~Music Player~

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
名探偵コナン 戦慄の楽譜(フルスコア) Detective Conan - Full Score of Fear (Movie 12)

Here it is! The 12th installment of Detective Conan has been set to be screened on 19 April 2008!

*pops popper*

Apparently, this time, the theme of the movie would be around music, as the name says. But... then again, can Conan sing?

The theme song for the movie hasn't been announced yet, but it should be a song by the artists of Being, again.

Well, let's look forward to the movie!

EDIT@23 Feb 2008:

The theme song for this movie has been announced. It shall be Tsubasa wo Hirogete by ZARD. Yes, to my extreme delight, one last work by ZARD for the Conan movies.

The song was written by Izumi-san for DEEN, as their second single in 1993. It had been self-covered by ZARD more than a decade ago, but it was never included in any CDs. Now, it shall be released as a new single and be used for the theme song for the 12th movie. Greatness.

posted at 7:43 PM


Sunday, December 23, 2007
ZARD - Get U're Dream

The original Get U're Dream single comes with only a single song, that is Get U're Dream, in its different versions. I'll only be reviewing the original version, though.

Get U're Dream is a very nice, upbeat and energetic song that will raise the spirits of the listeners. The song starts with a chorus, then it goes into a slightly softer part. At the beginning of the chorus, you will feel like shaking your body to the beat of the music.

This song was used by NHK for the Sydney Olympics in 2000 as its theme song on the TV channel, instead of the original Olympics theme.

Sakai Izumi of ZARD has commented that she had always been staying late into the night to catch the Olympics since her younger days, and she dedicated this song to the Japanese representatives who will be competing in the Olympics, reminding them to work hard and fulfill (get) their dreams.

On a side note, the title of the song is just a playing of English words, as Sakai-san has explained. The lyrics of that song proves that she could differentiate between "you're" and "your", but she chose "U're" for the title.

Graded: A

posted at 12:12 AM


Saturday, December 8, 2007
Romeo X Juliet

I've finished watching it some two days ago, and I'll have to say, the ending is tragic like the real story.

It's sad how a loving couple had to be torn apart by fate, which had actually pulled them together. (Yes this does sound like my Literature essay question, but it is true.) Although the Capulet family had successfully usurped gotten back the throne from the Montague, Juliet had to suffer such a fate of sacrificing herself to Escalus to save Neo Verona. I think she's really noble. But that Escalus and Ophelia, I think they're pretty assholes. It's fine that you look ugly, but did you have to be that evil?

Poor Romeo, being so determined to save Juliet from Escalus got killed by a moving root while he killed Ophelia who is interlinked with Escalus. Then Juliet didn't want to live as well and sacrificed herself to become wings to slowly land Neo Verona into the sea. It's amazing how those people didn't realize that they were actually living in the skies. No one had ever fallen off?

I guess we just can't expect a great ending from a Shakespeare tragedy. Oh well. By the way, why did Curio had to sell veggies?

posted at 12:47 PM

Diary Entry - 8 December 2007

*yawns* Reached home at around 12am yesterday after the dinner. Then to watch my drama, I stayed up until 3+am, which was pretty bad.

Anyways, the food was pretty alright. BUT NO SHARKS' FINS. Was pretty full though. Had fish, chicken and whatsoever. The dessert was pretty sour, mango sago.

Anyways, had actually finished watching Romeo X Juliet on 6 December, just didn't post it because I forgot. Either way, I still have 3 books to read and do reviews on. BOO. FANNY YOU'RE DUMB.

We'll be getting our office chairs tomorrow! Which means, NO MORE BACKACHES FROM SITTING ON A STOOL. Thanks for whatsoever!


posted at 12:43 PM


Friday, December 7, 2007
Diary Entry - 7 December 2007

Despite today being my parents' wedding anniversary, Mum had to go on a trip to some random island in Malaysia and such... Dad has to work.

Anyways, Dad's friend's daughter will be getting married later tonight, and Dad's invited with his family. Since no one else is free, he asked me to go. Pan Pacific, some high class hotel.

Let's hope there'll be ultimate goodies to eat. *smirks*

posted at 11:50 AM


Sunday, December 2, 2007
Diary Entry - 2 December 2007

Uwaa~ I forgot to update yesterday night because I was realy tired after the dinner and I had the JLPT this morning. Didn't have the energy to set-up my laptop and switch it on... Oh well.

Well, a Chinese restaurant is where you can expect sharks' fins and such, which was COOLness. First we had that Sharks' Fins in Chicken soup. It tasted very unique with the chicken. Greatness. Then it was the fish which was very nice as well. I love such dinners.

So... for JLPT this morning... I would say it was quite easy, considering that it's Level 4. The harder part was the listening, which was only played once. But it was read EXTREMELY slowly, so I guess it's alright.

The hardest part of the paper was the fact that it was easy. I completed the last paper with 25 minutes remaining, and because the desks and chairs are EXTREMELY small (meant of Primary 1 kids), I couldn't lean down or lie on the table. I had to force my back to sit up for almost 30 minutes with nothing to do. It was terrible. Let's await my results.

Damnation, now I really hate the English Dept of my school. THEY GAVE SO MUCH HOMEWORK FOR ENGLISH IN THE HOLIDAYS. They're dumb. It should all be Fanny See's fault. STUPID FANNY.

Oh, got to go do work. Bye!

posted at 11:15 PM


Saturday, December 1, 2007
Diary Entry - 1 December 2007

Well well... Yes, I haven't gone for the dinner. Wait.

Anyways, we'll be having dinner in some Chinese Restaurant somewhere, so I'm in some T-Shirt and jeans right now.

Then what have I gotten for a souvenir from Japan? A Hard Rock T-shirt. COOL.

posted at 4:27 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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