?

Pretty much the same as for the Ruby WEAPON, except this time, you'll need to refrain from equipping unnecessary materias. Here's a list of what you'll need.

- Time. It takes around 20 minutes to kill him according to this guide, so please do not attempt this if you have work or other businesses to attend to. :D

- Underwater materia. A Guidebook can be morphed from a monster called the Ghost Ship in the underwater reactor, in the path that leads to the reactor from Junon. Take the Guidebook to the Kalm traveller residing in an inn in Kalm Town, located at the Northeastern house of the first level. He's standing on the second floor of the inn. Note, this is the same person you'll need to find to exchange the Earth Harp for the Mastered Magic, Summon and Command materias.

- A level 75 character at least. I would recommend something higher, like 85, but if you wish to try, then you could make use of this. You'll need, for safety reasons, 9999 HP so that it doesn't knock you out in a combo.

- A MASTERED HP Plus materia. Can be purchased from Cosmo Canyon. It should be enough to boost your HP to 9999 if your level is high. Which is why I recommend that you enter the Final Dungeon and train on Magic Pots for mastering materias and gaining levels. To train with Magic Pots, you'll have to bring a couple of Elixirs and the W-Item materia. Note, this is a cheat which will not cause the computer to crash, but if you wish to play fair, then go purchase a load of Elixirs. Go into the Final Dungeon and keep heading in until you reach a place where the ground looks like some ginseng or prawns-like stuff. Run on it and you'll encounter a weird looking thing which demands for elixir. They are invulnerable until you dump an elixir at them, so there. With the W-Item materia, you can duplicate items for free. You'll need at least 2 elixirs to get the trick working. First, use W-Item and use 1 elixir on the Magic Pot (they might come in pairs, just use your brain and decide what to do). Then for the second item, select Elixir again but do not choose who to use on. Instead, press X or CANCEL to go back to the item list. You'll see an increase in the number of Elixirs. Keep doing this until you get loads of it. This can be used for other items too. Just use those elixirs and dump them at Magic Pots, they don't attack you, but give you a load of EXP and AP for leveling and mastering materias.

- A MASTERED Magic Plus materia. Note, not the MP Plus materia. Can be taken from Coral Valley Cave, somewhere there, don't ask me for the exact location, you should have seized it when you passed it. This should make sure that you don't spend hours seeing the Knights flying around.

- At least Level 2 Knights of the Round materia. Taken from the NE cave, by a Gold Chocobo. Don't ask me how to breed one, go look for a guide. You should get it to level after defeating the Ruby WEAPON if this was placed in a slot with materia growth. Pair with with HP Absorb materia.

- HP Absorb materia. Pair with Knights of the Round. Can be taken from Cat House in Wutai, directly north of town entrance. In hidden room above stairs-like cabinet. Enough said.

- Mime materia. In one of those materia caves reachable by Chocobos. See the Ruby WEAPON guide for exact cave.

- W-Summon materia. Taken from Battle Square at 64000 BP.

- Sprint Shoes, can be taken in Chocobo Square after winning 10 rounds of S-Class Chocobo races.

Recommended items:

- Apocalypse (Cloud's Sword with Triple materia growth). Put the single materias here to gain more AP after the battle. The WEAPON gives a nice 50000AP.

What do I do?

Equip all the above mentioned items on the above mentioned character, EXCEPT THE UNDERWATER MATERIA. Equip that one on someone else. Whoever is fine, just so that it eliminates the 20 minutes timer.

Before the confrontation, like for the Ruby WEAPON, kill off the other two party members and leave only the above mentioned character alive. Run into the Emerald WEAPON and start the battle.

Immediately, the WEAPON should hit you with an Emerald Shoot or something, and dealing a nice 6000+ damage. Immediately cast W-Summon Knights of the Round twice on the WEAPON and you can take a little break. Keep your eyes on the screen or your ears on the speakers though, you'll need to command your character to Mime as soon as it finishes or the WEAPON might get the chance to attack you twice in a row, dealing serious damage or even kill your poor character.

KOTR should be casted twice on the WEAPON as your KOTR materia is at at least level 2. After the first KOTR attack, your HP should be full once again thanks to HP Absorb - KOTR. After the two attacks, Mime yourself immediately. The WEAPON should hit you once or something, but who cares. Just keep it going and eventually after 6 attacks, its lasers should open and start messing around pointlessly. Ignore it and just continue Miming yourself. Be careful not to break the Mime chain though. After the 7th attack, its lasers should die off. This will, like aforementioned, trigger it to use its Revenge Stamp and Aire Tam Storm on you. You should be left with 1000+ HP, but you will continue to Mime the 8th KOTR and get all your HP back. After the 8th time, the WEAPON will use the Aire Tam Storm again, leaving you with your 3333 HP. No matter, Mime one last time and you should be able to kill it.

It takes around 9 KOTR summons, with each knight attacking at around 8800 damage. The damage could have been more, but there's no more slots for an extra Magic Plus materia. You might die if you tried 7 Materias, so I didn't try it. I wouldn't die though, I remember that I had around 1520 HP after the first Aire Tam Storm, but who cares.

Congratulations, you have defeated the Emerald WEAPON. You should have already defeated the Ruby WEAPON by now, if not, it'll be a piece of cake for you right now. Good Day.

Legal Stuff

This guide belongs to Beastrife-sama and should not be reproduced without permission.

Thanks to:
-Whoever involved in making the game, the WEAPON and this guide.
-ZARD for her music while I was typing.

P.S. The Final Dungeon's bosses are pieces of cake compared to Emerald WEAPON. A Catastrophe and Tifa's Limit owned the Jenova Synthesis. Bizarro Sephiroth was owned with a Knights of the Round and Safer Sephiroth in an Omnislash. :P

Ruby WEAPON Guide

posted at 12:26 AM


Friday, April 25, 2008
Diary Entry - 25 April 2008

Omigosh, hasn't it been like 30 days since I last posted that set of lyrics? Things haven't been progressing, so I shan't mention a thing yet.

Gee, so much has happened in this past month. Like... craziness.

It was just yesterday when we had a debate for assembly. Not me, but it was like the representatives of the school or something. Then while someone was speaking, Ms Teng Mui Huang, the HOD for English, went up the stage to whisper something to the debaters. Then while she was making her way up the stairs, she seemed to have tripped or slipped, and then I saw her struggling to get back to her feet and gain balance, but failed and then fall flat on the stage on her butt, sitting there looking so depressed. Then the whole school bursted out into laughter, including the teachers.

It was lucky it wasn't Mrs Sim who fell, or we wouldn't live to be laughing there.

Then Fanny was so bitchy today. When we came in late after Biology SPAs in the past, she would scold us for like 10 minutes about the importance of punctuality and the waste of her English period. Then she came in late for 15 minutes today, and she said not a thing, but complained that we were noisy when the teacher wasn't in the class. How shameless.

Gah, exams are coming real soon. Next Monday is the Higher Chinese Paper 1 and 2, and my Japanese Common Test 3. *sobs*

Gotta mug through the content-based stuff again. With half of myself already in the oblivion...

posted at 8:29 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


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~Kirai na Mono~

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Lack of sleep


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Qun Jie
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CCHY 4H'09

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Design and Image - Beastrife