~Music Player~

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Friday, July 27, 2007
Final Fantasy VII - Ruby Weapon Guide

Ruby WEAPON Guide

Can't kill that freaking red blob peeking out of the sand? Annoyed? Read on!

~Why this guide?

- I've tried times and times and times again to defeat the Ruby Weapon but to no avail. I've read many guides, but they all point me to going into the Final Dungeon. However, just today (which happens to be my birthday), I managed to avenge my 5 year grudge against this monster. He finally shone red and I finally owned the desert rose. (And I did not even step foot in the Final Dungeon at ALL) If you're like me, read on!

~Ruby Weapon?

- Ruby Weapon is that little red thing you see around the Gold Saucer after defeating the Ultimate Weapon. Ram into it with your Highwind or Gold Chocobo and you're in battle with it.

~How strong is this guy?

- Well... VERY. His normal attacks deals around 3000-7000 points of damage to a Level 70 character. As the battle begins, it will use its Whirlsand attack to remove two of your character from play. It will then bury its claws and these claws appear as tentacles behind your characters. They will not kill your character but will take away your MP or HP and cause stone. Its body cannot be damaged before the claws are buried, so...

Knights of the Rounds lead to Ultima, which will deal around 7000-9000 points of damage to all characters. It's Ruby Flame is fire-elemental and its Ruby Ray causes confusion.

~Why should I kill it?

- Killing it gets you a Desert Rose, which can be exchanged for a Gold Chocobo in Kalm Town. However, if you're going to win according to my guide, you would need a Gold Chocobo first. But, it was added as a challenge for players, so, kill it for the fun of it.

~What do I need?

- Quite a lot of things. They can all be found by the time you challenge the monster. Here's a list of them...

Knights of the Rounds materia - Taken from Materia Cave in NE of the map. Can only be reached by Gold Chocobo.

Mime materia - Taken from Materia Cave on Wutai continent. Can be reached by Green, Black or Gold Chocobo.

HP Absorb materia (paired with Knights of the Rounds) - Taken from Cat House in Wutai. The one north of the entrance to Wutai. In a chest hidden above the room, can be accessed by the stairs-like cabinet.

2 MASTERED Magic Plus materia - Note, NOT THE MP PLUS MATERIA. This materia can be taken from Corral Valley Cave in the area with the cracked walls. You need to master it twice. It's actually optional, but if you do not want to spend an hour looking at the Knights being summoned over and over again and hold the risk of dying, use them. With 2 Mastered, each Knight's attack should be around 9999. My second one was only at level 2 and every hit dealt more than 9000 damage.

Mystile armor - Taken from invasion of Midgar, before climbing the stairs to Hojo. This helps you dodge some of the WEAPON's attacks.

Ribbon - Taken from Temple of the Ancients, Clock Room 5. Needed so you don't get petrified or confused and die a horrible death.

W-Summon materia - Exchange in Battle Arena for 64000 BP.

Final Attack materia - Taken in Battle Arena, after winning the special battle after getting the W-Summon materia. This is optional. I didn't make use of it at all, but just as a precaution.

MASTERED Revive materia - Paired with Final Attack to revive your characters if anything happens. Optional too.

HP Plus materia - As many as you can to fill up all other spaces. (You may want to equip a Gil Plus or EXP Plus if your HP is high enough. You need AT LEAST 9000 HP.)

A strong character at least level 70 with high magic rating.

~What do I do?

Note: Equip ALL above items/materia on ONE character.

Firstly, before you get into combat, go find some random monsters to fight. In that fight, kill off the two party members, leaving only the character with the above items/materia alive. This will prompt the WEAPON to bury its claws immediately in battle.

As you ram your Highwind/Gold Chocobo into the red blob, it will jump out and attack you. Once the battle starts, the WEAPON will bury its claws into the sand. Immediately cast Knights of Rounds with W-Summon twice, once on the Weapon itself and the other at the tentacles.

The Knights will be summoned on Ruby WEAPON once. If your Knights of Rounds is at level one, it will not be casted the second time on the tentacles. Don't worry. The Weapon should use Ultima right now, which will leave you with 2000 over HP. The tentacles will then hit you or it will use Ruby Ray/Ruby Flame. Pray hard that either Ultima misses or the other does. This first turn is very crucial. If the tentacles attack you, you won't die.

