~Music Player~

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Diary Entry - 13/14 November 2006

Ah~ Shall write for both today and yesterday...

Yesterday was rather fun, but terrible. Had to attend to the School Carnival Set-up for PTC, but that was nothing. It was sort of fun, and we had to set up the booth according to the last minute ideas we (actually I) had. We decided to decorate the booth by hanging strings above (the ceiling was too high) and clipping items on it. Then, I thought of using the paper boxes the kids made by origami. And tada~ We had a paper tower! (It looked quite like the Leaning Tower of Pisa though.)

Today was when we attended the carnival! It was so fun (and sort of stupid) to have games there!

There was this game of throwing rings into cardboard boxes, and we get prizes according to the number of rings we get into the boxes. It looked simple, but it wasn't so. And, when I was throwing, I missed a few and this bitch who seemed to be a teacher at the booth beside said in Mandarin, "Oh dear, the holes are so big and you missed." She wasn't saying to me, but she said it. So, we went to the booth she seemed to be in charge of, and it was a "bowling" booth. First of all, the lane is curvy (VERY), and I thought they did not arrange the pins, but it happened that it WAS how they placed their pins. So, we thought of playing her "innovative" game, but somehow, there wasn't any pupils there, so she said, "Sorry, the pupils who are in charge are not here. I'm the boss, and the boss doesn't do these things." So I said to Alpha and Jiayu, "Hell yeah, no wonder. She's a boss, and bosses only use their mouths." Booya, curse you.

So that was the most wonderful thing that happened today, because I haven't wanted to curse someone so badly for months.

Well, bye then.

posted at 10:21 PM


Friday, November 10, 2006
Diary Entry - 10 November 2006

Spent half a day at PTC... Had a free enrichment at the Mandai Orchid farm though. It was about essential oil, but the whole course consists of random smell that was nice at first, but after staying for 3 hours, they started to make my stomach heave.

The pomelo was totally crazy... Imagine having shredded pomelo skin and lime skin with vinegar... *pukes* That was totally gross, I almost did puke.

But.. Ah~~~ McDonald's... Haven't had it for sometime now, it was nice~~~ Oishikatta desuyo~~~

Spent the whole night watching Bleach again, how great. Wish to finish the whole thing by Sunday. I can finish them by tomorrow, if my brother's computer is free to use...

Gee, bye.

posted at 9:46 PM

Diary Entry - 9 November 2006

Man, I know it's over time already, but who cares anyways?

A day of boredom, staying at home for most of the day. The only time I left the house was when I was ORDERED to get some eggs before I get barred from having lunch and dinner. Not to mention that guy who came and fixed the computer. Seems the shared computer's CD Drive (E:\) is broken, and it can't seem to read the recover disc, making it impossible to recover the computer. *sighs*

To top off the disaster, my mother was at home for the whole day, her nagging really makes me tired sometimes.

But be it fortunate or what, I got to watch Bleach all night, till right now. Finished 10 plus episodes today, how glad am I. :)

Okay, gotta go PTC tomorrow for free lunch on Ms Wong, gotta get some beauty sleep before I wake up and finding myself looking like Alpha. :P Curse that guy auntie, anyway.


posted at 1:25 AM


Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Diary Entry - 8 November 2006

A day of Plant Tissue Culture, and tiredness. Had to wake up early 6.30am to get ready to go for PTC and spent sometime briefing before we got into action - teaching those kids. It was really tiring to being talking to a bunch of kids who does not understand anything you said. I had to keep on asking them if they had understood the procedures. What's worse, we had no good equipments and the good ones were brought in without my knowledge, so because of that, I had to do everything manually, and stir with a stirrer instead of a magnetic stirrer.

But a great thing was that we did not have to bother about the teaching during the second half of the day. We had P4s, and they were in charge.

I just had to get photos taken and supervise, just like what teachers do. :)

And Wow~!! A McDonald's lunch on Friday!!!

posted at 9:19 PM


Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Diary Entry - 7 November 2006

Okay, my second entry on the LiveJournal in less than 12 hours. Have woken up now and I am ready to give this LiveJournal a great new look. I have been awake for about an hour already, and all I have heard was my father's phonecall to the computer company requesting help to be given about our shared computer which has broken down. I actually am rather glad that the shared computer has broken down, because if it was not for the breaking down of the shared computer, I would not be sitting on my bed and using the laptop all day. :D

I still have to get a User Picture to be uploaded over here, but I can't find any decent photos. Not of me of course, but of some random characters I like. It seems I really cannot think of anything to upload now, I should just leave it, shouldn't I?Okay, will update this journal when anything I want to add comes to mind.

End of Second Entry

posted at 12:21 PM

My Life

Welcome to my first entry of my LiveJournal!

It's so late here, 2:07am. I'm still awake, all thanks to the almight holidays that killed an object called "School" which I despise so much I could drink a thousand glass of water just to drown myself from going to school. Kind of exaggerating, but it's quite true.

My school life is total chaos. Not just that I had to adapt to a totally new environment that I had never ever experienced before, I had to take twice the amount of subjects I had to take right last year. This was not actually the problem, the greatest terror I can find in school is the problem with my class. I just hate this class so much I would puke a thousand glasses of water just to drown them. They are plain stupid and crazy, and they can never seem to type or talk properly. No exaggeration this time.

My results, sadly, was not too much better than my current life. Just because I entered this current school as the second for PSLE, I was expected to get the second for my exams, which I did not, and got a terrible headache for it. I was actually ranked 13th in class and 21st in the cohalt. But a great fortune out of my unfortunate times, they did not include my Japanese Language in the paper because the result was printed into a crazy guy's result slip. With my Japanese Language results, I rose 2 positions in the class and 6 in the cohalt, thanks to the 1.2% the Japanese Language gave me. :D

Okay, finally a two months break (although with tons of homework that actually drove me crazy the first few days of the holidays), I can rest well. It's kind of late now, I shall end this post with this.

Goodnight and sleep tight. Have a good dream. :)

EDIT@22052008: Okay, I've neglected this post enough. I won't delete it since it's the first entry, but I'll have to say, I love my class. I have no idea why I hated it that much, but hey, 2H'07 rocks.

posted at 2:17 AM


~Kare no Koto~

~Samuel Poon~

~16 going 17~

~Peixin Primary School ~ 1-4'00/2-4'01/3-4'02/4-1'03/5 Caring'04/6 Caring'05~

~Chung Cheng High Yishun ~ 1H'06/2H'07/3H'08/4H'09~

~27 July 1993~


~My Lyrics~
~My Fanfictions~

~Suki na Mono~

Detective Conan

~Kirai na Mono~

Selfish and inconsiderate people
Lack of sleep


Loads and loads of cash XD


Qun Jie
Team Zephyr
CCHY 2H'07
CCHY 3H'08
CCHY 4H'09

Let's Chat!


*November 2006
*December 2006
*January 2007
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2007
*June 2007
*July 2007
*September 2007
*October 2007
*November 2007
*December 2007
*January 2008
*February 2008
*March 2008
*April 2008
*May 2008
*June 2008
*July 2008
*August 2008
*September 2008
*October 2008
*November 2008
*December 2008
*January 2009
*February 2009
*March 2009
*April 2009
*May 2009
*June 2009
*July 2009
*August 2009
*September 2009
*October 2009
*November 2009
*December 2009
*January 2010
*February 2010
*March 2010


Design and Image - Beastrife