Friday, February 29, 2008
So, I was just walking by the letterbox downstairs while I was walking home and decided that it should be time to open it to check whatever's inside. I could get a mail, once in a while. And so I opened it, exposing a messy pile of leaflets and waste of resources from various industries, but no fear, the important thing's after that. So I saw this letter with my name on it. From the Japanese Cultural Society Singapore. So here is the scan of my results slip: http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b ![]() Yes, I have my name censored for this public post. I'm not gonna tell you my real name anytime soon. ;D posted at 9:12 PM
Man, it's once in 4 years, HAPPY LEAP YEAR DAY! Okay, nothing such as that is celebrated, but well, shouldn't we get high on such rare occasions? *screams and shouts* posted at 9:05 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
GODDAMMIT. That's the only word coming to mind right now. Just when I thought that I had scored some extremely great results for my papers yesterday, today had to strike me with the extreme opposite. I didn't fail any papers, but I sucked at those returned today. Yesterday, I received my Biology, Chemistry and Physics paper. English was returned last Friday. Also, Japanese was returned to us but that doesn't go into the school report. Today, we were given out A-Maths, E-Maths, Geography and Higher Chinese papers. Here are my results: English Language - 32/40 Higher Chinese - 41/70 (Dammit) E-Maths - 31/50 (Dammit) A-Maths - 26/40 (Dammit) Chemistry - 44.5/50 Physics - 44/50 Biology - 46.5/50 (Top) Geography - 9/13 (Dammit) Japanese Language - 43.5/45 (Top) So we're left with our Social Studies. I HATE MY LIFE. MY SCHOOL IS TERRIBLE. I FEEL LIKE JUMPING OFF THIS HEAVENS FORSAKEN BUILDING AND ENDING THIS LOUSY LIFE RIGHT NOW. IF I WOULD JUST SLEEP AND DIE A PEACEFUL DEATH TONIGHT. NOTHING WILL BE LEFT OF ME. I'LL GO SEE ZARD IN HEAVENS. OR MAYBE I'LL JUST GO TO HELL. DIE BABY DIE. *kicks wall violently* I'm dying and there's this summary waiting to be done. Why must Fanny always give work when I'm feeling terrible? DAMN HER. SHE'S A LOUSY FORM TEACHER. posted at 8:21 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
So, they still have some unreleased songs from ZARD. Her second posthumous single will be out 9 April 2008, ten days before the screening of Detective Conan - Full Score of Fear, which will be using the song Tsubasa wo Hirogete as its theme song. I foresee that this will be a great hit. It might be the last one, or maybe they might release something immoral on her death anniversary just to earn more money. Being's getting a bit too much. posted at 11:06 AM
*sighs* Have been feeling a whole lot lethargic since the start of this week. My past sins are back to haunt me. My comments last year made me officially a loner. *laughs* I would sit there and talk, but no one cares about me at all. *sobs sobs* I'm almost invisible to people around. *floats off* And I was feeling so down the past week, I couldn't sleep at night. Probably because of the Common Tests, but I really found it terribly hard to fall asleep. I would lay on the bed and think, listening to songs and what not. I just cannot sleep. My conscience haunts myself. And the saddest thing in modern Chinese entertainment industry has happened... our favourite comedian, Lydia Shum, has passed away this Tuesday morning, 19 February 2008, at 0838. It was when we were taking our terribly hard Elementary Mathematics test paper. *mourns* But, to move on to happier things, according to Alpha whom Mrs Choo called over in the staff room to look at the Biology results, I scored 46.5/50 for Biology. Which is the top of the class? I hope it's true. If Alpha dares lie to me, his life will be OVER. And I scored some 32/40 for English, which I believe is the second in class, or something like that. That's a 80/100, so I'm okay with it. Let's hope this streak continues and PLEASE LET ME SCORE WELL. Alright, I shall end off here. Goodbye. posted at 10:20 AM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Uwaa~ So, we went to Mr Ang's house today, because he was opening this party for many teachers there. So we played a bit of cards, then other people started arriving. Then it was the yusheng. We were holding the ceremony when Oh Kian Tee walked in with Chiam Siew Yin. ZOMG. We almost burst out laughing. Then it was like dinner, and I ate a bit. We almost wanted to stuff the prawn into the car's exhaust pipe. BOOM. Okay, then we left early then we had some fun at the playground around his house. Swing Swing!! Then it was Jasmine's house. How I envy private estates. Damn. Okay, a few lame games of mahjong, then we had to leave because it was late. Aww. Never mind, that's pretty much all today. Goodbye. posted at 11:32 PM
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