As your next turn comes, use Mime at yourself. You will summon Knights of Rounds again on the Weapon body, and at the end of it, you get all your HP back thanks to HP Absorb. Then, after the summon, the Weapon will use Ultima on you, but you'll cast the summon again at the tentacles, like you instructed during your first turn. Why? Because the reason you couldn't cast it twice the first turn was because you did not have enough summon power. But, Miming W-Summon requires no summon powers or MP, so you can cast it this turn. This once agains fills up your HP and the Weapon will retract its claws. Mime yourself again and you'll cast the Knights twice on the Weapon because the tentacles aren't there. After that, it will bury its claws again and just continue Miming. Once on the Weapon, once on the tentacles. It retracts its claws. (Count the number of times you've hit the Weapon.) After this, Mime youself once more. You'll cast it twice on the Weapon, and that's it. After around 7 Knights of Rounds summon on the Weapon, with each Knight's attack at 9000+, the Ruby Weapon will turn bright red and dissolve into thin air. Congratulations, Desert Rose is yours and you've defeated one of the American Monsters.

~Legal Stuff

This guide is copyrighted Beastrife-sama and should not be reproduced without permission.

Credits to whoever involved in the creating of Ruby WEAPON and making of the guide.

posted at 11:22 PM

Diary Entry - 27 July 2007 (Happy Birthday to Me!)

It's my birthday! Waii~

I've gotten two presents, a cake and a cough. *coughs coughs* Must be the chocolate pudding I ate yesterday.

Qunjie gave me a glass jug-cup set on Winnie the Pooh, while Anna gave me a mug. Waii!! It's so fun being the birthday boy.

Anyways, I'VE FINALLY, AFTER 5 YEARS, DEFEATED THE RUBY WEAPON!!! *cheers* Happy Birthday to Me!

posted at 11:19 PM


Monday, July 23, 2007
Diary Entry - 23 July 2007

A long day it was today... I'm dead beat. Damn, we had a new Chinese teacher, and she sucks. She speaks like a retard and all of us wants to use some 5 letter words on her. Her expectations are WAY higher than Mdm Goh, crap. And what's with the Chinese enrichment thing? I have no interests in any of the other things. They're stupid.


I'm not going to take anything there. I'll just choose either Chinese Seal Carving or Calligraphy, since I'll not waste anytime.

posted at 9:06 PM


Saturday, July 21, 2007
Diary Entry 20 July 2007

*laughs* Finally the day is here. Just an hour ago, a few strangers were sitting down in my house, negotiating the price of the house. 356k it shall be, and I'll be leaving this place for good. 9 years has flew by and it is time to say goodbye.

Racial Harmony bazaar, hell, my finger still hurts from tying balloons. OUCH. The bazaar sucked, and Fanny See made us do labour work for free just because we're her students and she's in charge of the freaking event. Damnation.

But then again, YAY for the Gold Chocobo Jin! Yes, named after Akanishi Jin. It was a male one, but I thought I would name is ZARD if it was female. Damn this little brat, I'm going bankrupt buying greens for him.

Well, then again, I thank the Goddess of Mercy for blessing us. If not for her, we wouldn't have sold our apartment so soon. Let's hope that we can move by 22 September this year.

posted at 12:43 AM


Thursday, July 19, 2007
Diary Entry - 19 July 2007

Hell, Racial Harmony. Stupid dresses, stupid programs, stupid people. Great that there was no school though, but the test was bad enough.

Fanny See dressed up like a ghost, and I wonder why she just hates wearing her glasses to take photographs, it's not like she would die.

Thong Naikee is stupid.

The assembly program was stupid, Stanley Lim won the most charming male costume? Hell with you, judges.

My birthday is 8 days away! Hang in there!

posted at 11:04 PM


Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Diary Entry - 4 July 2007

Another boring day in the life of a boring person. Before anything else, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKANISHI JIN!!!

Okay, today, I received an extreme bad piece of news. NAPFA is two weeks away. The run, that is. The 5 stations are next week, but I'm quite confident for that. I hate the run. Somehow my stamina deteriorated in the short holidays between Primary 5 and 6. And the venue is the school compound, a place which I hate to run on. The grounds are not level and hard, making the whole run even more tiring than it originally was. I need to swim this Saturday and next if I were to pass the freaking run. Heavens, bless me.

Sakai Izumi, better known as ZARD, though had already passed on for a month or so, but I still feel very sad over her sudden death. Why must Heavens take away such a precious life and leave the lowly morons to live? If there is any way, please let ZARD revive. Her songs are great, and I want to listen to more of them. Even listening to them now makes me sad. I know it's impossible, so, rest in peace, Sakai Izumi.

It's quite an emotional post today, huh? I just felt a bit emotional right now. Okay, now to finish my work which the teacher didn't even teach.

posted at 10:03 PM



ところで、テゴマスのまっす、GARNET CROWのゆりっぺ、そしてGacktさんにもお誕生日おめでとう!

posted at 7:37 PM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


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Design and Image - Beastrife