It's Chinese New Year Eve! We've just had our reunion dinner. There wasn't absolutely excellent food, but I've had a fill. Before I continue on anything else... 泉水さん、お誕生日おめでとうございます! いつでもみんなの心に歌っているのよ。泉 Happy Birthday, Izumi-san. The concert in school was pretty terrible. Nicholas made such a blunder. He dropped his fan during the Wushu performance and had to continue without anything in his hands. Then the conductor for the Chinese Orchestra swung off his stick too. Bleh. Then my back was breaking in the hall. It was a terrible thing to sit on the ground for 2 hours. The programme ended earlier by 10 minutes or so, so we went back. No one was there. We were lost in the new building. Barely anyone returned. It was stupid. Never mind, let's just wish that everyone has an excellent year ahead. posted at 7:33 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Ahh, it's Chinese New Year Eve tomorrow, and ZARD's Sakai Izumi's birthday as well. I'm looking forward to the reunion tomorrow with those Peixin Peeps. Let's not talk about that far in the future. Let's talk about the present. Today was terrible. We had 3 tests. Geography, Chemistry and Higher Chinese, and the last one was a last minute test. Never mind, let's just complain about things today. I'm so frustrated by that stupid Chiam Siew Yim today. She came in as a relief teacher for Mdm Goh who was absent today. Yes I admit that we were pretty noisy when we entered the classroom, but she had already scolded us for that. Then we were supposed to write a composition in the news review format. We didn't know how exactly to write it, and asked her nicely how we should write it. She just replied "All your learning attitudes are wrong, so I don't want to teach you." Excuse me, we've asked you nicely, not about how old you are or where did you get that ugly face, but about the composition. It was WORK. She refused to teach us a thing and made us write the whole composition without knowing what is right and what is wrong. She said that we could argue with her and she would accept the challenge, but no matter how, we are at the losing end. First, she is at the same time, the judge, the defense attorney and the jury. No matter what objections you bring up, she will just overrule them. Secondly, she earns money by ranting at you for 2 periods. You waste time which can be used to write a composition which is marked by Mdm Goh. She just has to collect them and doesn't have to care. Thirdly, whenever she is beaten by you or if you replied something that shocks her, she will just threaten you that she will call in the HOD (Oh Kian Tee) or the Principal. She says that we must respect her then she will respect us. Okay, we were noisy, you reprimanded us, what else? We've asked you a question nicely, but you say that our attitude is wrong and refuse to teach us? If that is wrong, what is correct? Sit and keep quiet even though you don't understand? Instead of saying that our LEARNING ATTITUDES are wrong, maybe her TEACHING STYLE is wrong. And then there was this very crazy Chinese Chess teacher who came to teach the CCS Chess course. Firstly, he wrote his Chinese name wrongly. He wrote 2 out of 3 words wrongly. His surname is same as mine, but he missed two strokes. His third character, 华, instead of a 化 on a 十, he wrote a 什 on a 十. Dumb? Yes he is. And he teaches HIMSELF. He talks to himself and enjoys his own lesson thoroughly. No one understood what he was saying. The seal engraving teacher was absent, prolly due to CNY, but I didn't join the lesson, I was helping out Chua Kok Yong with Ko-Hsiang when Yu Lan ran out of the room towards us and complained that she couldn't stand that old freak (死老头). He shows obvious bias for the boys and make all the boys sit at one side, and he only speaks to the boys. When he handed out handouts, he said, "All the boys must have one. You can photocopy some for the girls if they want." Chua Kok Yong was hinting to him that he should leave quick. He wanted a sharing session with the victims about the lecture, but he was so dense he left so late. Everyone was complaining about him. Luckily, I didn't join chess. Phew. Today was stupid. Let's hope that it's a beautiful tomorrow and beautiful 除夕. posted at 10:01 PM
今すぐ君に逢いたい... ~Kare no Koto~
About ~Samuel Poon~ ~16 going 17~ ~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~ ~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~ ~27 July 1993~ ~Singaporean~ ~Suki na Mono~
Likes Music -ZARD -GARNET CROW -NEWS -テゴマス -Breakerz Detective Conan Money Nature Sleeping ~Kirai na Mono~
Dislikes Backstabbers Selfish and inconsiderate people Homework Lack of sleep ~Negai~
Wishes Motivation Happiness Loads and loads of cash XD ~Tomodachi~
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Let's Chat! ~Omoidetachi~ Memories *November 2006 *December 2006 *January 2007 *February 2007 *March 2007 *April 2007 *May 2007 *June 2007 *July 2007 *September 2007 *October 2007 *November 2007 *December 2007 *January 2008 *February 2008 *March 2008 *April 2008 *May 2008 *June 2008 *July 2008 *August 2008 *September 2008 *October 2008 *November 2008 *December 2008 *January 2009 *February 2009 *March 2009 *April 2009 *May 2009 *June 2009 *July 2009 *August 2009 *September 2009 *October 2009 *November 2009 *December 2009 *January 2010 *February 2010 *March 2010 ~Kansha~
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